1.What is your name?
My name is steven;
2. What is your first name?
My first name is hu;
3. Waht is your last name?
My last name is jiang;
4. What is your mother name ?
My mother name is JunLan Wang;
5.where was your born?
My born was XiShan;
6. Where are you from ?
I am ShanXi;
7. What is your nationary?
I am china;
8.which city are you from?
My city is in the xi’an of ShanXi or I am from Xi’an;
10. Where do you come from ?
I come from ShanXi;
11.Where are you from ?
I am from shanXi or I am ShanXi
12 .How old are you ?
I am twenty-eight;
13 .Where do you live in ?
I live in the PuDong New Area ;
14. Where do you travel ?
I travel in HangZhou or Shanghai Or HaiNan;
15.which university did you go to school?
I am at northweastern University Of ShanXi;
17. When did you graduated?
I graduated from July one two thousand and eight;
18. Waht are you live in?
I live in room 202, zhangjiang ziwei road 7
I live in zhangjiang ziwei road
19. What time is it ,now?
It is fifteen past four o clock;
It is fifteen to five o clock;
It is thirty half past four o clock;
20.What's the time?
January['dʒænjuəri], February['februəri],
march[mɑ:tʃ], April['eiprəl]四月, may【mei】五月,
June【dʒu:n】六月, July【dʒu(:)'lai】七月,
August【'ɔ:gəst】, September【səp'tembə】九月,
October【ɔk'təubə】十月, November,【nəu'vembə】十一月
December【di'sembə 】十二月
21.What day is it today ?
It is Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday;
22. Where is xi’an?
Xi’an is in the center of china;(East, west, north and south )先南北,后东西;
Beijing is in the northeast of china;
Shanzhen is in the southeast of china;
XiZang is in the west of china;
Jilin is in the north of china;
23. What are your Jorn?
I am software Engineer;
24 .How much is this coat?
It is two dollar;
25. How many people are these in your home?
My family is six;
26. What is your phone number?
My phone number is: one five nine two,one ,three,one ,zero,three,two ,nine;
27. what is your matter?-----什么是你的事
Your matter is family’s something;
Your matter is worked something ;
28. How are you?
I am fine;
29.what about you ?
一百,一千,一百万---------One hundred, one thousand, one million