在ORM.NET Object Browser中指定表是lookup表,如下图所示
Lookup表明此表的数据是只读的,不会生成任何的新增,删除对象方法(Add[Object], New[Object], or Delete[Object]),列的属性也不包含Set属性。因此,Lookup表是用来表示static的数据,不会发生变化的数据。这样,ORM.NET框架会cache缓存它的值以改善性能。请看下面的代码
// Create a new Lookup object – a sub-classed DataManager Lookups lookup = new Lookups(Config.Dsn); // find a specific course and assign a local object reference Course course = lookup.Courses.FindByClassName("History 101"); // Display some property information about the Course retrieved from the cached Lookup object Console.WriteLine("Course " + course.ClassName + " " + course.ID);
// Assign a local Course Collection CourseCollection courses = lookup.Courses; // loop through each record in the Course table foreach(Course c in courses) Console.WriteLine("Course Name: " + c.ClassName); //Create new Course collection with filter applied on the DateCreated property CourseCollection oldcourses = courses.FilterByDateCreated(DateTime.Parse("11/06/2002"));
Lookups lookups = new Lookups(Config.Dsn); Schedule s = dm.NewSchedule(); // Create a new Schedule object // assign the Schedule object to the desired Course object (Parent) s.Course = lookups.Courses.FindByClassName("History 101"); //.. add the rest of the schedule information dm.CommitAll(); // create the Schedule object with the Parent Course information
Lookup表的另一个作用是用来棒定到ASP.NET DropDownList,请看代码示例,代码简洁
Lookups lookups = new Lookups(Config.Dsn); // Courses is set as the DataSource - Courses is returned sorted by ID in ascending order. DropDownListCourses.DataSource = lookups.Courses.SortByID(SortDirection.Ascending); DropDownListCourses.DataBind(); // bind the data source
调用存储过程 Working with Stored Procedures
使用ORM.NET的好处之一是,可以通过一套代码,运行在多种数据库平台中(虽然ORM.NET当前只支持SQL Server),所以尽量少用与特定数据库相关的方式,比如存储过程。如果是在系统维护过程中,暂时无法移除对现有的存储过程的依赖,ORM.NET也提供了方法以访问存储过程。
请看下面的SQL Server存储过程定义
ALTER PROC spGetContactDetails @LastName varchar(50), @City varchar(50) OUTPUT, @State varchar(50) OUTPUT AS SELECT @City=City, @State=state FROM Teacher t, Contact c WHERE t.FKContactId=c.Id AND LastName=@LastName
DataManager dm = new DataManager(Config.Dsn); string CityName = ""; // define and initialize SQL Output params string StateName = ""; // Pass Input and Output parameters to the Stored procedure DataSet ds = StoredProcedures.spGetContactDetails("Goldberg",ref CityName, ref StateName); Console.WriteLine("Display results: " + CityName + " " + StateName);
public static DataSet spGetContactDetails( System.String LastName, ref System.String City,
ref System.String State ) { ArrayList arrayParams = new ArrayList(); SqlParameter paramLastName = new SqlParameter( "@LastName", LastName); paramLastName.SqlDbType = (SqlDbType) Enum.Parse( typeof(SqlDbType), "varchar", true); paramLastName.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; arrayParams.Add( paramLastName ); SqlParameter paramCity = new SqlParameter( "@City", City); paramCity.SqlDbType = (SqlDbType) Enum.Parse( typeof(SqlDbType), "varchar", true); paramCity.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; arrayParams.Add( paramCity ); SqlParameter paramState = new SqlParameter( "@State", State); paramState.SqlDbType = (SqlDbType) Enum.Parse( typeof(SqlDbType), "varchar", true); paramState.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; arrayParams.Add( paramState ); DataSet ds = dm.ExecuteProcedure("spGetContactDetails", (SqlParameter[]) arrayParams.ToArray(typeof(SqlParameter))); City = (System.String) paramCity.Value; State = (System.String) paramState.Value; return ds; }
CREATE PROC spStudentsByCity AS SELECT City, Count(c.Id) as 'Total' FROM Student s, Contact c WHERE s.FKContactId=c.ID GROUP BY City
DataSet ds1 = StoredProcedures.spStudentsByCity(); foreach (DataRow dr in ds1.Tables[0].Rows) Console.WriteLine ("City: " + dr["City"] + " Total: " + dr["Total"]);
ALTER Proc spStudentContact @LastName varchar(50) AS DECLARE @ContactId int DECLARE @FKContactId int SELECT * FROM Student WHERE LastName=@LastName SELECT @FKContactId=FKContactID FROM Student WHERE LastName=@LastName SELECT * FROM Contact WHERE ID=@FKContactId
DataSet ds = StoredProcedures.spStudentContact("Johnson"); // call the stored procedure String[] arrTables = {"Student","Contact"}; // create the array with the tables included in the DataSet dm.PopulateObjectsFromDataSet(ds,arrTables); StudentCollection students = dm.GetStudentCollectionFromDataSet(); ContactCollection contacts = dm.GetContactCollectionFromDataSet(); // Work with the objects foreach(Contact c1 in contacts) Console.WriteLine("Address: " + c1.Address1);
子类化,增加自定义代码 Sub-classing and extending Generated Class files
using System; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Data.SqlTypes; namespace SampleAppBiz { /// <summary> /// Wraps a row and it's columns/children/parents /// This class should be customized. /// </summary> public class Student : StudentTemplate { /// <summary> /// Constructor must have a row and data context. /// </summary> internal Student( DataManager dataContext, DataRow ROW) : base( dataContext, ROW) { row = ROW; } } }
public string FullName() { return (this.FirstName + " " + this.LastName); }
public override string LastName { get { return (base.LastName.ToLower()); } set { // ensure that the LastName is always set to // lower-case base.LastName = value.ToLower(); } }