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  • Qt所有的类

    QAccel处理键盘加速器和快捷键Handles keyboard accelerator and shortcut keys
    QAccessibleEnums与可达性的静态函数Enums and static functions relating to accessibility
    QAccessibleInterface定义一个接口,该接口公开有关可访问对象的信息。Defines an interface that exposes information about accessible objects
    QAccessibleObject为QObjor实现QAccess接口的部分Implements parts of the QAccessibleInterface for QObjects
    QAction可以在菜单和工具栏中显示的抽象用户界面动作Abstract user interface action that can appear both in menus and tool bars
    QActionGroup集体行动Groups actions together
    QApplication管理GUI应用程序的控制流程和主要设置Manages the GUI application's control flow and main settings
    QAsciiCache基于char *键提供缓存的模板类Template class that provides a cache based on char* keys
    QAsciiCacheIteratorQasciicache Collections IteratorIterator for QAsciiCache collections
    QAsciiDict基于char *键提供字典的模板类Template class that provides a dictionary based on char* keys
    QAsciiDictIteratorQasiIDICT集合的迭代器Iterator for QAsciiDict collections
    QBitArray位数组Array of bits
    QBitVal内部类,与QBITAL数组一起使用Internal class, used with QBitArray
    QBitmap单色(1位深度)像素映射Monochrome (1-bit depth) pixmaps
    QBoxLayout水平或垂直排列子控件Lines up child widgets horizontally or vertically
    QBrush定义Qu画师绘制的形状的填充模式。Defines the fill pattern of shapes drawn by a QPainter
    QBuffer在QByTurrar上操作的I/O设备I/O device that operates on a QByteArray
    QButton按钮小部件的抽象基类,提供按钮常用的功能The abstract base class of button widgets, providing functionality common to buttons
    QButtonGroupOrganizes QButton widgets in a groupOrganizes QButton widgets in a group
    QByteArray字节数组Array of bytes
    QCDEStyle外观与感觉CDE look and feel
    QCString经典C零结尾字符数组(CHAR*)的抽象Abstraction of the classic C zero-terminated char array (char *)
    QCache基于QSql键提供缓存的模板类Template class that provides a cache based on QString keys
    QCacheIteratorQCHASE收藏品Iterator for QCache collections
    QCanvas可以包含QCANVAISTION对象的2D区域2D area that can contain QCanvasItem objects
    QCanvasEllipse在QCANVAS上的椭圆或椭圆段Ellipse or ellipse segment on a QCanvas
    QCanvasItemQCANVAS上的抽象图形对象Abstract graphic object on a QCanvas
    QCanvasItemListQCANASAS项目列表List of QCanvasItems
    QCanvasLine在QCANVAS上的行Line on a QCanvas
    QCanvasPixmapQCANVASPITS的像素映射Pixmaps for QCanvasSprites
    QCanvasPixmapArrayQCANVISPIX映射数组Array of QCanvasPixmaps
    QCanvasPolygon有QCANVAS的多边形Polygon on a QCanvas
    QCanvasPolygonalItemQCANVAS多边形Polygonal canvas item on a QCanvas
    QCanvasRectangle有QCANVAS的矩形Rectangle on a QCanvas
    QCanvasSpline在QCANVAS上的多个Bezier样条函数Multi-bezier splines on a QCanvas
    QCanvasSprite活跃的歌唱Animated canvas item on a QCanvas
    QCanvasTextQCANVAS上的文本对象Text object on a QCanvas
    QCanvasView关于QCANVAS的屏幕视图On-screen view of a QCanvas
    QChar轻量级Unicode字符Lightweight Unicode character
    QCharRefq字符串的帮助类Helper class for QString
    QCheckBoxCheckbox with a text labelCheckbox with a text label
    QCheckListItem可检查列表视图项Checkable list view items
    QCheckTableItemQtables中的检查Checkboxes in QTables
    QChildEvent子对象事件的事件参数Event parameters for child object events
    QClipboard访问窗口系统剪贴板Access to the window system clipboard
    QCloseEvent描述关闭事件的参数Parameters that describe a close event
    QColor基于RGB或HSV值的颜色Colors based on RGB or HSV values
    QColorDialog指定颜色的对话窗口小部件Dialog widget for specifying colors
