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  • ETCD核心机制解析


    etcd 是一个分布式的、可靠的 key-value 存储系统,它适用于存储分布式系统中的关键数据。

    etcd 集群中多个节点之间通过Raft算法完成分布式一致性协同,算法会选举出一个主节点作为 leader,由 leader 负责数据的同步与分发。当 leader 出现故障后系统会自动地重新选取另一个节点成为 leader,并重新完成数据的同步。



    第一阶段 leader记录log (uncommited);日志复制到follower;follower响应,操作成功,响应客户端;调用者调用leader,leader会将kv数据存储在日志中,并利用实时算法raft进行复制

    第二阶段 leader commit;通知follower;当复制给了N+1个节点后,本地提交,返回给客户端,最后leader异步通知follower完成通知




    type KV interface {
    	// Put puts a key-value pair into etcd.
    	// Note that key,value can be plain bytes array and string is
    	// an immutable representation of that bytes array.
    	// To get a string of bytes, do string([]byte{0x10, 0x20}).
    	Put(ctx context.Context, key, val string, opts ...OpOption) (*PutResponse, error)
    	// Get retrieves keys.
    	// By default, Get will return the value for "key", if any.
    	// When passed WithRange(end), Get will return the keys in the range [key, end).
    	// When passed WithFromKey(), Get returns keys greater than or equal to key.
    	// When passed WithRev(rev) with rev > 0, Get retrieves keys at the given revision;
    	// if the required revision is compacted, the request will fail with ErrCompacted .
    	// When passed WithLimit(limit), the number of returned keys is bounded by limit.
    	// When passed WithSort(), the keys will be sorted.
    	Get(ctx context.Context, key string, opts ...OpOption) (*GetResponse, error)
    	// Delete deletes a key, or optionally using WithRange(end), [key, end).
    	Delete(ctx context.Context, key string, opts ...OpOption) (*DeleteResponse, error)
    	// Compact compacts etcd KV history before the given rev.
    	Compact(ctx context.Context, rev int64, opts ...CompactOption) (*CompactResponse, error)
    	// Txn creates a transaction.
    	Txn(ctx context.Context) Txn

    主要有Put、Get、Delete、Compact、Do和Txn方法;Put用于向etcd集群中写入消息,以key value的形式存储;Get可以根据key查看其对应存储在etcd中的数据;Delete通过删除key来删除etcd中的数据;Compact 方法用于压缩 etcd 键值对存储中的事件历史,避免事件历史无限制的持续增长;Txn 方法在单个事务中处理多个请求,etcd事务模式为:

    if compare

    then op

    else op



    type Lease interface {
    	// Grant creates a new lease.
    	Grant(ctx context.Context, ttl int64) (*LeaseGrantResponse, error)
    	// Revoke revokes the given lease.
    	Revoke(ctx context.Context, id LeaseID) (*LeaseRevokeResponse, error)
    	// TimeToLive retrieves the lease information of the given lease ID.
    	TimeToLive(ctx context.Context, id LeaseID, opts ...LeaseOption) (*LeaseTimeToLiveResponse, error)
    	// Leases retrieves all leases.
    	Leases(ctx context.Context) (*LeaseLeasesResponse, error)
    	// KeepAlive keeps the given lease alive forever. If the keepalive response
    	// posted to the channel is not consumed immediately, the lease client will
    	// continue sending keep alive requests to the etcd server at least every
    	// second until latest response is consumed.
    	// The returned "LeaseKeepAliveResponse" channel closes if underlying keep
    	// alive stream is interrupted in some way the client cannot handle itself;
    	// given context "ctx" is canceled or timed out. "LeaseKeepAliveResponse"
    	// from this closed channel is nil.
    	// If client keep alive loop halts with an unexpected error (e.g. "etcdserver:
    	// no leader") or canceled by the caller (e.g. context.Canceled), the error
    	// is returned. Otherwise, it retries.
    	// TODO(v4.0): post errors to last keep alive message before closing
    	// (see https://github.com/coreos/etcd/pull/7866)
    	KeepAlive(ctx context.Context, id LeaseID) (<-chan *LeaseKeepAliveResponse, error)
    	// KeepAliveOnce renews the lease once. The response corresponds to the
    	// first message from calling KeepAlive. If the response has a recoverable
    	// error, KeepAliveOnce will retry the RPC with a new keep alive message.
    	// In most of the cases, Keepalive should be used instead of KeepAliveOnce.
    	KeepAliveOnce(ctx context.Context, id LeaseID) (*LeaseKeepAliveResponse, error)
    	// Close releases all resources Lease keeps for efficient communication
    	// with the etcd server.
    	Close() error

    lease 是分布式系统中一个常见的概念,用于代表一个分布式租约。典型情况下,在分布式系统中需要去检测一个节点是否存活的时,就需要租约机制。

    Grant方法用于创建一个租约,当服务器在给定 time to live 时间内没有接收到 keepAlive 时租约过期;Revoke撤销一个租约,所有附加到租约的key将过期并被删除;TimeToLive 获取租约信息;KeepAlive 通过从客户端到服务器端的流化的 keep alive 请求和从服务器端到客户端的流化的 keep alive 应答来维持租约;检测分布式系统中一个进程是否存活,可以在进程中去创建一个租约,并在该进程中周期性的调用 KeepAlive 的方法。如果一切正常,该节点的租约会一致保持,如果这个进程挂掉了,最终这个租约就会自动过期, etcd 中,允许将多个 key 关联在同一个 lease 之上,可以大幅减少 lease 对象刷新带来的开销。


