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  • BZOJ3145 [Feyat cup 1.5]Str 后缀树、启发式合并







    using namespace std;
    const int _ = 4e5 + 7;
    struct SAM{
    	int trs[_][27] , Lst[_] , fa[_] , pos[_] , cnt = 1; bool flg[_];
    	int extend(int p , int l , int c , bool f = 1){
    		int t = ++cnt; Lst[t] = pos[t] = l; flg[t] = f;
    		while(p && !trs[p][c]){trs[p][c] = t; p = fa[p];} if(!p){fa[t] = 1; return t;}
    		int q = trs[p][c]; if(Lst[q] == Lst[p] + 1){fa[t] = q; return t;}
    		int k = ++cnt; memcpy(trs[k] , trs[q] , sizeof(trs[q]));
    		fa[k] = fa[q]; fa[q] = fa[t] = k; Lst[k] = Lst[p] + 1;
    		while(trs[p][c] == q){trs[p][c] = k; p = fa[p];} return t;
    	vector < int > ch[_]; int dfn[_] , to[_][20] , ts , dep[_];
    	void dfs(int x){
    		dfn[x] = ++ts; dep[x] = dep[fa[x]] + 1; to[x][0] = fa[x];
    		for(int i = 1 ; to[x][i - 1] ; ++i) to[x][i] = to[to[x][i - 1]][i - 1];
    		for(auto t : ch[x]){dfs(t); flg[x] |= flg[t];}
    	void build(){for(int i = 2 ; i <= cnt ; ++i) ch[fa[i]].push_back(i); dfs(dep[1] = 1);}
    	int LCA(int p , int q){
    		if(dep[p] < dep[q]) swap(p , q);
    		for(int i = 18 ; i >= 0 ; --i) if(dep[p] - (1 << i) >= dep[q]) p = to[p][i];
    		if(p == q) return Lst[p];
    		for(int i = 18 ; i >= 0 ; --i) if(to[p][i] != to[q][i]){p = to[p][i]; q = to[q][i];}
    		return Lst[to[p][0]];
    }sam[3]; char str[_]; int id[2][_] , mx[_] , LS , LT , L , ans;
    struct cmp{bool operator ()(int a , int b){return sam[1].dfn[a] < sam[1].dfn[b];}};
    set < int  , cmp > n1[_] , n2[_];
    void merge(int p , int q){
    	if(n1[p].size() + n2[p].size() < n1[q].size() + n2[q].size()){n1[p].swap(n1[q]); n2[p].swap(n2[q]);}
    	for(auto t : n1[q]){
    		auto it = n2[p].lower_bound(t); if(it != n2[p].end()) mx[p] = max(mx[p] , sam[1].LCA(*it , t));
    		if(it != n2[p].begin()) mx[p] = max(mx[p] , sam[1].LCA(*--it , t));
    	for(auto t : n2[q]){
    		auto it = n1[p].lower_bound(t); if(it != n1[p].end()) mx[p] = max(mx[p] , sam[1].LCA(*it , t));
    		if(it != n1[p].begin()) mx[p] = max(mx[p] , sam[1].LCA(*--it , t));
    	for(auto t : n1[q]) n1[p].insert(t); for(auto t : n2[q]) n2[p].insert(t);
    void dfs(int x){
    	if(sam[0].pos[x] && sam[0].pos[x] <= LS - 2) n1[x].insert(id[1][sam[0].pos[x] + 2]);
    	if(sam[0].pos[x] >= LS + 2 && sam[0].pos[x] <= L - 2) n2[x].insert(id[1][sam[0].pos[x] + 2]);
    	for(auto t : sam[0].ch[x]){dfs(t); merge(x , t);}
    	if(mx[x]) ans = max(ans , mx[x] + sam[0].Lst[x] + 1);
    int main(){
    	scanf("%s" , str + 1); LS = strlen(str + 1); str[LS + 1] = 'z' + 1;
    	scanf("%s" , str + LS + 2); LT = strlen(str + LS + 2); L = strlen(str + 1);
    	id[0][0] = id[1][L + 1] = 1;
    	for(int i = 1 ; i <= L ; ++i) id[0][i] = sam[0].extend(id[0][i - 1] , i , str[i] - 'a');
    	for(int i = L ; i ; --i) id[1][i] = sam[1].extend(id[1][i + 1] , L - i + 1 , str[i] - 'a');
    	int pre = 1; for(int i = 1 ; i <= LS ; ++i) pre = sam[2].extend(pre , i , str[i] - 'a' , i != LS);
    	int cur = 1 , len = 0; sam[2].build();
    	for(int i = LS + 2 ; i <= L ; ++i){
    		while(cur && !sam[2].trs[cur][str[i] - 'a']) len = sam[2].Lst[cur = sam[2].fa[cur]];
    		if(!cur) cur = 1; else{cur = sam[2].trs[cur][str[i] - 'a']; ++len;}
    		ans = max(ans , len + !sam[2].flg[cur]);
    	sam[0].build(); sam[1].build(); dfs(1); cout << min(ans , min(LS , LT)); return 0;
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