    QColorDrag拖拽颜色转移对象Drag and drop object for transferring colors
    QColorGroup小部件颜色组Group of widget colors
    QComboBox组合按钮和弹出列表Combined button and popup list
    QComboTableItemQTables使用组合框的方法Means of using comboboxes in QTables
    QCommonStyle封装GUI的常见外观和感觉Encapsulates the common Look and Feel of a GUI
    QConstString使用常数Unicode数据的字符串对象String objects using constant Unicode data
    QContextMenuEvent描述上下文菜单事件的参数Parameters that describe a context menu event
    QCopChannel几个客户之间的通信能力Communication capabilities between several clients
    QCursor任意形状的鼠标光标Mouse cursor with an arbitrary shape
    QCustomEvent支持自定义事件Support for custom events
    QCustomMenuItem在弹出菜单中自定义自定义菜单项的基类Abstract base class for custom menu items in popup menus
    QDataBrowser数据录入窗体的数据操作和导航Data manipulation and navigation for data entry forms
    QDataStream二进制数据到Qoo装置的串行化Serialization of binary data to a QIODevice
    QDataTable支持浏览和编辑的灵活SQL表小部件Flexible SQL table widget that supports browsing and editing
    QDataView只读SQL表单Read-only SQL forms
    QDate日期函数Date functions
    QDateEdit日期编辑器Date editor
    QDateTime日期和时间函数Date and time functions
    QDateTimeEdit将QDATEEDIT和QTimeEngEnter控件合并为编辑日期的单个窗口小部件Combines a QDateEdit and QTimeEdit widget into a single widget for editing datetimes
    QDesktopWidget多头系统屏幕信息的获取Access to screen information on multi-head systems
    QDial圆形范围控制(如速度计或电位器)Rounded range control (like a speedometer or potentiometer)
    QDialog对话框窗口的基类The base class of dialog windows
    QDict基于QStand键提供字典的模板类Template class that provides a dictionary based on QString keys
    QDictIteratorqdit集合的迭代器Iterator for QDict collections
    QDir以平台无关的方式访问目录结构及其内容Access to directory structures and their contents in a platform-independent way
    QDirectPainter直接访问视频硬件Direct access to the video hardware
    QDns异步DNS查找Asynchronous DNS lookups
    QDockArea管理和配置QDOKWindowsManages and lays out QDockWindows
    QDockWindow可以在QDOCKEATE中停靠或作为桌面上的顶级窗口浮动的小部件Widget which can be docked inside a QDockArea or floated as a top level window on the desktop
    QDomAttr表示QDOME元素的一个属性。Represents one attribute of a QDomElement
    QDomCDATASection表示XML cDATA节。Represents an XML CDATA section
    QDomCharacterData表示DOM中的通用字符串。Represents a generic string in the DOM
    QDomComment表示XML注释Represents an XML comment
    QDomDocument表示XML文档Represents an XML document
    QDomDocumentFragmentQDONTUNE的树,通常不是完整的QDOM文档Tree of QDomNodes which is not usually a complete QDomDocument
    QDomDocumentType文档树中DTD的表示The representation of the DTD in the document tree
    QDomElement表示DOM树中的一个元素Represents one element in the DOM tree
    QDomEntity表示XML实体Represents an XML entity
    QDomEntityReference表示XML实体引用。Represents an XML entity reference
    QDomImplementationDOM实现的特征信息Information about the features of the DOM implementation
    QDomNamedNodeMap可以通过名称访问的节点的集合Collection of nodes that can be accessed by name
    QDomNodeDOM树中所有节点的基类The base class for all the nodes in a DOM tree
    QDomNodeListQDomNode对象列表List of QDomNode objects
    QDomNotation表示XML表示法。Represents an XML notation
    QDomProcessingInstruction表示XML处理指令。Represents an XML processing instruction
    QDomText表示解析的XML文档中的文本数据。Represents text data in the parsed XML document
    QDoubleValidator浮点数的范围检验Range checking of floating-point numbers
    QDragEnterEvent事件,当拖放首先拖动到控件上时,该事件被发送到控件。Event which is sent to the widget when a drag and drop first drags onto the widget
