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  • Verilog流水线乘法器


      1. 4位流水线乘法器

      2. 8位流水线乘法器

      3. 16位流水线乘法器


    1. 4位流水线乘法器

     1 module multi_4bits_pipelining(mul_a, mul_b, clk, rst_n, mul_out);
     3     input [3:0] mul_a, mul_b;
     4     input       clk;
     5     input       rst_n;
     6     output [7:0] mul_out;
     8     reg [7:0] mul_out;
    10     reg [7:0] stored0;//stored0,...stored3用来存逐位相乘的中间结果  
    11     reg [7:0] stored1;
    12     reg [7:0] stored2;
    13     reg [7:0] stored3;
    15     reg [7:0] add01;//中间结果变量  
    16     reg [7:0] add23;
    18     always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin
    19         if(!rst_n) begin
    20             mul_out <= 0;
    21             stored0 <= 0;
    22             stored1 <= 0;
    23             stored2 <= 0;
    24             stored3 <= 0;
    25             add01 <= 0;
    26             add23 <= 0;
    27         end
    28         else begin
    29             stored0 <= mul_b[0]? {4'b0, mul_a} : 8'b0;//如果被乘数倒数第一位不为零,则与乘数相乘结果为{4'b0,mul_a}  
    30             stored1 <= mul_b[1]? {3'b0, mul_a, 1'b0} : 8'b0;
    31             stored2 <= mul_b[2]? {2'b0, mul_a, 2'b0} : 8'b0;
    32             stored3 <= mul_b[3]? {1'b0, mul_a, 3'b0} : 8'b0;
    34             add01 <= stored1 + stored0;
    35             add23 <= stored3 + stored2;
    37             mul_out <= add01 + add23;//最终结果  
    38         end
    39     end
    41 endmodule

     1.1 4位流水线乘法器案例

    2. 8位流水线乘法器

     1 module multiplier_8(clk,rst_n,mul_a,mul_b,result
     2     );
     3 input clk;
     4 input rst_n;
     5 input[7:0] mul_a;
     6 input[7:0] mul_b;
     7 output[15:0] result;
     8 reg[15:0] result;
     9 reg[15:0] store7;
    10 reg[15:0] store6;
    11 reg[15:0] store5;
    12 reg[15:0] store4;
    13 reg[15:0] store3;
    14 reg[15:0] store2;
    15 reg[15:0] store1;
    16 reg[15:0] store0;
    17 reg[15:0] add01;
    18 reg[15:0] add23;
    19 reg[15:0] add45;
    20 reg[15:0] add67;
    21 reg[15:0] add0123;
    22 reg[15:0] add4567;
    23 always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n)
    25 begin
    26  if(!rst_n)
    27  begin
    28   store7 <= 16'b0;
    29   store6 <= 16'b0;
    30   store5 <= 16'b0;
    31   store4 <= 16'b0;
    32   store6 <= 16'b0;
    33   store2 <= 16'b0;
    34   store1 <= 16'b0;
    35   store0 <= 16'b0;
    36   add01  <= 16'b0;
    37   add23  <= 16'b0;
    38   add45  <= 16'b0;
    39   add67  <= 16'b0;
    40   add0123  <= 16'b0;
    41   add4567  <= 16'b0;
    42  end
    43  else
    45  begin
    46   store0 <= mul_b[0] ? {8'b0,mul_a}:16'b0;
    47   store1 <= mul_b[1] ? {7'b0,mul_a,1'b0}:16'b0;
    48   store2 <= mul_b[2] ? {6'b0,mul_a,2'b0}:16'b0;
    49   store3 <= mul_b[3] ? {5'b0,mul_a,3'b0}:16'b0;
    50   store4 <= mul_b[4] ? {4'b0,mul_a,4'b0}:16'b0;
    51   store5 <= mul_b[5] ? {3'b0,mul_a,5'b0}:16'b0;
    52   store6 <= mul_b[6] ? {2'b0,mul_a,6'b0}:16'b0;
    53   store7 <= mul_b[7] ? {1'b0,mul_a,7'b0}:16'b0;
    55   add67  <= store7+store6;
    56   add45  <= store5+store4;
    57   add23  <= store3+store2;
    58   add01  <= store1+store0;
    59   add0123  <= add01 + add23;
    60   add4567  <= add45 + add67;
    61   result <= add0123 + add4567;
    62  end
    63 end
    64 endmodule

