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  • 4052: [Cerc2013]Magical GCD

    4052: [Cerc2013]Magical GCD

    Time Limit: 10 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MB
    Submit: 148  Solved: 70


    给出一个长度在 100 000 以内的正整数序列,大小不超过 10^12。 





    Sample Input

    30 60 20 20 20

    Sample Output





    题解:我会说这题暴力就水过了?= =实际上此题应该采用的方法也差不多就是暴力= =




    (如上是对比,上面的无优化的,下面的是优化的,事实证明快了不是一点= =)

     1 /**************************************************************
     2     Problem: 4052
     3     User: HansBug
     4     Language: Pascal
     5     Result: Accepted
     6     Time:1644 ms
     7     Memory:2180 kb
     8 ****************************************************************/
    10 var
    11    i,j,k,l,m,n,t:longint;
    12    ans,v:int64;
    13    a,b:array[0..100005] of int64;
    14    c:array[0..100005] of longint;
    15 function gcd(x,y:int64):int64;inline;
    16          var z:int64;
    17          begin
    18               while y<>0 do
    19                     begin
    20                          z:=x mod y;
    21                          x:=y;
    22                          y:=z;
    23                     end;
    24               exit(x);
    25          end;
    26 begin
    27      readln(t);
    28      while t>0 do
    29            begin
    30                 readln(n);ans:=0;m:=1;c[1]:=1;
    31                 for i:=1 to n do
    32                     begin
    33                          read(a[i]);
    34                          if a[i]>ans then ans:=a[i];
    35                     end;
    36                 readln;
    37                 for i:=1 to n-1 do b[i]:=gcd(a[i],a[i+1]);
    38                 for i:=1 to n-2 do
    39                     if (b[i] mod b[i+1])<>0 then
    40                        begin
    41                             inc(m);c[m]:=i+1;
    42                        end;
    43                 c[m+1]:=maxlongint;c[0]:=-1;
    44                 l:=0;
    45                 for i:=1 to n-1 do
    46                     begin
    47                          while c[l]<=i do inc(l);
    48                          dec(l);v:=b[i];
    49                          for j:=l downto 1 do
    50                              begin
    51                                   if int64(int64(i-c[j]+2)*v)>ans then ans:=(int64(i-c[j]+2)*v);
    52                                   v:=gcd(v,b[c[j]-1]);
    53                                   if int64(int64(i+1)*v)<=ans then break;
    54                                   if v=1 then
    55                                      begin
    56                                           if (i+1)>ans then ans:=i+1;
    57                                           break;
    58                                      end;
    59                              end;
    60                     end;
    61                 writeln(ans);
    62                 dec(t);
    63            end;
    64      readln;
    65 end.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/HansBug/p/4490109.html
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