    QDragLeaveEvent当拖放离开控件时发送到控件的事件Event which is sent to the widget when a drag and drop leaves the widget
    QDragMoveEvent在拖放过程中发送的事件。Event which is sent while a drag and drop is in progress
    QDragObject封装基于MIME的数据传输Encapsulates MIME-based data transfer
    QDropEvent当拖放完成时发送的事件Event which is sent when a drag and drop is completed
    QEditorFactory用于创建qFATA数据类型的编辑器小部件Used to create editor widgets for QVariant data types
    QErrorMessage错误信息显示对话框Error message display dialog
    QEucJpCodecEUC-JP字符集的转换Conversion to and from EUC-JP character sets
    QEucKrCodecEK-KR字符集的转换Conversion to and from EUC-KR character sets
    QEvent所有事件类的基类。事件对象包含事件参数The base class of all event classes. Event objects contain event parameters
    QFile对文件进行操作的I/O设备I/O device that operates on files
    QFileDialog允许用户选择文件或目录的对话框Dialogs that allow users to select files or directories
    QFileIconProvider使用QFielDeCalax的图标Icons for QFileDialog to use
    QFileInfo系统无关文件信息System-independent file information
    QFilePreviewQFileDialog中的文件预览File previewing in QFileDialog
    QFocusData维护焦点链中的小部件列表Maintains the list of widgets in the focus chain
    QFocusEvent控件焦点事件的事件参数Event parameters for widget focus events
    QFont用于绘制文本的字体Font used for drawing text
    QFontDatabase有关底层窗口系统中可用字体的信息Information about the fonts available in the underlying window system
    QFontDialog用于选择字体的对话框小部件Dialog widget for selecting a font
    QFontInfo字体的一般信息General information about fonts
    QFontManager实现Qt/Engt中的字体管理Implements font management in Qt/Embedded
    QFontMetrics字体度量信息Font metrics information
    QFrame可以有框架的小部件的基类The base class of widgets that can have a frame
    QFtpFTP协议的实现Implementation of the FTP protocol
    QGLQt OpenGL模块中杂项标识符的命名空间Namespace for miscellaneous identifiers in the Qt OpenGL module
    QGLColormap用于将自定义颜色映射安装到QGLIDWET中Used for installing custom colormaps into QGLWidgets
    QGLContext封装OpenGL渲染上下文Encapsulates an OpenGL rendering context
    QGLFormatOpenGL渲染上下文的显示格式The display format of an OpenGL rendering context
    QGLWidgetWidget for rendering OpenGL graphicsWidget for rendering OpenGL graphics
    QGLayoutIterator抽象的内部布局迭代器基类Abstract base class of internal layout iterators
    QGb18030Codec中国GB18030/GBK/GB23编码转换Conversion to and from the Chinese GB18030/GBK/GB2312 encoding
    QGbkCodec中文GBK编码的转换与转换Conversion to and from the Chinese GBK encoding
    QGrid儿童简易几何管理Simple geometry management of its children
    QGridLayout在网格中设置小部件Lays out widgets in a grid
    QGridView固定尺寸网格抽象库Abstract base for fixed-size grids
    QGroupBox带标题的群箱框架Group box frame with a title
    QGuardedPtr为QObjs提供保护指针的模板类Template class that provides guarded pointers to QObjects
    QHBox子控件的水平几何管理Horizontal geometry management for its child widgets
    QHBoxLayout水平排列小部件Lines up widgets horizontally
    QHButtonGroup在一个水平行的组中组织QButt小部件Organizes QButton widgets in a group with one horizontal row
    QHGroupBox在具有一个水平行的组中组织小部件Organizes widgets in a group with one horizontal row
    QHeader标题行或列,例如表和列表视图Header row or column, e.g. for tables and listviews
    QHebrewCodec视觉有序希伯来语的转换Conversion to and from visually ordered Hebrew
    QHideEvent事件是在小部件被隐藏之后发送的Event which is sent after a widget is hidden
    QHostAddressIP地址IP address
    QHttp互联网协议的执行Implementation of the HTTP protocol
    QIMEvent输入法事件的参数Parameters for input method events
