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  • Data Structure and Algorithms Analysis in C Note (II)

    No routine should exceed a page.

    Modularity' s advantages:

    • Much easier to debug small routines than big ones
    • Work simultaneously
    • Places certain dependencies in only one routine, making changes easier

    An ADT is a set of operations; ADTs are mathematical abstractions; nowhere in an ADT's definition is there any mention of how the set of operations is implemented.

    Operations for the set ADT:

    • Union
    • Intersection
    • Size
    • Complement

    The List ADT

    Empty list—the special list of size 0.


    • Find—returns the position of the 1st occurrence of a key;
    • Insert and Delete—insert and delete some key from some position in the list
    • Find kth—returns the element in some position (specified as argument)
    • Next and Previous—take a position as argument and return the position of the successor and predecessor, rsp.

    The cost of these operations:

    • PrintList and Find—Linear time
    • Find kth—Constant time
    • Insert and Delete—Worst of these operations is O(N), generally not used to implement lists.

    To avoid the linear cost of insertion and deletion, ensure that list is not stored contiguously.

    Next pointer—Each structure contains the element and a pointer to a structure containing its successor.

    The last cell's Next pointer points to NULL (ANSI C specifies it is 0.).

    A pointer variable is a variable that contains the address where some other data are stored.

    Convention: the header (dummy node) is in position 0.

    and (&&) operation is short-circuited: if the first half of the and is false, the result is automatically false and the second half is not executed.

    Common Errors:

    "memory access violation" or "segmentation violation"—A pointer variable contains a bogus address; Common reason—failure to initialize the variable.

    Whenever you do an indirection, you must make sure hat the pointer is not NULL.

    When and when not to use malloc to get a new cell? You must remember that declare a pointer to a structure does not create the structure but only give enough space to hold the address where some structure might be.

    Consequence of free(P): the address that P is pointing to is unchanged but the data that reside at the address are now undefined.

    If you never delete from a linked list, n(malloc) = size. (n(malloc) + 1 if header is used.)

    You need to keep a temporary variable to set the cell to be disposed of.

    malloc(sizeof(PtrToNode)) doesn't allocate enough space for a structure but for a pointer.

    Doubly linked list—doulbles the cost of insertions and deletions and simplifies deletion.

    Double circularly linked list—have the last cell keep a pointer back to the first.

    The Stack Model

    A stack is a list with the restriction that insertions and deletions can be performed only at the end of the list, called the top.

    Insert—Push; Delete—Pop, which delete the most recently inserted element.

    LIFO—last in, first out.

    Stack model: only the top element is accessible.

    Top operation—examines the element at the front of the list, returning its value.

    The drawback of list implementation: calls to malloc and free are expensive, esp. in comparison to the pointer manipulation routines. (Some of this could be avoided by using a 2nd stack which is initially empty.)

    Array Implementation of Stacks:

    The only harzard—we need to declare an array size ahead of time.

    Associated with each stack is TopOfStack, which is -1 for empty stack.

    Push—increment TopOfStack and the set Stack[TopOfStack] = X (Stack[] is the array representing the actual stack);

    Pop—set the return value to the Stack[TopOfStack] and then decrement TopOfStack.

    BAD IDEA—use global variables and fixed names to represent or any data structure. (In real-life, more than 1 stack will be used.)

    No part of your code, except for stack routines, can attempt to access the array or TopOfStack variable implied by each stack.

    Common Practice: Skimp on error checking in the stack routines, except where error handling is crucial. Declaring the stack to be large enough not to overflow and ensuring that use Pop never attempt to Pop an empty stack.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Hu-Yan/p/8908935.html
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