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  • [Codeforces809D] Hitchhiking in the Baltic States

    给定 (n) 个区间 ([l_i,r_i]) ,整数序列 ({a_n}) 满足 (a_i in [l_i, r_i]),求该序列的最长严格上升子序列的最大长度。

    (1 leq n leq 3 imes 10^5, 1 leq l_i leq r_i leq 10^9)

    (dp[i][j]) 表示在前 (i) 个数中选择一个长度为 (j)LIS,子序列末尾那个数最小是多少。

    由于是严格上升,不难发现 (dp[i][0] < dp[i][1] < dp[i][2] < cdots < dp[i][n])

    忽略第一维,当序列末尾加入一个区间为 ([l,r]) 的数时,分类讨论:

    • 对于满足 (dp[j] < l) 最大的 (j),当前数选择 (l) ,可以用 (l) 更新 (j + 1)
    • 对于 (l leq dp[j] < r),当前数选择 (dp[j] + 1) 就可以更新 (dp[j + 1]),由于单调性,(dp[j] + 1 leq dp[j + 1]),一定可以更新,所以相当于将这段整体右移一位再整体加一。


    #include <bits/stdc++.h>
    #define dbg(args...) std::cerr << "33[31;1m" << #args << " -> ", err(args)
    inline void err() { std::cerr << "33[0m
    "; }
    template<class T, class... U>
    inline void err(const T &x, const U &... a) { std::cerr << x << ' '; err(a...); }
    constexpr int N(3e5 + 5), INF(1e9 + 1);
    struct Node {
      Node *ls, *rs;
      int siz, rnd, val, tag;
      inline void pushup() { siz = ls->siz + rs->siz + 1; }
      inline void add(int);
      inline void pushdown() { if (tag) ls->add(tag), rs->add(tag), tag = 0; }
    } t[N], *null = new Node();
    void Node::add(int x) { if (this != null) tag += x, val += x; }
    void split_v(Node *o, int v, Node *&x, Node *&y) {
      if (o == null) {
        x = y = null; return;
      if (v < o->val)
        y = o, split_v(o->ls, v, x, o->ls);
        x = o, split_v(o->rs, v, o->rs, y);
    void split_k(Node *o, int k, Node *&x, Node *&y) {
      if (o == null) {
        x = y = null; return;
      if (k <= o->ls->siz)
        y = o, split_k(o->ls, k, x, o->ls);
        x = o, split_k(o->rs, k - o->ls->siz - 1, o->rs, y);
    Node* merge(Node *x, Node *y) {
      if (x == null) return y;
      if (y == null) return x;
      x->pushdown(), y->pushdown();
      return x->rnd < y->rnd
        ? (x->rs = merge(x->rs, y), x->pushup(), x)
        : (y->ls = merge(x, y->ls), y->pushup(), y);
    int main() {
      int n; std::cin >> n;
      null->ls = null->rs = null, null->siz = 0, null->val = INF;
      Node *root = null;
      for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
        static std::mt19937 gen(std::chrono::high_resolution_clock().now().time_since_epoch().count());
        t[i].ls = t[i].rs = null;
        t[i].siz = 1, t[i].rnd = gen();
        t[i].val = i ? INF : 0;
        root = merge(root, t + i);
      while (n--) {
        int l, r; std::cin >> l >> r;
        if (l > r) continue;
        Node *a, *b, *c, *d, *o;
        split_v(root, l - 1, a, b);
        split_v(b, r - 1, b, d);
        if (b == null) {
          for (o = d; o->ls != null; o = o->ls) o->pushdown();
          o->val = l;
          root = merge(a, d);
        } else {
          split_k(b, b->siz - 1, b, c);
          for (o = d; o->ls != null; o = o->ls) o->pushdown();
          o->val = std::min(o->val, c->val + 1);
          for (o = b; o->ls != null; o = o->ls) o->pushdown();
          c->val = std::min(l, o->val);
          root = merge(merge(a, c), merge(b, d));
      Node *a, *b;
      split_v(root, INF - 1, a, b);
      std::cout << a->siz - 1 << "
      return 0;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/HolyK/p/14149054.html
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