    QIODeviceI/O设备的基类The base class of I/O devices
    QIconDrag支持QCONVIEW中的拖放操作Supports drag and drop operations within a QIconView
    QIconDragItem封装阻力项目Encapsulates a drag item
    QIconSet不同风格和尺寸的图标集Set of icons with different styles and sizes
    QIconView带可移动标记图标的区域Area with movable labelled icons
    QIconViewItem单曲的一个主题Single item in a QIconView
    QImage与像素数据直接存取的独立于硬件的PixMax表示Hardware-independent pixmap representation with direct access to the pixel data
    QImageConsumerQIMADEDECODER使用的抽象Abstraction used by QImageDecoder
    QImageDecoder用于所有支持图像格式的增量图像解码器Incremental image decoder for all supported image formats
    QImageDrag拖动图像传输对象Drag and drop object for transferring images
    QImageFormat用于特定图像格式的增量图像解码器Incremental image decoder for a specific image format
    QImageFormatPlugin自定义图像格式插件的抽象基础Abstract base for custom image format plugins
    QImageFormatType制作QiFig格式对象的工厂Factory that makes QImageFormat objects
    QImageIO加载和保存图像的参数Parameters for loading and saving images
    QInputDialog简单方便对话框从用户获取单个值Simple convenience dialog to get a single value from the user
    QIntCache基于长键提供缓存的模板类Template class that provides a cache based on long keys
    QIntCacheIterator秦岭藏品Iterator for QIntCache collections
    QIntDict基于长键提供字典的模板类Template class that provides a dictionary based on long keys
    QIntDictIterator琴蒂系列Iterator for QIntDict collections
    QIntValidator确保字符串在指定范围内包含有效整数的验证器Validator which ensures that a string contains a valid integer within a specified range
    QJisCodecJIS字符集的转换与转换Conversion to and from JIS character sets
    QKeyEvent描述关键事件Describes a key event
    QKeySequence封装加速器所使用的密钥序列Encapsulates a key sequence as used by accelerators
    QLCDNumber显示一个带有LCD数字的数字Displays a number with LCD-like digits
    QLabel文字或图像显示Text or image display
    QLayout几何管理器的基类The base class of geometry managers
    QLayoutItem一个Q布局的抽象项操作Abstract item that a QLayout manipulates
    QLayoutIteratorQlayoutitem之上的Iterators over QLayoutItem
    QLibrary处理共享库的包装器Wrapper for handling shared libraries
    QLineEditOne-line text editorOne-line text editor
    QListBox可选择只读项目列表List of selectable, read-only items
    QListBoxItem所有列表框项的基类The base class of all list box items
    QListBoxPixmap用PixMax和可选文本列出框项List box items with a pixmap and optional text
    QListBoxText列出显示文本的框项List box items that display text
    QListView实现列表/树视图Implements a list/tree view
    QListViewItem实现列表视图项Implements a list view item
    QListViewItemIteratorqListVIEW项集合的迭代器Iterator for collections of QListViewItems
    QLocalFs在本地文件系统上工作的QNETWork协议的实现Implementation of a QNetworkProtocol that works on the local file system
    QLock系统V共享信号量的包装器Wrapper for a System V shared semaphore
    QMainWindow主应用程序窗口,带有菜单栏、停靠窗口(例如工具栏)和状态栏Main application window, with a menu bar, dock windows (e.g. for toolbars), and a status bar
    QMap基于值的提供字典的模板类Value-based template class that provides a dictionary
    QMapConstIteratorQMAP迭代器Iterator for QMap
    QMapIteratorQMAP迭代器Iterator for QMap
    QMemArray提供简单类型数组的模板类Template class that provides arrays of simple types
    QMenuBar水平菜单栏Horizontal menu bar
    QMenuDataQueNuBar和QPopupMenu的基类Base class for QMenuBar and QPopupMenu
    QMessageBox模态对话框与短消息,图标,和一些按钮Modal dialog with a short message, an icon, and some buttons
    QMetaObject关于QT对象的元信息Meta information about Qt objects
