Using x++ code Through to the name of extend or Enum data type obtain to be used for table object inherit from AX Data Dictionary.
you can enter the name of extend or enum data type,and then obtain to table or map or view from data Dictionary!
Wrote by Jimmy on Nov. 29th 2010
Code as below:
static void Jimmy_EDTEnumNameInheritDictionary(Args _args) { /** Enter the name of extend or enum data type, and then obtain to table or map or view from data Dictionary! */ Dictionary _dictionary = new Dictionary(); Dialog _Dialog = new Dialog("Please Enter extendedType"); DialogField _dlgEDT = _Dialog.addField(typeId(ExtendedDataTypeName),'ExtendedType');//EnumDataTypeName 40 UtilIdElements _UtilIdElements; DictTable _CurDictTable; str 100 _CurEDT,extend,DirctTypeDes; DictField _CurDictField; int i,j,mm; ; if(! return ; _CurEDT = _dlgEDT.value(); setprefix(_CurEDT); for (i = 1; i <= _dictionary.tableCnt(); i++) { _CurDictTable = new DictTable(_dictionary.tableCnt2Id(i)); IF( like "tmp*") continue; if (!_CurDictTable.isTmp() && !_CurDictTable.isSystemTable() && !_CurDictTable.isMap() && !_CurDictTable.isView() ) { for(j = 1;j <= _CurDictTable.fieldCnt();j ++) { _CurDictField = new DictField(,_CurDictTable.fieldCnt2Id(j)); if(_CurDictField.isSystem()) continue; switch(_CurDictField.baseType()) { case types::Enum : extend = global::enumId2Name(_CurDictField.enumId());break; default : extend = global::extendedTypeId2name(_CurDictField.typeId());break; } if(_CurDictTable.isMap()) DirctTypeDes = "Map"; if(_CurDictTable.isSql()) DirctTypeDes = "Sql table name "; if(_CurDictTable.isSystemTable()) DirctTypeDes = "SystemTable"; if(_CurDictTable.isTmp()) DirctTypeDes = "Tmp table"; if(_CurDictTable.isView()) DirctTypeDes = "View"; if(_CurEDT == extend) { mm++; info(strFmt("%1 - %2 %3[%4]; field name : %5[%6]",mm, DirctTypeDes,, _CurDictTable.label(),, _CurDictField.label())); } } } } info(int2str(mm)); }