    type Watcher interface {
    	// Watch watches on a key or prefix. The watched events will be returned
    	// through the returned channel. If revisions waiting to be sent over the
    	// watch are compacted, then the watch will be canceled by the server, the
    	// client will post a compacted error watch response, and the channel will close.
    	// If the context "ctx" is canceled or timed out, returned "WatchChan" is closed,
    	// and "WatchResponse" from this closed channel has zero events and nil "Err()".
    	// The context "ctx" MUST be canceled, as soon as watcher is no longer being used,
    	// to release the associated resources.
    	// If the context is "context.Background/TODO", returned "WatchChan" will
    	// not be closed and block until event is triggered, except when server
    	// returns a non-recoverable error (e.g. ErrCompacted).
    	// For example, when context passed with "WithRequireLeader" and the
    	// connected server has no leader (e.g. due to network partition),
    	// error "etcdserver: no leader" (ErrNoLeader) will be returned,
    	// and then "WatchChan" is closed with non-nil "Err()".
    	// In order to prevent a watch stream being stuck in a partitioned node,
    	// make sure to wrap context with "WithRequireLeader".
    	// Otherwise, as long as the context has not been canceled or timed out,
    	// watch will retry on other recoverable errors forever until reconnected.
    	// TODO: explicitly set context error in the last "WatchResponse" message and close channel?
    	// Currently, client contexts are overwritten with "valCtx" that never closes.
    	// TODO(v3.4): configure watch retry policy, limit maximum retry number
    	// (see https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd/issues/8980)
    	Watch(ctx context.Context, key string, opts ...OpOption) WatchChan
    	// RequestProgress requests a progress notify response be sent in all watch channels.
    	RequestProgress(ctx context.Context) error
    	// Close closes the watcher and cancels all watch requests.
    	Close() error

    etcd 的Watch 机制可以实时地订阅到 etcd 中增量的数据更新,watch 支持指定单个 key,也可以指定一个 key 的前缀。Watch 观察将要发生或者已经发生的事件,输入和输出都是流;输入流用于创建和取消观察,输出流发送事件。一个观察 RPC 可以在一次性在多个key范围上观察,并为多个观察流化事件,整个事件历史可以从最后压缩修订版本开始观察。


    etcd数据版本中主要有term表示leader的任期,revision 代表的是全局数据的版本。当集群发生 Leader 切换,term 的值就会 +1,在节点故障,或者 Leader 节点网络出现问题,再或者是将整个集群停止后再次拉起,都会发生 Leader 的切换;当数据发生变更,包括创建、修改、删除,其 revision 对应的都会 +1,在集群中跨 Leader 任期之间,revision 都会保持全局单调递增,集群中任意一次的修改都对应着一个唯一的 revision,因此我们可以通过 revision 来支持数据的 MVCC,也可以支持数据的 Watch。

    对于每一个 KeyValue 数据节点,etcd 中都记录了三个版本:

    • 第一个版本叫做 create_revision,是 KeyValue 在创建时对应的 revision;
    • 第二个叫做 mod_revision,是其数据被操作的时候对应的 revision;
    • 第三个 version 就是一个计数器,代表了 KeyValue 被修改了多少次。

    在同一个 Leader 任期之内,所有的修改操作,其对应的 term 值始终相等,而 revision 则保持单调递增。当重启集群之后,所有的修改操作对应的 term 值都加1了。



    etcd支持对同一个 Key 发起多次数据修改,每次数据修改都对应一个版本号。etcd记录了每一次修改对应的数据,即一个 key 在 etcd 中存在多个历史版本。在查询数据的时候如果不指定版本号,etcd 会返回 Key 对应的最新版本,同时etcd 也支持指定一个版本号来查询历史数据。

    etcd将每一次修改都记录下来,使用 watch订阅数据时,可以支持从任意历史时刻(指定 revision)开始创建一个 watcher,在客户端与 etcd 之间建立一个数据管道,etcd 会推送从指定 revision 开始的所有数据变更。etcd 提供的 watch 机制保证,该 Key 的数据后续的被修改之后,通过这个数据管道即时的推送给客户端。


    type revision struct {
    	// main is the main revision of a set of changes that happen atomically.
    	main int64
    	// sub is the the sub revision of a change in a set of changes that happen
    	// atomically. Each change has different increasing sub revision in that
    	// set.
    	sub int64
    func (a revision) GreaterThan(b revision) bool {
    	if a.main > b.main {
    		return true
    	if a.main < b.main {
    		return false
    	return a.sub > b.sub

    在etcd的mvcc实现中有一个revision结构体,main 表示当前操作的事务 id,全局自增的逻辑时间戳,sub 表示当前操作在事务内部的子 id,事务内自增,从 0 开始;通过GreaterThan方法进行事务版本的比较。


    etcd 中所有的数据都存储在一个 btree的数据结构中,该btree保存在磁盘中,并通过mmap的方式映射到内存用来支持快速的访问,treeIndex的定义如下:

    type treeIndex struct {
    	tree *btree.BTree
    func newTreeIndex() index {
    	return &treeIndex{
    		tree: btree.New(32),


    func (ti *treeIndex) Put(key []byte, rev revision) {
    	keyi := &keyIndex{key: key}
    	defer ti.Unlock()
    	item := ti.tree.Get(keyi)
    	if item == nil {
    		keyi.put(rev.main, rev.sub)
    	okeyi := item.(*keyIndex)
    	okeyi.put(rev.main, rev.sub)


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