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  • Linq to Sql学习总结2


    private void Syntactic()
                StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(Server.MapPath("Log.txt"), true);
                ctx.Log = sw;
                DataLoadOptions option = new DataLoadOptions();
                option.LoadWith<Products>(p => p.Order_Details);
                option.AssociateWith<Products>(p => p.Order_Details.Where(o => o.Quantity > 80));
                ctx.LoadOptions = option;
                var qSelect = from c in ctx.Customers
                              select new
                                  CompanyName = c.CompanyName,
                                  Address = c.Address
                var qSelect2 = from emp in ctx.Employees
                               select new
                                    name = emp.LastName + emp.FirstName,
                                    year = emp.HireDate.Value.Year
                var qSelect3 = from c in ctx.Customers
                               select new
                                   ID = c.CustomerID,
                                   ContactInfo = new
                                       position = c.ContactTitle,
                                       Contacter = c.ContactName
                var qSelect4 = from o in ctx.Orders
                               select new
                                   OrderNumber = o.OrderID,
                                   IsOverWeight = o.Freight > 100 ? "yes" : "no"
                var qWhere1 = from c in ctx.Customers
                              where c.Country == "France" && c.Orders.Count > 5
                              select new
                                  Country = c.Country,
                                  City = c.City,
                                  OrderNum = c.Orders.Count
                var qOrderby1 = from e in ctx.Employees
                                where e.Employees2.Count == 0
                                orderby e.HireDate.Value.Year descending, e.FirstName ascending
                                select new
                                    name = e.FirstName + e.LastName,
                                    year = e.HireDate.Value.Year
                var qPage = (from c in ctx.Customers select c).Skip(10).Take(10);
                var qGroup1 = from c in ctx.Customers
                              group c by c.Country into g
                              where g.Count() > 5
                              orderby g.Count() descending
                              select new
                                  Country = g.Key,
                                  Number = g.Count()
                var qGroup2 = from c in ctx.Customers
                              group c by new { c.Country, c.City } into g
                              orderby g.Key.Country, g.Key.City
                              select new
                                  Country = g.Key.Country,
                                  City = g.Key.City
                var qGroup3 = from o in ctx.Orders
                              group o by new { condition = o.Freight > 100 } into g
                              select new
                                  number = g.Count(),//g.Count()表示分组中的元素总计
                                       IsOverWeight = g.Key.condition ? "yes" : "no"
                var qDistinct = (from c in ctx.Customers
                                 orderby c.Country ascending
                                 select c.Country).Distinct();
                var qUnion = (from c in ctx.Customers
                              where c.City.StartsWith("A")
                              select new
                                  City = c.City,
                                  ContactName = c.ContactName
                             from c in ctx.Customers
                             where c.ContactName.StartsWith("A")
                             select new
                                 City = c.City,
                                 ContactName = c.ContactName
                             }).OrderBy(o => o.ContactName);
                var qConcat = (from c in ctx.Customers
                               where c.City.StartsWith("A")
                               select new
                                   City = c.City,
                                   ContactName = c.ContactName
                             from c in ctx.Customers
                             where c.ContactName.StartsWith("A")
                             select new
                                 City = c.City,
                                 ContactName = c.ContactName
                             }).OrderByDescending(o => o.ContactName);
                var qIntersect = (from c in ctx.Customers
                                  where c.City.StartsWith("A")
                                  select new
                                      City = c.City,
                                      ContactName = c.ContactName
                             from c in ctx.Customers
                             where c.ContactName.StartsWith("A")
                             select new
                                 City = c.City,
                                 ContactName = c.ContactName
                             }).OrderByDescending(o => o.ContactName);
                var qExcept = (from c in ctx.Customers
                               where c.City.StartsWith("A")
                               select new
                                   City = c.City,
                                   ContactName = c.ContactName
                             from c in ctx.Customers
                             where c.ContactName.StartsWith("A")
                             select new
                                 City = c.City,
                                 ContactName = c.ContactName
                             }).OrderByDescending(o => o.ContactName);
                var qSubQuery1 = from c in ctx.Customers
                                 (from o in ctx.Orders
                                  group o by o.CustomerID into g
                                  where g.Count() > 5
                                  select g.Key).Contains(c.CustomerID)
                                 select new
                                     name = c.ContactName,
                                     country = c.Country
                var qSubQuery2 = from c in ctx.Customers
                                 where new string[] { "Brandenburg", "Cowes", "Stavern" }.Contains(c.City)
                                 select c;
                //join描述:内连接INNER JOIN,没有分类的产品查询不到
                var qJoin = from p in ctx.Products
                            join c in ctx.Categories
                            on p.CategoryID equals c.CategoryID
                            select new { ProductName = p.ProductName };
                //sgv.DataSource = qJoin;
                var leftjoin = from p in ctx.Products
                               join c in ctx.Categories
                               on p.CategoryID equals c.CategoryID
                               into pro
                               from x in pro
                               select new { ProductName = p.ProductName };
                //sgv.DataSource = leftjoin;
                //外连接LEFT OUTER JOIN,没有分类的产品也能查询到
                var leftjoin1 = from p in ctx.Products
                               join c in ctx.Categories
                               on p.CategoryID equals c.CategoryID
                               into pro
                               from x in pro.DefaultIfEmpty()
                               select new { ProductName = p.ProductName };
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/JDotNet/p/3305905.html
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