    QMetaPropertyStores meta data about a propertyStores meta data about a property
    QMimeSource提供某种MIME类型的格式化数据的对象的抽象Abstraction of objects which provide formatted data of a certain MIME type
    QMimeSourceFactoryMIME类型数据的可扩展提供程序Extensible provider of mime-typed data
    QMotifPlusStyle更复杂的主题外观和感觉More sophisticated Motif-ish look and feel
    QMotifStyle主题外观Motif look and feel
    QMouseEvent描述鼠标事件的参数Parameters that describe a mouse event
    QMoveEvent移动事件的事件参数Event parameters for move events
    QMovie动画或图像的增量加载,随着其进程的信号传递Incremental loading of animations or images, signalling as it progresses
    QMutex线程间的访问序列化Access serialization between threads
    QNPInstanceQObjt是一个Web浏览器插件QObject that is a Web-browser plugin
    QNPStream浏览器提供给QNPNase实例的数据流Stream of data provided to a QNPInstance by the browser
    QNPWidgetQWIDGET,这是一个Web浏览器插件窗口QWidget that is a Web-browser plugin window
    QNPlugin插件中心工厂The plugin central factory
    QNetworkOperation网络协议的通用操作Common operations for network protocols
    QNetworkProtocol网络协议通用APICommon API for network protocols
    QObject所有QT对象的基类The base class of all Qt objects
    QObjectCleanupHandler监视多个QObjices的生存期Watches the lifetime of multiple QObjects
    QObjectListQ对象的QPTRLISTQPtrList of QObjects
    QObjectListItqObjtRealts的迭代器Iterator for QObjectLists
    QPNGImagePacker创建良好压缩的PNG动画Creates well-compressed PNG animations
    QPaintDevice可以画的对象的基类The base class of objects that can be painted
    QPaintDeviceMetrics关于油漆装置的信息Information about a paint device
    QPaintEvent绘制事件的事件参数Event parameters for paint events
    QPainter低级绘画吗?Does low-level painting e.g. on widgets
    QPair基于值的模板类,它提供一对元素Value-based template class that provides a pair of elements
    QPalette每个小部件状态的颜色组Color groups for each widget state
    QPen定义q画家如何绘制线条和形状轮廓Defines how a QPainter should draw lines and outlines of shapes
    QPicture记录和重放QPrice命令的绘图设备Paint device that records and replays QPainter commands
    QPixmap基于屏幕的基于像素的油漆装置Off-screen, pixel-based paint device
    QPixmapCache应用全局缓存的PIXMAPApplication-global cache for pixmaps
    QPlatinumStyleMAC /铂金外观Mac/Platinum look and feel
    QPoint定义平面中的一个点Defines a point in the plane
    QPointArray点数组Array of points
    QPopupMenu弹出菜单控件Popup menu widget
    QPrinter在打印机上喷漆的油漆装置Paint device that paints on a printer
    QProcess用于启动外部程序并与它们通信Used to start external programs and to communicate with them
    QProgressBar水平进度条Horizontal progress bar
    QProgressDialog慢操作进展反馈Feedback on the progress of a slow operation
    QPtrCollection基于指针的QT集合的基类The base class of most pointer-based Qt collections
    QPtrDict基于空隙*键提供字典的模板类Template class that provides a dictionary based on void* keys
    QPtrDictIteratorIterator for QPTRDICT collectionsIterator for QPtrDict collections
    QPtrList提供双链表的模板类Template class that provides doubly-linked lists
    QPtrListIteratorQPTRIST集合的迭代器Iterator for QPtrList collections
    QPtrQueue提供队列的模板类Template class that provides a queue
    QPtrStack提供堆栈的模板类Template class that provides a stack
    QPtrVector提供向量(数组)的模板集合类Template collection class that provides a vector (array)
    QPushButton命令按钮Command button
    QRadioButton带有文本或PIMAP标签的单选按钮Radio button with a text or pixmap label
    QRangeControl范围内的整数值Integer value within a range
    QRect在平面中定义矩形Defines a rectangle in the plane
    QRegExp正则表达式的模式匹配Pattern matching using regular expressions