    3. 16位流水线乘法器

     1 module pipelining_mul(clk,rst_n,mul_a,mul_b,mul_out);
     2     input clk,rst_n;
     3     input [15:0] mul_a;
     4     input [15:0] mul_b;
     5     output [31:0] mul_out;
     7     reg [31:0] mul_out;
     8     reg [31:0] store15,store14,store13,store12,store11,store10,store9,store8,
     9                     store7,store6,store5,store4,store3,store2,store1,store0;    
    10     reg [31:0] add01,add23,add45,add67,add89,add1011,add1213,add1415;
    11     reg [31:0] add0123,add4567,add891011,add12131415;
    12     reg [31:0] add01234567,add89101112131415;
    13     always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n)
    14     begin
    15          if(!rst_n)
    16             begin
    17                 store15 <= 32'b0;
    18                 store14 <= 32'b0;
    19                 store13 <= 32'b0;
    20                 store12 <= 32'b0;
    21                 store11 <= 32'b0;
    22                 store10 <= 32'b0;
    23                 store9 <= 32'b0;
    24                 store8 <= 32'b0;
    25                 store7 <= 32'b0;
    26                 store6 <= 32'b0;
    27                 store5 <= 32'b0;
    28                 store4 <= 32'b0;
    29                 store6 <= 32'b0;
    30                 store2 <= 32'b0;
    31                 store1 <= 32'b0;
    32                 store0 <= 32'b0;
    33                 add01  <= 32'b0;
    34                 add23  <= 32'b0;
    35                 add45  <= 32'b0;
    36                 add67  <= 32'b0;
    37                 add89  <= 32'b0;
    38                 add1011  <= 32'b0;
    39                 add1213  <= 32'b0;
    40                 add1415  <= 32'b0;
    41                 add0123  <= 32'b0;
    42                 add4567  <= 32'b0;
    43                 add891011  <= 32'b0;
    44                 add12131415  <= 32'b0;
    45                 add01234567  <= 32'b0;
    46                 add89101112131415  <= 32'b0;
    47             end
    48         else
    49             begin
    50                 store15 <= mul_b[15] ? {1'b0,mul_a,15'b0}:32'b0;
    51                 store14 <= mul_b[14] ? {2'b0,mul_a,14'b0}:32'b0;
    52                 store13 <= mul_b[13] ? {3'b0,mul_a,13'b0}:32'b0;
    53                store12 <= mul_b[12] ? {4'b0,mul_a,12'b0}:32'b0;
    54                  store11 <= mul_b[11] ? {5'b0,mul_a,11'b0}:32'b0;
    55                 store10 <= mul_b[10] ? {6'b0,mul_a,10'b0}:32'b0;
    56                 store9 <= mul_b[9] ? {7'b0,mul_a,9'b0}:32'b0;
    57                 store8 <= mul_b[8] ? {8'b0,mul_a,8'b0}:32'b0;
    58                 store7 <= mul_b[7] ? {9'b0,mul_a,7'b0}:32'b0;
    59                 store6 <= mul_b[6] ? {10'b0,mul_a,6'b0}:32'b0;
    60                 store5 <= mul_b[5] ? {11'b0,mul_a,5'b0}:32'b0;
    61                store4 <= mul_b[4] ? {12'b0,mul_a,4'b0}:32'b0;
    62                  store3 <= mul_b[3] ? {13'b0,mul_a,3'b0}:32'b0;
    63                 store2 <= mul_b[2] ? {14'b0,mul_a,2'b0}:32'b0;
    64                 store1 <= mul_b[1] ? {15'b0,mul_a,1'b0}:32'b0;
    65                 store0 <= mul_b[0] ? {16'b0,mul_a}:32'b0;
    66                add1415  <= store15+store14;
    67                 add1213  <= store13+store12;
    68                 add1011  <= store11+store10;
    69                 add89  <= store9+store8;
    70                 add67  <= store7+store6;
    71                 add45  <= store5+store4;
    72                 add23  <= store3+store2;
    73                 add01  <= store1+store0;
    74                 add0123  <= add01 + add23;
    75                 add4567  <= add45 + add67;
    76                 add891011  <= add89 + add1011;
    77                 add12131415  <= add1213 + add1415;
    78                 add01234567 <= add0123 + add4567;
    79                 add89101112131415 <= add891011 + add12131415;
    80                 mul_out <= add01234567 + add89101112131415;        
    81             end
    82  end
    83 endmodule
     1 `timescale 1ns/1ps
     2 `define clock_period 20
     4 module pipelining_mul_tb;
     6     reg clk;
     7     reg rst_n;
     8     reg [15:0] mul_a;
     9     reg [15:0] mul_b;
    10     wire [31:0] mul_out;
    12     initial begin
    13       clk = 1'b1;
    14         rst_n = 1'b0;
    15       # 20 //一个周期
    16         rst_n = 1'b1;
    17       # 20       
    18         mul_a <= 65500;
    19         # 20
    20         mul_b <= 60000;
    21         # 200
    23       $stop;
    24     end
    25     always #(`clock_period/2) clk = ~clk; //50M
    27     pipelining_mul pipelining_mul_0(
    28             .clk(clk),
    29                 .rst_n(rst_n),
    30                 .mul_a(mul_a),
    31                 .mul_b(mul_b),
    32                 .mul_out(mul_out)
    33                 );
    34 endmodule





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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/HuangYJ/p/13175229.html
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