Given an array S of n integers, are there elements a, b, c in S such that a + b + c = 0? Find all unique triplets in the array which gives the sum of zero.
- Elements in a triplet (a,b,c) must be in non-descending order. (ie, a ≤ b ≤ c)
- The solution set must not contain duplicate triplets.
For example, given array S = {-1 0 1 2 -1 -4}, A solution set is: (-1, 0, 1) (-1, -1, 2)
1 class Solution { 2 public: 3 vector<vector<int> > threeSum(vector<int> &num) { 4 int lenght = num.size(); 5 int i,j,k; 6 vector<vector<int> > result; 7 result.clear(); 8 vector<int> temp; 9 10 for (i=0;i<lenght;i++) 11 { 12 temp.clear(); 13 for (j=i+1;j<lenght;j++) 14 { 15 for(k=j+1;k<lenght;k++) 16 if (0 == num[i]+num[j]+num[k]) 17 { 18 temp.push_back(num[i]); 19 temp.push_back(num[j]); 20 temp.push_back(num[k]); 21 sort(temp.begin(),temp.end()); 22 result.push_back(temp); 23 } 24 } 25 } 26 return result; 27 28 } 29 };
提交结果不想而知:Time Limit Exceeded。
在翻阅以前的Leetcode题目中,有一道题和该题很相似,就是Leetcode 1题,其复杂度为O(n),这道题是在vector中寻找满足a+b=target的下标,因此,我们可以将本题要求变换为a+b=-c,直接调用1题代码,其代码如下:
1 class mySolution { 2 public: 3 vector<int> twoSum(vector<int> &numbers, int target) { 4 vector<int> result; 5 result.clear(); 6 map<int,int> myMap; 7 8 int i,temp; 9 int length = numbers.size(); 10 map<int,int>::iterator it; 11 myMap.insert(pair<int,int>(numbers[0],0)); 12 for (i=1;i<length;i++) 13 { 14 temp = target - numbers[i]; 15 it = myMap.find(temp); 16 if (it!=myMap.end()) 17 { 18 result.push_back(it->second+1); 19 result.push_back(i+1); 20 } 21 myMap.insert(pair<int,int>(numbers[i],i)); 22 } 23 //cout << result[0] << " " << result[1]<<endl; 24 return result; 25 26 } 27 28 }; 29 30 class Solution { 31 public: 32 vector<vector<int> > threeSum(vector<int> &num) { 33 int lenght = num.size(); 34 int i,j,k,l; 35 vector<vector<int> > result; 36 vector<vector<int> >::iterator it1; 37 result.clear(); 38 vector<int> temp; 39 vector<int> temp1; 40 vector<int> temp2; 41 vector<int>::iterator it; 42 mySolution obj; 43 set<int> mySet; 44 mySet.clear(); 45 46 47 48 for (i=0;i<lenght;i++) 49 { 50 temp1 = num;//为了保证num的完整性,故做这一步操作 51 it = temp1.begin(); 52 temp1.erase(it+i);//删除num[i]是为了避免num[i]被选中两次 53 if (mySet.find(num[i]) == mySet.end()) 54 { 55 mySet.insert(num[i]); 56 temp = obj.twoSum(temp1,0-num[i]); 57 }else 58 continue;; 59 int mysize = temp.size(); 60 if (0==mysize) 61 { 62 continue; 63 } 64 else 65 { 66 l=0; 67 while (mysize) 68 { 69 j=temp[l]-1; 70 k=temp[l+1]-1; 71 mysize--; 72 mysize--; 73 l+=2; 74 temp2.clear(); 75 temp2.push_back(temp1[j]); 76 temp2.push_back(temp1[k]); 77 temp2.push_back(num[i]); 78 sort(temp2.begin(),temp2.end()); 79 80 for (it1=result.begin();it1!=result.end();it1++) 81 { 82 if ((*it1)==temp2) 83 { 84 break; 85 } 86 } 87 if (it1 == result.end()) 88 { 89 result.push_back(temp2); 90 } 91 } 92 93 94 } 95 96 97 } 98 return result; 99 100 } 101 };
提交:Time Limit Exceeded。呵呵,看来还是不行啊。得想更好的办法了。
第二个代码中时间复杂度是O(n^2),执行结果是Time Limit Exceeded。因此需要考虑时间复杂度为O(nlgn)--->想到排序。
算法大致思路:先将vector排序,然后遍历vector,当 a=a[i] 时 后面的问题 就是 : a[i+1] 到 a[n-1]中 b+c =-a (编程之美 2.12 快速寻找满足条件的两个数 )
记 b=a[j]=a[i-1] c=a[k]=a[n-1]
若 b+c < -a ,j++;
b+c > -a ,j--;
b+c=-a 记录下来,并j++;
class Solution { public: vector<vector<int> > threeSum(vector<int> &num) { // Start typing your C/C++ solution below // DO NOT write int main() function vector<vector<int> > ret; ret.clear(); sort(num.begin(),num.end()); for(int i=0; i!=num.size();i++){ if(i > 0 && num[i]==num[i-1]) continue; int j,k; j=i+1; k=num.size()-1; while(j<k){ if(j>i+1&&num[j]==num[j-1]){ j++; continue; } if(k<num.size()-1&& num[k]==num[k+1]){ k--; continue; } int sum = num[i] + num[j] + num[k]; if(sum>0){ k--; }else if(sum<0){ j++; }else{ vector<int> tmp; tmp.push_back(num[i]); tmp.push_back(num[j]); tmp.push_back(num[k]); ret.push_back(tmp); j++; } } } return ret; } };