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  • 「训练日志17」 (8.12) 崩盘

    T1 引子




    • 对题意理解不全,多考虑了很多无用情况。
    • 没有用心思考,连样例都不能手玩出来。
    • 桶的编号和桶的数量没分清。
    • 没有考虑到桶的数量大于数组容量的情况。



      1 #include<cstdio>
      2 #define HZOI std
      3 using namespace HZOI;
      4 const int N=1003;
      5 struct node{
      6     int s,x,z,y;
      7 }pos[N*N];
      8 int n,m;
      9 char a[N][N];
     10 int tot,be[N][N],num[N*N],vis[N][N];
     11 int when,gt[N<<6][N],ans[N];
     12 int tt,first[N*N];
     13 int dx[4]={0,0,-1,1},dy[4]={1,-1,0,0};
     14 void Dfs(int );
     15 inline char read();
     16 int main()
     17 {
     18     scanf("%d%d",&n,&m);
     19     for (int i=1; i<=n; ++i)
     20         for (int j=1; j<=m; ++j)
     21             a[i][j]=read();
     22     for (int i=1,old=0; i<=n; ++i,old=0)
     23         for (int j=1; j<=m; ++j)
     24             if (a[i][j]=='.') old=0;
     25             else if (a[i][j]=='+') 
     26                 if (old==0) old=j;
     27                 else 
     28                 {
     29                     int g=i+1,flag=0;
     30                     while (a[g][old]=='|' and a[g][j]=='|')    ++g;
     31                     if (a[g][old]!='+' or a[g][j]!='+') flag=1;
     32                     else 
     33                         for (int k=old+1; k<j; ++k)
     34                             if (a[g][k]!='-')
     35                                 flag=1;
     36                     if (flag) continue;
     37                     else 
     38                         for (int k=i+1; k<g; ++k)
     39                         {
     40                             for (int h=old+1; h<j; ++h)
     41                                 if (a[k][h]^'.') {flag=(flag<<3)+(flag<<1)+(a[k][h]-48);continue;}
     42                             if (flag) break;
     43                         }
     44                     for (int k=i; k<=g; ++k) be[k][old]=be[k][j]=flag;
     45                     for (int k=old; k<=j; ++k) be[i][k]=be[g][k]=flag;
     46                     num[++tot]=flag;
     47                     pos[num[tot]].s=i,pos[num[tot]].x=g;
     48                     pos[num[tot]].z=old,pos[num[tot]].y=j;
     49                     old=0;
     50                 }
     51     for (int i=1; i<=tot; ++i)
     52     {
     53         int id=num[i];
     54         int bian1=pos[id].z-1,bian2=pos[id].y+1;
     55         for (int j=pos[id].s; j<=pos[id].x; ++j)
     56         {
     57             if (a[j][bian1]=='-')
     58             {
     59                 int posi=j,posj=bian1,odi,odj;
     60                 vis[posi][posj]=vis[posi][posj+1]=1;
     61                 while (!be[posi][posj])
     62                     if (a[posi][posj]=='-') 
     63                     {
     64                         if (!vis[posi][posj-1] ) vis[posi][posj--]=1;
     65                         else vis[posi][posj++]=1;
     66                         continue;
     67                     }
     68                     else if (a[posi][posj]=='+') 
     69                     {
     70                         for (int k=0; k<4; ++k)
     71                             if (vis[posi+dx[k]][posj+dy[k]] and posi+dx[k]>0 and posi+dx[k]<=n and posj+dy[k]>0 and posj+dy[k]<=m)
     72                                 odi=posi+dx[k],odj=posj+dy[k];
     73                         if (a[odi][odj]=='|')
     74                         {
     75                             if (a[posi][posj+1]=='-') vis[posi][posj++]=1;
     76                             else if (a[posi][posj-1]=='-') vis[posi][posj--]=1;
     77                             continue;
     78                         }
     79                         else if (a[odi][odj]=='-') { vis[posi++][posj]=1; continue; }
     80                     }
     81                     else if (a[posi][posj]=='|') { vis[posi++][posj]=1; continue; }
     82                 gt[id][++gt[id][0]]=be[posi][posj];
     83             }
     84             if (a[j][bian2]=='-')
     85             {
     86                 int posi=j,posj=bian2,odi,odj;
     87                 vis[posi][posj]=1,vis[posi][posj-1]=1;
     88                 while (!be[posi][posj])
     89                     if (a[posi][posj]=='-') 
     90                     {
     91                         if (!vis[posi][posj-1]) vis[posi][posj--]=1;
     92                         else vis[posi][posj++]=1;
     93                         continue;
     94                     }
     95                     else if (a[posi][posj]=='+') 
     96                     {
     97                         for (int k=0; k<4; ++k)
     98                             if (vis[posi+dx[k]][posj+dy[k]] and posi+dx[k]>0 and posi+dx[k]<=n and posj+dy[k]>0 and posj+dy[k]<=m)
     99                                 odi=posi+dx[k],odj=posj+dy[k];
    100                         if (a[odi][odj]=='|')
    101                         {
    102                             if (a[posi][posj+1]=='-') vis[posi][posj++]=1;
    103                             else if (a[posi][posj-1]=='-') vis[posi][posj--]=1;
    104                             continue;
    105                         }
    106                         else if (a[odi][odj]=='-') { vis[posi++][posj]=1; continue; }
    107                     }
    108                     else if (a[posi][posj]=='|') { vis[posi++][posj]=1; continue; }
    109                 gt[id][++gt[id][0]]=be[posi][posj];
    110             }
    111         }
    112     }
    113     Dfs(1);
    114     for (int i=1; i<=when; ++i)
    115         printf("%d
    116     return 0;
    117 }
    118 void Dfs(int k)
    119 {
    120     for (int i=gt[k][0]; i; --i)
    121         Dfs(gt[k][i]);
    122     ans[++when]=k;
    123 }
    124 inline char read()
    125 {
    126     char cc=getchar();
    127     while (cc!='.' and cc!='|' and cc!='-' and cc!='+' and (cc<'0' or cc>'9')) cc=getchar();
    128     return cc;
    129 }

