There is going to be a test in the kindergarten. Since the kids would cry if they get a low score in the test, the teacher has already told every kid some information about the test in advance.
But the kids are not satisfied with
the information teacher gave. They want to get more. On the testing day, some
kids arrived to the classroom early enough, and then shared his/her information
with another. kids are honest, if A shares with B, B can get all the information
A knows, so does A.
At first the classroom is empty. As time pass by, a kid
would arrive, or share information with other. However, the teacher hides
somewhere, watching everything. She wants to know how much information some kid
has gotten.
There are multiple cases.
The first line of each case contains an integer
n, indicating there is n actions.
The following n
actions contain 3 types.
1: "arrive Name m a1
a2", means the kid called Name
arrives at the classroom. He has m information, their id is
a1 a2
2: "share
Name1 Name2", means that the kids called Name1 and
Name2 share their information. (The sharing state will keep on, that
means, if A share with B, later B share with C,
A can also get all C's information via B. One kid may share
with himself, but it doesn't mean anything.)
3: "check Name", means
teacher wants to know the number of information kid called Name has got.
n is less than 100000, and is positive. The information id is
among [0,1000000].
Each Name has at most 15 characters.
There would
appears at most 1000 distinct information.
Each kid carry no more than 10
information when arriving(10 is included).
For every "check" statement, output a single number. If there's no check statement, don't output anything.
Sample Input
8 arrive FatSheep 3 4 7 5 arrive riversouther 2 4 1 share FatSheep riversouther check FatSheep arrive delta 2 10 4 check delta share delta FatSheep check riversouther
Sample Output
4 2 5
思路:题意很好理解,当两个同学分享资源的时候,找到他们的各自集合的祖先,其实祖先集合里存的就是整个的资源,把资源合并就可以了;用set的目的是自动去重的作用; 处理同学名字的时候用map处理,相当于每个名字对应一个学号;
#include<string> #include<map> #include<set> #include<iostream> #include<iterator> using namespace std; #define N 100002 int f[N]; set<int>s[N]; int find(int x) { return x==f[x]?x:f[x]=find(f[x]); } int main() { int n, i, j, t, m, pp; string str1, str2, str3; while(cin>>n) { for(i=1; i<=n; i++) s[i].clear(); map<string, int>M; t=1; for(i=0; i<=n; i++) f[i]=i; for(i=0; i<n; i++) { cin>>str1; if(str1=="arrive") { cin>>str2; if(M[str2]==0) M[str2]=t++; cin>>m; int ttt=M[str2]; for(j=1; j<=m; j++) { cin>>pp; s[ttt].insert(pp); } } if(str1=="share") { cin>>str2>>str3; int x=M[str2], y=M[str3]; int xx=find(x), yy=find(y); if(xx!=yy) { f[yy]=xx; set<int>::iterator it; for(it=s[yy].begin(); it!=s[yy].end(); it++) s[xx].insert(*it); s[yy].clear(); //注意这里,或者将少的往多的里和并; } } if(str1=="check") { cin>>str2; int x=M[str2]; int xx=find(x); cout<<s[xx].size()<<endl; } } } }