uses ShareMem; type TArray = array of Integer; function CreateRandom(ResultCount, MaxInt: Integer) : TArray; var // 生成个数 最大数值 I, N, count : Integer; a : array of Integer; label L; begin Randomize; SetLength(a,ResultCount); for I := 0 to ResultCount -1 do begin L: N := Random(MaxInt); for count := 0 to I do begin if a[count] = N then begin goto L; end; end; a[i] := N; //tmpLst.Add(IntToStr(N)); Result[i] := n; end; end; //调用方法 procedure TForm1.btn1Click(Sender: TObject); var MyArr : TArray; I : Integer; s : string; begin SetLength(MyArr, ResultCount); try MyArr := CreateRandom(StrToInt(edt3.Text),lst1.Items.Count); for I := 0 to StrToInt(edt3.Text)-1 do s := s + lst1.Items[Myarr[i]] + ','; except end; Memo2.Text := S; end;
以上经过XE5编译通过, 如果不引用ShareMem,运行时可能会弹错。