*** HomePage Auto-Create Solution
Automation :
本次自动化代替操作完成的是HomePage配置文档中设置步骤的1到9步(属于做数据阶段),由于HomePage结合的模块众多,添加web parts到页面的过程需要调用Leo哥写的各种后台过程,光靠调用SharePoint API是无法完成的,所以第九步后半部分的“将webpart一一对应的加入WebPart Zone中”这一过程为手动添加过程。(属于测试阶段,检查咱们添加的后台过程是否正常运行,1. My Documents web part的title url是否自动添加到web part setting中;2. 保存并点击title,检查header能顺利实现跳转;2. 检查My Documents web part和Site Management web part的header是否包含特定的黑框样式。)
整个HomePage部署自动化包含三个阶段,第一阶段(详见上一篇)和第二阶段都已经完成了,最后一个阶段就是配置web part和修改web part信息的过程我也会找时间尝试写成自动配置的脚本。(感谢大神超哥@Leo Jiang巨指点,虽然这次没试上web part的导出导入和API,不过下次写web part的配置过程时就可以派上用途啦。)
- Add Solution APPS***HomePage.wsp to Farm
- Deploy solution到homepage所在web application
- 创建Site Collection,作为Home Page使用的Site Collection。
- 进入Site Setting页面,点击Site collection features,激活SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure,Custom Page Layout Feature
- 返回Site Setting页面,点击Manage Site features,激活SharePoint Server Publishing
- 返回Site Setting页面,点击Site collection features,激活Home Page Web Part Feature
- 设置Site的***ter page为Seattle
- 点击Site Contents,进入Pages Library,点击Ribbon上的New Documents,创建Article Page,Page Layout选择*** Home Page
- 创建好Home Page对应的publishing page
METHOD: Right click the tool and run it as administrator.
Result: The *** Home Page will be created and open automatically.
Script Code:
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Time = Get-Date $Today = $Time.year.toString() + "." + $Time.month.toString() + "." + $Time.day.toString() $TodayIs = "Today is " + $Today.toString() $TodayIs $siteURL = "https://teamsite.migration.net/sites/" + $Today + ".HomePage" Write-Host "Today's HomePage is creating..." New-SPSite -URL $siteURL -OwnerAlias "soe user2" -Language 1033 -CompatibilityLevel 15 -Template "STS#0" $HomePageSiteCollection = Get-SPSite -Identity $siteURL Write-Host "The HomePage site collection has been created successfully." #Enable the site collection level publishing feature Write-Host "Enabling the site collection level publishing feature..." Enable-SPFeature -Id F6924D36-2FA8-4f0b-B16D-06B7250180FA -Url $siteURL Write-Host "The site collection level publishing feature has been enabled." #Enable the *** custom page layout feature Write-Host "Enabling the *** custom page layout feature..." Enable-SPFeature -Id AFBAA18A-CD2A-4866-AE01-EB1B35778687 -Url $siteURL Write-Host "The *** custom page layout feature has been enabled." #Enable the web level publishing feature Write-Host "Enabling the web level publishing feature..." Enable-SPFeature -Id 94c94ca6-b32f-4da9-a9e3-1f3d343d7ecb -Url $siteURL Write-Host "The web level publishing feature has been enabled." #Enable the HomePage web part feature Write-Host "Enabling the HomePage feature..." Enable-SPFeature -Id 8efd39bf-e322-41a6-80c8-a82c531f0fa1 -Url $siteURL Write-Host "The HomePage feature has been enabled." #Change the system ***ter page Write-Host "Changing the system ***ter page into seattle..." $HomePageSiteCollection.rootweb.***terUrl = "/sites/" + $Today + ".HomePage/_catalogs/***terpage/seattle.***ter" Write-Host "The system ***ter page has been changed." #Change the site ***ter page Write-Host "Changing the site ***ter page into seattle..." $HomePageSiteCollection.rootweb.Custom***terUrl = "/sites/" + $Today + ".HomePage/_catalogs/***terpage/seattle.***ter" Write-Host "The site ***ter page has been changed." #Save the change Write-Host "Save the changes..." $HomePageSiteCollection.rootweb.update() Write-Host "The changes has been saved to the HomePage's site collection." #Create the HomePage Write-Host "Creating the HomePage automatically..." $spWeb = $HomePageSiteCollection.rootweb $pubWeb =[Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingWeb]::GetPublishingWeb($spWeb) $pageLayout = $pubWeb.GetAvailablePageLayouts()|where{$_.name -like '*DMSHome*'} $HomePage = $pubWeb.AddPublishingPage("***HomePage.aspx",$pageLayout) #filename need end with .aspx extension $HomePage.Update() $HomePage.CheckIn("") $HomePage.ListItem.File.Publish("") $spWeb.Dispose() Write-Host "The HomePage has been created successfully..." $HomePageURL = $siteURL + "/Pages/***HomePage.aspx" $shell = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application $shell.Open($HomePageURL) Read-Host "Press any key to continue"