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  • CocosCreator-VideoPlayer组件与UI组件

    • 预览:
    • 什么是VideoPlayer

      • 属性:

      • 方法:

      • 事件:

      • 事件回调参数
    • 怎么用VideoPlayer

      • 比如用事件回调参数


           1 // 绑定到VideoPlayer- VideoPlayerEvent属性的回调   
           2 onVideoPlayerEvent(sender, event) {
           3   if (event === cc.VideoPlayer.EventType.COMPLETED) {
           4     // 若视频播完,do something...
           5   }
           6   else if (event === cc.VideoPlayer.EventType.CLICKED) {
           7     // 若点击了视频, do something...
           8     // 勾选了StayOnBottom后这个不能用
           9   } 
          10   else if (event === cc.VideoPlayer.EventType.PAUSED) {
          11     // 若视频暂停, do something...
          12   }
          13   //  ...
          14 }
    • 怎么VideoPlayer+UI

      • 设置部分

        • 改引擎代码以允许摄像机背景色透明

        • 改摄像机背景色透明度

        • 改VP组件的属性,勾选stayOnBottom


          • 注:因为stayOnBottom = true,处于最底的VideoPlayer组件无法再监听点击事件

            • 解决方法:同级加位置和大小相同的全覆盖空节点,用以注册监听

      • 实现部分

        • 代码

             1 // Test.js
             3 cc.Class({
             4   extends: cc.Component,
             6   properties: {
             7     videoPlayer: cc.VideoPlayer,
             8     // get按钮节点以控制显/隐
             9     btnPlay: cc.Node,
            10     btnPause: cc.Node,
            11     // 时间文本
            12     timeLabel: cc.Label,
            13     // 切换按钮的文本
            14     switchLabel: cc.Label
            15   },
            17   // 组件属性自带事件监听的回调,设置StayOnBottom后cc.VideoPlayer.EventType.CLICKED(点击)事件不能用
            18   onVideoPlayerEvent(sender, event) {
            19     // 若视频播完
            20     if (event === cc.VideoPlayer.EventType.COMPLETED) {
            21       // 提示结束
            22       this.timeLabel.string = 'Time over, refresh in 3 scends';
            23       // 重置按钮
            24       this.changeButton(true, false);
            25       // 关闭update()方法
            26       this.enabled = false;
            27       // 延时执行刷新
            28       this.scheduleOnce(() => {
            29         this.onRefresh();
            30       }, 3);
            31     }
            32   },
            34   onPlay() {
            35     this.videoPlayer.play();
            36     // 隐藏开始按钮,显示暂停按钮
            37     this.changeButton(false, true);
            38   },
            40   onPause() {
            41     this.videoPlayer.pause();
            42     this.changeButton(true, false);
            43   },
            45   onRefresh() {
            46     this.videoPlayer.stop();
            47     this.enabled = true;
            48     this.changeButton(true, false);
            49   },
            51   switchType() {
            52     // 若点击切换按钮时为本地播放
            53     if (this.videoPlayer.resourceType === cc.VideoPlayer.ResourceType.LOCAL) {
            54       // 设置云端URL
            55       this.videoPlayer.remoteURL = 'https://www.w3school.com.cn/i/movie.mp4';
            56       // 改变资源类型
            57       this.videoPlayer.resourceType = cc.VideoPlayer.ResourceType.REMOTE;
            58       // 改变按钮文本
            59       this.switchLabel.string = '云端';
            60       // 重置启/停按钮
            61       this.changeButton(true, false);
            62     } else {
            63       this.videoPlayer.resourceType = cc.VideoPlayer.ResourceType.LOCAL;
            64       this.switchLabel.string = '本地';
            65       this.changeButton(true, false);
            66     }
            67   },
            69   /**
            70    * 切换按钮
            71    * @param {*} activePlay (bool) btnPlay.active
            72    * @param {*} activePause (bool) btnPause.active
            73    */
            74   changeButton(activePlay, activePause) {
            75     // 如果参数没传布尔值,报错
            76     if (!activePlay instanceof Boolean || !activePause instanceof Boolean) {
            77       cc.log('changeButton_参数类型错误');
            78     } else {
            79       this.btnPlay.active = activePlay;
            80       this.btnPause.active = activePause;
            81     }
            82   },
            84   update(dt) {
            85     // VideoPlayer.currentTime(Number) 指定视频从什么时间点开始播放,单位是秒,也可以用来获取当前视频播放的时间进度
            86     // VideoPlayer.getDuration 获取视频文件的播放总时长
            87     if (this.videoPlayer.currentTime >= 0) {
            88       // 每帧更新时间统计信息
            89       let currentTime = this.videoPlayer.currentTime.toFixed(1);
            90       let videoDuration = this.videoPlayer.getDuration().toFixed(1);
            91       this.timeLabel.string = 'Time: ' + currentTime + ' / ' + videoDuration;
            92     }
            93   },
            94 });
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ForrestCui94/p/13174919.html
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