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  • %3f URL --> '?'拼接引发的问题



    [–]lyinstevemod 2 points 1 year ago 

    If you're using Alamofire, you should really be submitting URL encoded parameters as a dictionary instead, because Alamofire handles serialization. You're doing more work than you should.


    [–]xStory_Timex[S1 point 1 year ago 

    I don't understand, can you explain more


    [–]lyinstevemod 1 point 1 year ago 

    So right now you're adding URL parameters, right? And you're serializing them into a string yourself.

    You also said you're using Alamofire. Alamofire will actually take those arguments in a Dictionary as a parameter to the request() function. You don't need to -- and shouldn't -- manually create those strings.

    Specifically just


    Instead, pass the parameters into the Alamofire request() function.

       parameters: ["brand_id": id]
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Jenaral/p/5638645.html
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