    QRegExpValidator用于检查字符串正则表达式Used to check a string against aregular expression
    QRegion画家的剪辑区域Clip region for a painter
    QResizeEvent调整大小事件的事件参数Event parameters for resize events
    QSGIStyleSGI/IIX外观与感觉SGI/Irix look and feel
    QScreen它的后代管理框架缓冲区和调色板。And its descendants manage the framebuffer and palette
    QScrollBar垂直或水平滚动条Vertical or horizontal scroll bar
    QScrollView按需滚动条滚动区域Scrolling area with on-demand scroll bars
    QSemaphore稳健整数信号量Robust integer semaphore
    QServerSocket基于TCP的服务器TCP-based server
    QSessionManager访问会话管理器Access to the session manager
    QSettings持久平台无关应用程序设置Persistent platform-independent application settings
    QShowEvent显示小部件时发送的事件Event which is sent when a widget is shown
    QSignal可以用于为不继承QObjt的类发送信号。Can be used to send signals for classes that don't inherit QObject
    QSignalMapperBundles signals from identifiable sendersBundles signals from identifiable senders
    QSimpleRichText可显示的小文本Small displayable piece of rich text
    QSize定义二维对象的大小Defines the size of a two-dimensional object
    QSizeGrip用于调整顶层窗口大小的角柄Corner-grip for resizing a top-level window
    QSizePolicy描述水平和垂直调整大小策略的布局属性Layout attribute describing horizontal and vertical resizing policy
    QSjisCodec转换到JIS的转换Conversion to and from Shift-JIS
    QSlider垂直或水平滑块Vertical or horizontal slider
    QSocket缓冲TCP连接Buffered TCP connection
    QSocketDevice与平台无关的低级套接字APIPlatform-independent low-level socket API
    QSocketNotifier支持套接字回调Support for socket callbacks
    QSound平台音频设备的接入Access to the platform audio facilities
    QSpacerItem布局中的空白Blank space in a layout
    QSpinBoxSpin box widget (spin button)Spin box widget (spin button)
    QSplitter实现拆分器控件Implements a splitter widget
    QSql需要全局性的QT-SQL标识符的命名空间Namespace for Qt SQL identifiers that need to be global-like
    QSqlCursor浏览和编辑SQL表和视图Browsing and editing of SQL tables and views
    QSqlDatabase用于创建SQL数据库连接并提供事务处理Used to create SQL database connections and provide transaction handling
    QSqlDriver用于访问SQL数据库的抽象基类Abstract base class for accessing SQL databases
    QSqlDriverPlugin自定义QSql驱动程序插件的抽象基础Abstract base for custom QSqlDriver plugins
    QSqlEditorFactory用于创建QDATABLE和QSqlForm所使用的编辑器Used to create the editors used by QDataTable and QSqlForm
    QSqlErrorSQL数据库错误信息SQL database error information
    QSqlField操作SQL数据库表和视图中的字段Manipulates the fields in SQL database tables and views
    QSqlFieldInfo存储与SQL字段相关联的元数据Stores meta data associated with a SQL field
    QSqlForm创建和管理绑定到SQL数据库的数据输入窗体Creates and manages data entry forms tied to SQL databases
    QSqlIndex操作和描述QSql游标和QSqlDatabase索引的函数Functions to manipulate and describe QSqlCursor and QSqlDatabase indexes
    QSqlPropertyMap用于将窗口小部件映射到SQL字段Used to map widgets to SQL fields
    QSqlQuery执行和操作SQL语句的方法Means of executing and manipulating SQL statements
    QSqlRecord封装数据库记录,即一组数据库字段。Encapsulates a database record, i.e. a set of database fields
    QSqlRecordInfo封装一组数据库字段元数据Encapsulates a set of database field meta data
    QSqlResult从SQL数据库访问数据的抽象接口Abstract interface for accessing data from SQL databases
    QStatusBar适用于显示状态信息的横杆Horizontal bar suitable for presenting status information
    QStoredDrag任意MIME数据的简单存储值拖动对象Simple stored-value drag object for arbitrary MIME data
    QStrIList与不区分大小写比较的CHAR*双链表Doubly-linked list of char* with case-insensitive comparison
