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  • shell基础05 处理用户输入

    1.  命令行参数------类似javac  参数1 参数2

         类似Java中编译的javac parm1....。在shell中,参数与参数之间用空格隔开。采用位置参数来识别对应的参数值:$0是程序名,$1是第一个参数,以此类推,知道第9个参数$9。对于大于9个参数的需要在变量数字周围添加花括号,比如${10}。


     1 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ cat test2.sh
     2 #!/bin/bash
     3 total=$[ $1*$2 ]
     4 echo The first parm is $1
     5 echo The second parm is $2
     6 a=$3
     7 echo the third parm is $3
     8 b=$4
     9 echo the forth parm is $4
    10 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ bash test2.sh 2 3 "hello world" min
    11 The first parm is 2
    12 The second parm is 3
    13 the third parm is hello world
    14 the forth parm is min
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    1 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ cat test3
    2 #!/bin/bash
    3 echo the tenth parm is ${10}
    4 echo the eleventh parm is ${11}
    5 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$  bash test3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
    6 the tenth parm is 10
    7 the eleventh parm is 11
    8 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ 
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          note: $0返回脚本名,如果用bash,就只返回脚本名;如果./脚本来运行,返回当前路径名;  因此,还可以尝试basename命令来返回不包含路径的脚本名。

    2. $#,$*,$@,${!#}

        s#      用来统计命令行的参数个数

        s*       用来访问所有的命令行参数,并且构成一个字符串整体输出

        s@     同s*,只是结果是分散成字符串数组,每个数组中的元素都是一个参数

        ${!#}   代表的最后一个参数,因为花括号中不可以用$,因此用!来代替它

     1 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ cat testfile
     2 #!/bin/bash
     3 echo the "$*" is  $*
     4 echo the "$@" is $@
     5 echo the "$#" is $#
     6 echo the "${!#}" is ${!#}
     8 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ bash testfile a b c d
     9 the $* is a b c d
    10 the $@ is a b c d
    11 the $# is 4
    12 the ${!#} is d
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     1 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ cat testfile
     2 #!/bin/bash
     3 echo
     4 count=1
     5 for param in "$*"
     6 do 
     7    echo "$* Parameter #$count = $param"
     8    count=$[ $count+1 ]
     9 done
    11 echo
    12 count=1
    13 for param in "$@"
    14 do
    15    echo "$@ Parameter #$count = $param"
    16    count=$[ $count+1 ]
    17 done
    19 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ bash testfile a b c d
    21 $* Parameter #1 = a b c d
    23 $@ Parameter #1 = a
    24 $@ Parameter #2 = b
    25 $@ Parameter #3 = c
    26 $@ Parameter #4 = d
    27 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ 
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    3. shift 移动变量  


         也可以shift n 来指定左移动多少个,eg: shift 2   ,则$3的会移动到$1中,这样就可以跳过一些值不遍历了。

    1 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ cat test3.sh
    2 #!/bin/bash
    3 echo "the original parameters is $*"
    4 shift 2
    5 echo "the new first parameter is $1"
    6 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ bash test3.sh 1 2 3 4 5
    7 the original parameters is 1 2 3 4 5
    8 the new first parameter is 3
    9 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$
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         note:配合shift的使用,同样可以通过shell脚本中的逻辑来判断是选项还是参数,从而让参数得到应有的输出。并在在bash shell中还提供了getopt和getopts来判断是选项还是参数-------用时参考它们用法即可。

    4. 获取用户输入-------交互性更强,类似java中的scanner+system.in用法


    1 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ cat test1
    2 #!bin/bash
    3 echo -n "Enter your name:"
    4 read name
    5 echo "hello $name"
    6 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ bash test1
    7 Enter your name:Tom
    8 hello Tom
    9 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ 
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          eg:read -t 5 name

          note2: 类似密码输入,隐藏方式读取,只需要添加 -s就可以

          note3: 还可以从文件中读取,一行一行的读取

     1 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ cat test1
     2 #!bin/bash
     3 a
     4 b
     5 c
     6 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ cat test2
     7 #!/bin/bash
     8 cat test1 | while read line    #采用了管道
     9 do
    10     echo "the line is $line"
    11 done
    12 echo "read is done"
    13 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ bash test2
    14 the line is #!bin/bash
    15 the line is a
    16 the line is b
    17 the line is c
    18 read is done
    19 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ 
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         command1 | command2   就是将命令1的输出重定向到了command2中。 可以多级重定向,多添加|就好了。


    Linux命令行与shell脚本编程大全(第3版)[美] 布鲁姆Richard Blum),布雷斯纳汉Christine Bresnahan) 著,门佳武海峰 译

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Hermioner/p/9383629.html
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