10 Javascript Framework With Rich UI Component
There are many javascript framework that available to use on the internet, most of them offering a simple solution to build modern web application, but not all offering a full rich UI component. Some framework like jquery, mootools, prototype only cover the core feature like animating, effect, DOM manipulation.
This rich feature whether you called it component, widget or any other, can help you to make user interface faster, without have to write your own style. These might be help if you build an enterprise web application. I list some of javascript framework with rich that maybe can be one of your choice.
ExtJS is one of the most popular javascript framework that offer very rich and complete UI widget to build web application, created by sencha inc, extjs is very popular since the early release in version 2, even in latest version extjs added an architectural pattern like MVC to make the code more readable.
Dojo Toolkit
Since the first it born dojo is one of the extjs competitor, one of the advantages of dojo is the license. you can use it for free even for the commercial project, it is created by sitepen, unlike extjs who separated the mobile feature in different framework, dojo include the mobile feature.
It is open source and enterprise ready javascript framework maintained by 1&1 hosting company, you can see the real life example on the it official page, to see how this framework are implemented.
Created by Isomorphic Software, smartclient require JDK to work on you machine, smartclient offer variety off license you can get the free version with very limited features, you can see the smartclient version comparison.
ZK Framework
ZK framework developed and maintained by Potix Corporation, not only offering framework that ready to use by developer but there also a ready to use application like pivot table and spreadsheet, also there is plugin to integrate to eclipse IDE.
Like smartclient, DHTMLX not completely free, it charge by what the features you want to use, see this licenses comparison.
Wijmo is a kit of web UI based on JQuery UI, is offer many ready to use widget, and it can be themed based on JQuery UI theme, but unlike it core JQuery UI license, wijmo only free for the trial edition.
Vaadin is java web application framework, which mostly used by Java developer, it created by Vaadin Ltd previously named IT Mill.
Echo Web Framework
Not really know about this one, it seems it already long time not being updated, but the web still active and you can still download it.
Some Others Web UI Widget
- Uize by Chris van Rensburg
- Alloy UI by Liferay
- YUI Library by Yahoo!
- Based on Mootols: JxLib, MochaUI, MoolegoUI
- Based on JQuery: Intelligent Expert, jQuery Tools
- Uki Simple UI Kit for complex web apps
- Cappuccino an Objective-J javascript framework
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