    QStrList字符的双链表Doubly-linked list of char*
    QStrListIteratorQSTRIST和QSTRILIST类的迭代器Iterator for the QStrList and QStrIList classes
    QStringUnicode文本和经典C空终止字符数组的抽象Abstraction of Unicode text and the classic C null-terminated char array
    QStringList字符串表List of strings
    QStyleGUI的外观和感觉The look and feel of a GUI
    QStyleFactory创建qStar对象Creates QStyle objects
    QStyleOptionqStle函数的可选参数Optional parameters for QStyle functions
    QStylePlugin自定义QSLUE插件抽象库Abstract base for custom QStyle plugins
    QStyleSheet用于丰富文本渲染的样式集合和标签生成器Collection of styles for rich text rendering and a generator of tags
    QStyleSheetItem一组文本样式的封装Encapsulation of a set of text styles
    QTabQTabar中的结构The structures in a QTabBar
    QTabBar标签栏,例如在标签对话框中使用Tab bar, e.g. for use in tabbed dialogs
    QTabDialog选项卡小部件的堆栈Stack of tabbed widgets
    QTabWidget选项卡小部件的堆栈Stack of tabbed widgets
    QTable灵活可编辑表控件Flexible editable table widget
    QTableItemQTABLE细胞的细胞含量The cell content for QTable cells
    QTableSelection在QTABLE中访问选定区域Access to a selected area in a QTable
    QTabletEvent描述平板事件的参数Parameters that describe a Tablet event
    QTextBrowser具有超文本导航的富文本浏览器Rich text browser with hypertext navigation
    QTextCodec文本编码之间的转换Conversion between text encodings
    QTextCodecPlugin自定义QTraceCDEC插件抽象库Abstract base for custom QTextCodec plugins
    QTextDecoder状态译码器State-based decoder
    QTextDrag拖动对象以传递普通和Unicode文本Drag and drop object for transferring plain and Unicode text
    QTextEdit强大的单页富文本编辑器Powerful single-page rich text editor
    QTextEncoder状态编码器State-based encoder
    QTextIStream输入流的便利类Convenience class for input streams
    QTextOStream输出流的便利类Convenience class for output streams
    QTextStream使用Qoo装置阅读和书写文本的基本功能Basic functions for reading and writing text using a QIODevice
    QThread独立于平台的线程Platform-independent threads
    QTime时钟时间函数Clock time functions
    QTimeEdit时间编辑器Time editor
    QTimer计时器信号和单炮计时器Timer signals and single-shot timers
    QTimerEvent描述定时器事件的参数Parameters that describe a timer event
    QToolBar包含工具按钮等小部件的活动面板Movable panel containing widgets such as tool buttons
    QToolButton命令或选项的快速访问按钮,通常用于QTooBar中Quick-access button to commands or options, usually used inside a QToolBar
    QToolTip小工具的任何小部件或矩形部分的工具提示(气球帮助)Tool tips (balloon help) for any widget or rectangular part of a widget
    QToolTipGroup将工具提示收集到相关组中Collects tool tips into related groups
    QTranslator国际化支持文本输出Internationalizationsupport for text output
    QTranslatorMessage翻译器消息及其性质Translator message and its properties
    QTsciiCodecTAMIL TSCII编码的转换与转换Conversion to and from the Tamil TSCII encoding
    QUriDrag拖动对象以获取URI引用的列表Drag object for a list of URI references
    QUrlURL解析器,简化了URL的工作URL parser and simplifies working with URLs
    QUrlInfoStores information about URLsStores information about URLs
    QUrlOperatorURL的通用操作Common operations on URLs
    QVBox子控件的垂直几何管理Vertical geometry management of its child widgets
    QVBoxLayout垂直排列小部件Lines up widgets vertically
    QVButtonGroup在垂直列中组织QButt小部件Organizes QButton widgets in a vertical column
    QVGroupBox在垂直列中组织一组小部件Organizes a group of widgets in a vertical column
    QValidator输入文本的验证Validation of input text
    QValueList提供双链表的基于值的模板类Value-based template class that provides doubly linked lists
    QValueListConstIteratorQValeleListconst迭代器Const iterator for QValueList