    T2 可爱精灵宝贝







      题解上有一个空间优化,就是把g数组和f数组合并到一起,也就是让$f_{i,j,k}$ $i>j$的部分作为g数组,具体的不再赘述。




     1 #include<cstdio>
     2 #include<cstring>
     3 #include<algorithm>
     4 #define HZOI std
     5 using namespace HZOI;
     6 const int N=2e3+3;
     7 struct node{
     8     int a,b,t;
     9     friend bool operator < (node x,node y)
    10     {
    11         return x.a<y.a;
    12     }
    13 }pos[N];
    14 int n,m,k,maxt,ans;
    15 int a[N],b[N],c[N],d[N],t[N],cst[N],low[N];
    16 int f[103][103][N],g[103][103][N];
    17 void Dfs(int ,int );
    18 inline int read();
    19 inline int max(int a,int b) {return a>b?a:b;}
    20 inline int abs(int a) {return a>0?a:-a;}
    21 int main()
    22 {
    23     n=read(),k=read(),m=read();
    24     for (int i=1; i<=m; ++i)
    25         pos[i].a=read(),pos[i].b=read(),pos[i].t=read(),maxt=max(maxt,pos[i].t),c[i]=pos[i].a;
    26     sort(c+1,c+m+1);
    27     sort(pos+1,pos+m+1);
    28     for (int i=1; i<=m; ++i)
    29         cst[i]=cst[i-1]+pos[i].a-pos[i-1].a;
    30     int len=unique(c+1,c+m+1)-c-1;
    31     for (int i=1; i<=m; ++i)
    32     {
    33         low[i]=abs(k-pos[i].a)+1;
    34         pos[i].a=lower_bound(c+1,c+len+1,a[i])-c;
    35     }
    36     for (int i=1; i<=m; ++i)
    37         f[i][i][low[i]]=g[i][i][low[i]]=low[i]>pos[i].t?0:pos[i].b;
    38     for (int h=0; h<=maxt; ++h)
    39         for (int i=1; i<=m; ++i)
    40         {
    41             if (h<low[i]) continue;
    42             for (int j=i; j<=m; ++j)
    43             {
    44                 if (h<low[j]) continue;
    45                 if (i>1) f[i-1][j][h+cst[i]-cst[i-1]]=max(f[i-1][j][h+cst[i]-cst[i-1]],f[i][j][h]+(h+cst[i]-cst[i-1]>pos[i-1].t?0:pos[i-1].b));
    46                 if (j<m) g[i][j+1][h+cst[j+1]-cst[i]]=max(g[i][j+1][h+cst[j+1]-cst[i]],f[i][j][h]+(h+cst[j+1]-cst[i]>pos[j+1].t?0:pos[j+1].b));
    47                 if (j<m) g[i][j+1][h+cst[j+1]-cst[j]]=max(g[i][j+1][h+cst[j+1]-cst[j]],g[i][j][h]+(h+cst[j+1]-cst[j]>pos[j+1].t?0:pos[j+1].b));
    48                 if (i>1) f[i-1][j][h+cst[j]-cst[i-1]]=max(f[i-1][j][h+cst[j]-cst[i-1]],g[i][j][h]+(h+cst[j]-cst[i-1]>pos[i-1].t?0:pos[i-1].b));
    49                 ans=max(ans,max(f[i][j][h],g[i][j][h]));
    50             }
    51         }
    52     printf("%d
    53 }
    54 inline int read()
    55 {
    56     int nn=0; char cc=getchar();
    57     while (cc<'0' or cc>'9') cc=getchar();
    58     while (cc>='0' and cc<='9') nn=(nn<<3)+(nn<<1)+(cc^48),cc=getchar();
    59     return nn;
    60 }

    T3 相互再归的鹅妈妈



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    ssh 执行多条命令包含awk的用法
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/LH-Xuanluo/p/11343577.html
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