今天刚好同事遇到一个关于将 【药品名称】转换为【拼音简写】的问题,如:复方草珊瑚含片---FFCSHHP, 研究了以下,参考了网上的一些方法,写了如下的标量值函数来解决这个问题。
create function fun_getPY(@str nvarchar(4000)) returns nvarchar(4000) as begin declare @word nchar(1),@PY nvarchar(4000) set @PY='' while len(@str)>0 begin set @word=left(@str,1) --- 如果为非汉字字符,返回原字符 set @PY=@PY+(case when unicode(@word) between 19968 and 19968+20901 then (select top 1 PY from ( select 'A' as PY,N'驁' as word union all select 'B',N'簿' union all select 'C',N'錯' union all select 'D',N'鵽' union all select 'E',N'樲' union all select 'F',N'鰒' union all select 'G',N'腂' union all select 'H',N'夻' union all select 'J',N'攈' union all select 'K',N'穒' union all select 'L',N'鱳' union all select 'M',N'旀' union all select 'N',N'桛' union all select 'O',N'漚' union all select 'P',N'曝' union all select 'Q',N'囕' union all select 'R',N'鶸' union all select 'S',N'蜶' union all select 'T',N'籜' union all select 'W',N'鶩' union all select 'X',N'鑂' union all select 'Y',N'韻' union all select 'Z',N'咗' ) T where word>=@word collate Chinese_PRC_CS_AS_KS_WS order by PY ASC) else @word end) set @str=right(@str,len(@str)-1) end return @PY end
将上面的Sql语句,复制到新建查询中运行即可,得到函数 dbo.fun_getPY()
之后 用select 调用即可。演示操作如下:
case when unicode(@word) between 19968 and 19968+20901
通过汉字的Unicode 编码来实现和拼音的一一对应,而在20901个汉字之外的其他字符会原封不动输出。
union all select 'T',N'籜'
加 N 就表示字符串用 Unicode 方式存储