    QValueListIteratorqValeleListIt的迭代器Iterator for QValueList
    QValueStack提供堆栈的基于值的模板类Value-based template class that provides a stack
    QValueVector提供动态数组的基于值的模板类Value-based template class that provides a dynamic array
    QVariant就像最常见的QT数据类型的联合Acts like a union for the most common Qt data types
    QWMatrix坐标系的二维变换2D transformations of a coordinate system
    QWSDecoration允许定制Qt/Ent+窗口管理器的外观Allows the appearance of the Qt/Embedded Window Manager to be customized
    QWSKeyboardHandler实现Qt/Engt的键盘驱动程序/处理器Implements the keyboard driver/handler for Qt/Embedded
    QWSMouseHandlerQT/嵌入式鼠标驱动程序/处理程序Mouse driver/handler for Qt/Embedded
    QWSServerQt/Engin中的服务器特定功能Server-specific functionality in Qt/Embedded
    QWSWindowQt/Engin中的服务器特定功能Server-specific functionality in Qt/Embedded
    QWaitCondition允许等待/唤醒线程间的条件Allows waiting/waking for conditions between threads
    QWhatsThis简单描述任何小部件,即回答“这是什么?”Simple description of any widget, i.e. answering the question "What's this?"
    QWheelEvent描述车轮事件的参数Parameters that describe a wheel event
    QWidget所有用户界面对象的基类The base class of all user interface objects
    QWidgetFactory从Qt设计器.UI文件中动态创建小部件For the dynamic creation of widgets from Qt Designer .ui files
    QWidgetItem表示小部件的布局项目Layout item that represents a widget
    QWidgetPlugin自定义QWIDGET插件的抽象基础Abstract base for custom QWidget plugins
    QWidgetStack只显示顶部控件的小部件堆栈是用户可见的Stack of widgets of which only the top widget is user-visible
    QWindowsMime将标准MIME打开到窗口剪贴板格式Maps open-standard MIME to Window Clipboard formats
    QWindowsStyle微软视窗Microsoft Windows-like look and feel
    QWizard向导对话框框架Framework for wizard dialogs
    QWorkspaceWorkspace window that can contain decorated windows, e.g. for MDIWorkspace window that can contain decorated windows, e.g. for MDI
    QXmlAttributesXML属性XML attributes
    QXmlContentHandler接口以报告XML数据的逻辑内容Interface to report the logical content of XML data
    QXmlDTDHandler报告XML数据DTD内容的接口Interface to report DTD content of XML data
    QXmlDeclHandlerXML数据报表声明内容接口Interface to report declaration content of XML data
    QXmlDefaultHandler所有XML处理程序类的默认实现Default implementation of all XML handler classes
    QXmlEntityResolver接口解决XML数据中包含的外部实体Interface to resolve external entities contained in XML data
    QXmlErrorHandler在XML数据中报告错误的接口Interface to report errors in XML data
    QXmlInputSourceQXMLRead子类的输入数据The input data for the QXmlReader subclasses
    QXmlLexicalHandlerXML数据的词汇内容报告接口Interface to report the lexical content of XML data
    QXmlLocator具有文件内解析位置信息的XML处理程序类The XML handler classes with information about the parsing position within a file
    QXmlNamespaceSupport希望包含命名空间支持的XML读取器的帮助类Helper class for XML readers which want to include namespace support
    QXmlParseException用于用QXmlErrorHandler接口报告错误Used to report errors with the QXmlErrorHandler interface
    QXmlReaderXML阅读器的接口(即解析器)Interface for XML readers (i.e. parsers)
    QXmlSimpleReader一个简单的XML阅读器(解析器)的实现Implementation of a simple XML reader (parser)
    QXtApplication促进XT/MyTf和QT小部件的混合Facilitates the mixing of Xt/Motif and Qt widgets
    QXtWidget允许XT/MyTf和QT小部件的混合Allows mixing of Xt/Motif and Qt widgets
    Qt需要全局性的杂项标识符的命名空间Namespace for miscellaneous identifiers that need to be global-like
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ITGUANCHAZHE/p/14319734.html
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