最近打算用Redis用在产品中,所以相应会用到Redis .net client.由于自身也是写网络应用方面的所以自然就想了解一下代码看写得怎样.在打开代码的时候第一眼发现比较熟悉的一个对象BufferPool.打开一看发现设计比较特别,在整个Pool的获取和回收上没有用于我们常用的锁对象,也没有用于.NET带的轻量级的自旋锁.而是通过.net提供的原子锁来实现一个简单的自旋锁.
/// <summary> /// Courtesy of @marcgravell /// http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-net/source/browse/trunk/protobuf-net/BufferPool.cs /// </summary> internal class BufferPool { internal static void Flush() { for (int i = 0; i < pool.Length; i++) { Interlocked.Exchange(ref pool[i], null); // and drop the old value on the floor } System.Collections.Generic.st } private BufferPool() { } const int PoolSize = 1000; //1.45MB internal const int BufferLength = 1450; //MTU size - some headers private static readonly object[] pool = new object[PoolSize]; internal static byte[] GetBuffer() { object tmp; for (int i = 0; i < pool.Length; i++) { if ((tmp = Interlocked.Exchange(ref pool[i], null)) != null) return (byte[])tmp; } return new byte[BufferLength]; } internal static void ResizeAndFlushLeft(ref byte[] buffer, int toFitAtLeastBytes, int copyFromIndex, int copyBytes) { Debug.Assert(buffer != null); Debug.Assert(toFitAtLeastBytes > buffer.Length); Debug.Assert(copyFromIndex >= 0); Debug.Assert(copyBytes >= 0); // try doubling, else match int newLength = buffer.Length * 2; if (newLength < toFitAtLeastBytes) newLength = toFitAtLeastBytes; var newBuffer = new byte[newLength]; if (copyBytes > 0) { Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, copyFromIndex, newBuffer, 0, copyBytes); } if (buffer.Length == BufferLength) { ReleaseBufferToPool(ref buffer); } buffer = newBuffer; } internal static void ReleaseBufferToPool(ref byte[] buffer) { if (buffer == null) return; if (buffer.Length == BufferLength) { for (int i = 0; i < pool.Length; i++) { if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref pool[i], buffer, null) == null) { break; // found a null; swapped it in } } } // if no space, just drop it on the floor buffer = null; } }
最近打算用Redis用在产品中,所以相应会用到Redis .net client.由于自身也是写网络应用方面的所以自然就想了解一下代码看写得怎样.在打开代码的时候第一眼发现比较熟悉的一个对象BufferPool.打开一看发现设计比较特别,在整个Pool的获取和回收上没有用于我们常用的锁对象,也没有用于.NET带的轻量级的自旋锁.而是通过.net提供的原子锁来实现一个简单的自旋锁.
/// <summary> /// Courtesy of @marcgravell /// http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-net/source/browse/trunk/protobuf-net/BufferPool.cs /// </summary> internal class BufferPool { internal static void Flush() { for (int i = 0; i < pool.Length; i++) { Interlocked.Exchange(ref pool[i], null); // and drop the old value on the floor } System.Collections.Generic.st } private BufferPool() { } const int PoolSize = 1000; //1.45MB internal const int BufferLength = 1450; //MTU size - some headers private static readonly object[] pool = new object[PoolSize]; internal static byte[] GetBuffer() { object tmp; for (int i = 0; i < pool.Length; i++) { if ((tmp = Interlocked.Exchange(ref pool[i], null)) != null) return (byte[])tmp; } return new byte[BufferLength]; } internal static void ResizeAndFlushLeft(ref byte[] buffer, int toFitAtLeastBytes, int copyFromIndex, int copyBytes) { Debug.Assert(buffer != null); Debug.Assert(toFitAtLeastBytes > buffer.Length); Debug.Assert(copyFromIndex >= 0); Debug.Assert(copyBytes >= 0); // try doubling, else match int newLength = buffer.Length * 2; if (newLength < toFitAtLeastBytes) newLength = toFitAtLeastBytes; var newBuffer = new byte[newLength]; if (copyBytes > 0) { Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, copyFromIndex, newBuffer, 0, copyBytes); } if (buffer.Length == BufferLength) { ReleaseBufferToPool(ref buffer); } buffer = newBuffer; } internal static void ReleaseBufferToPool(ref byte[] buffer) { if (buffer == null) return; if (buffer.Length == BufferLength) { for (int i = 0; i < pool.Length; i++) { if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref pool[i], buffer, null) == null) { break; // found a null; swapped it in } } } // if no space, just drop it on the floor buffer = null; } }