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     * Read Directory.
     * Just read the top-level directory.
     * @param  string $path directory 
     *                      Eg:readDirectory( 'file/' );
     * @return array  directory array
    function readDirectory( $path ) {
    	//open directory handle.
    	$dirHanlde = opendir( $path );
    	//Loop through directory.
    	while ( ( $item = readdir( $dirHanlde ) ) !== FALSE ) {
    		$p = $path . '/' . $item;
    		if ( $item == '.' || $item == '..' ) continue;
    		if ( is_file( $p ) ) $arr['file'][] = $item;
    		if ( is_dir( $p ) )  $arr['dir'][] = $item;
    	//close directory handle.
    	closedir( $dirHanlde );
    	//return result.
    	return $arr;
     * calculate directory size.
     * @param  string directory size.
     * @return $num
    function dirSize( $path ) {
    	static $num;
    	$openHandle = opendir( $path );
    	while ( ( $item = readdir( $openHandle ) ) !== FALSE ) {
    		$p = $path . '/' . $item;
    		if ( $item == '.' || $item == '..' ) continue;
    		if ( is_file( $p ) ) $num += filesize( $p );
    		if ( is_dir( $p ) ) dirSize( $p );
    	closedir( $openHandle );
    	return $num;
     * copy directory
     * 				Eg:
     * 					- copyDir( 'file/', 'abc/file' );
     * 					- copyDir( 'file/a', 'abc/def/a' );
     * @return [type] [description]
    function copyDir( $src, $dst ) {
    	if ( ! file_exists( $dst ) ) mkdir( $dst, 0777, true );
    	$openHandle = opendir( $src );
    	while ( ( $item = readdir( $openHandle ) ) !== FALSE ) {
    		$srcpath = $src . '/' . $item; 
    		$dstpath = $dst . '/' . $item; 
    		if ( $item == '.' || $item == '..' ) continue;
    		if ( is_file( $srcpath ) ) copy( $srcpath, $dstpath );
    		if ( is_dir( $srcpath ) ) copyDir( $srcpath, $dstpath );
    	closedir( $openHandle );
    	return true;



     * Conversion Bytes.
     * 					Eg:transBytes( 500000 );
     * @param  int $size Bytes.
     * @return float return value. 
    function transBytes( $size ) {
    	$byteUnits = 0;
    	$arr = array( 'B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'EB');
    	while ( $size >= 1024 ) {
    		$size /= 1024;
    	return round( $size, 2 ) . $arr[ $byteUnits ];
     * create file. include path.
     * 							Eg:createFile( 'file/abc.txt' );
     * @param  string $filename filename(include path.).
     * @return string result message.
    function createFile( $filename ) {
    	//check file.
     	if ( checkFile( $filename ) ) {
    	 	//create file.
    	 	if ( @touch( $filename ) ) {
    	 		return 'Success!';
    	 	} else { return 'Failed to create file.'; }
     	} else { return 'check file faild!'; }
     * rename file. 
     * 				Eg:renameFile( 'file/lllllssss.txt', 'file/abc.txt' );
     * @param  string $oldname old file name.
     * @param  string $newname new file name.
     * @return result.
    function renameFile( $oldname, $newname ) {
    	//check file.
     	if ( checkFile( $newname ) ) {
     		//create file.
    	 	if ( @rename( $oldname, $newname ) ) {
    	 		return 'Success!';
    	 	} else { return 'Failed to rename file.'; }
     	} else { return 'check file faild!'; }
     * delete file.
     * 			Eg:delFile( 'file/lllll.html' );
     * @param  string file path.
     * @return return message.
    function delFile( $name ) {	
    	( @unlink( $name ) ) ? $resultMsg = 'Delete Success!' : $resultMsg = 'Delete Faild!';
    	return $resultMsg;
     * download file.
     * 				Eg:downFile( 'file/abc.html' );
     * @param  string filename
     * @return download file name
    function downFile( $filename ) {
    	header( 'Content-Disposition:attachment;filename=' . basename( $filename ) );
    	header( 'Content-length:' . filesize( $filename ) );
    	readfile( $filename );
     * check file.
     * 			Eg:checkFile( $name );
     * include:
     * 	- Function checkFileName()
     * 	- Function checkFileExists()
     * @param  string $name file name.
     * @return bool
    function checkFile( $name ) {
    	//verify the file name.
    	if ( checkFileName( $name ) ) {
    		//To determine whether the file already exists
    		 if ( checkFileExists( $name ) ) {
    		 	return true;
    		} else { return false; }
    	} else { return false; }
     * check file name.
     * 					Eg:checkFileName( 'abc.txt' );
     * @param  string $name file name.
     * @return bool   success return true,faild return false.
    function checkFileName( $name ) {
    	//Regular Expressions.
    	//very that the file name is valid.
    	$pattern = "/[/,*,<>,?|]/";
    	//verify the file name.
    	return @preg_match( $pattern, basename( $name ) );
     * check file exists.
     * inlcude path.
     * 				Eg:checkFileExists( 'nnn.txt' );
     * @param  string $name file name.
     * @return bool   success return true,faild return false.
    function checkFileExists( $name ) {
    	return @file_exists( $name );



     * Dispaly information and jump pages.
     * @param  string $msg   display information.
     * @param  string $path  jump path.
     * @return This function has no return value.
    function alertMsg( $msg, $path ) {
    	echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('" . $msg . "');location.href = '" . $path . "';</script>";


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/KTblog/p/5395839.html
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