1、Remove Element
class Solution(object): def removeElement(self, nums, val): """ :type nums: List[int] :type val: int :rtype: int """ count = nums.count(val) for i in xrange(count): nums.remove(val) return len(nums)
2、Combination Sum
class Solution(object): def combinationSum(self, candidates, target): res = [] candidates.sort() self.dfs(candidates, target, 0, [], res) return res def dfs(self, nums, target, index, path, res): if target < 0: return # backtracking if target == 0: res.append(path) return for i in xrange(index, len(nums)): self.dfs(nums, target-nums[i], i, path+[nums[i]], res)
3、Substring with Concatenation of All Words
class Solution(object): def findSubstring(self, s, words): """ :type s: str :type words: List[str] :rtype: List[int] """ ret = [] indices = [] self.findAllCombination('', words, ret) for _ret in set(ret): index = [] _currLength = 0 _s = s while(1): try: _index = _s.index(_ret) index.append(_index + _currLength) _currLength = _index + len(_ret) _s = _s[_currLength:] except: break indices += index return indices def findAllCombination(self, currWord, leftWords, ret): if not leftWords: ret.append(currWord) return for word in leftWords: _leftWords = [x for x in leftWords] _leftWords.remove(word) self.findAllCombination(currWord+word, _leftWords, ret)
class Solution(object): def findSubstring(self, s, words): """ :type s: str :type words: List[str] :rtype: List[int] """ if not words: return [] indices = [] length = len(words[0]) findedWords = [] for word in words: if word in findedWords: continue _currIndex = 0 _s = s while(1): try: index = _s.index(word) except: break _leftWords = [x for x in words] _leftWords.remove(word) valid, newLoc = self.checkIfValid(index, length, _s,_leftWords) if valid: indices.append(index + _currIndex) _currIndex += (index) else: _currIndex += (newLoc) _s = s[_currIndex:] findedWords.append(word) return indices def checkIfValid(self, index, length, s, leftWords): _s = s while(leftWords): word = _s[index+length:index+2*length] if word in leftWords: leftWords.remove(word) index += length else: return False, index return True, index
4、Longest Palindromic Substring
class Solution(object): def longestPalindrome(self, s): """ :type s: str :rtype: str """ if not s: return '' if self.checkIfPalindrome(s): return s length = len(s) cut = 1 ret = '' while(cut < length): l = cut r = 0 flag = False while(r <= cut): if self.checkIfPalindrome(s[l:-r if r != 0 else None]): flag = True break l -= 1 r += 1 if flag: ret = s[l:-r if r != 0 else None] break else: cut += 1 return ret def checkIfPalindrome(self, s): length = len(s) halfLength = length / 2 if length % 2 == 1: right = s[halfLength + 1:] return s[0:halfLength] == right[::-1] else: right = s[halfLength:] return s[0:halfLength] == right[::-1]
5、ZigZag Conversion
class Solution(object): def convert(self, s, numRows): """ :type s: str :type numRows: int :rtype: str """ if not s: return '' if numRows == 1: return s totalWordNum = len(s) partWordNum = numRows + (numRows - 2) partNum = (totalWordNum / partWordNum) + 1 partLength = numRows - 1 strs = [[''] * (partLength * partNum) for i in xrange(numRows)] currRow = 0 currWordNum = 0 currDepth = 0 for index, word in enumerate(s): try: if currWordNum < numRows: strs[currRow][currDepth] = word currWordNum += 1 if currWordNum < numRows: currRow += 1 elif numRows <= currWordNum < partWordNum: currRow -= 1 currDepth += 1 currWordNum += 1 strs[currRow][currDepth] = word else: currDepth += 1 currWordNum = 1 strs[0][currDepth] = word currRow = 1 except: print index, word, currDepth newStr = '' for wordList in strs: _str = '' for word in wordList: _str += word newStr += _str return newStr