use [GUOYOUZI.Study] if exists (select 1 from sys.sysreferences r join sys.sysobjects o on ( = r.constid and o.type = 'F') where r.fkeyid = object_id('UnitPriceDetail') and = 'FK_UNITPRICEDETAIL_FK_BASICINFO') alter table UnitPriceDetail drop constraint FK_UNITPRICEDETAIL_FK_BASICINFO go if exists (select 1 from sysobjects where id = object_id('UnitPriceDetail') and type = 'U') drop table UnitPriceDetail go /*==============================================================*/ /* Table: UnitPriceDetail */ /*==============================================================*/ create table UnitPriceDetail ( UnitID int identity, BasicInfoID int null, Title nvarchar(50) null, UnitAmount decimal(18,8) null, Remark nvarchar(200) null, constraint PK_UNITPRICEDETAIL primary key (UnitID) ) go declare @CurrentUser sysname select @CurrentUser = user_name() execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description', '价明细表(UnitPriceDetail)', 'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'UnitPriceDetail' go declare @CurrentUser sysname select @CurrentUser = user_name() execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description', '基础信息主键', 'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'UnitPriceDetail', 'column', 'BasicInfoID' go declare @CurrentUser sysname select @CurrentUser = user_name() execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description', '标题', 'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'UnitPriceDetail', 'column', 'Title' go declare @CurrentUser sysname select @CurrentUser = user_name() execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description', '单价金额', 'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'UnitPriceDetail', 'column', 'UnitAmount' go declare @CurrentUser sysname select @CurrentUser = user_name() execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description', '备注', 'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'UnitPriceDetail', 'column', 'Remark' go alter table UnitPriceDetail add constraint FK_UNITPRICEDETAIL_FK_BASICINFO foreign key (ID) references BasicInfo (ID) go