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  • .net实现依赖注入


    1. 问题的提出 

    开发中,尤其是大型项目的开发中,为了降低模块间、类间的耦合关系,比较提倡基于接口开发,但在实现中也必须面临最终是“谁”提供实体类的问题。Martin Fowler在《Inversion of Control Containers and the Dependency Injection pattern》中也提到了标准的三种实现方式——Constructor Injection、Setter Injection和Interface Injection,很全面的阐释了这个问题。 


    本文中,笔者借鉴Martin Fowler的撰文,也通过一些精简的代码片断向读者介绍C#实现依赖注入的基本技巧。 


    using System; 
    namespace VisionLogic.Training.DependencyInjection.Scenario 

    /// <summary> 
    /// 抽象注入对象接口 
    /// </summary> 
    public interface IWeatherReader 

    string Current { get;} 

    using System; 
    namespace VisionLogic.Training.DependencyInjection.Scenario.Raw 

    /// <summary> 
    /// 伪造的一个实现类 
    /// </summary> 
    class FakeWeatherReader : IWeatherReader 

    public string Current { get { return string.Empty; } } 

    /// <summary> 
    /// 客户程序 
    /// </summary> 
    public class Client 

    protected IWeatherReader reader = new FakeWeatherReader(); 

    public virtual string Weather 


    string current = reader.Current; 
    switch (current) 

    case "s": return "sunny"; 
    case "r": return "rainy"; 
    case "c": return "cloudy"; 
    return "unknown"; 

    Unit Test 
    using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; 
    using VisionLogic.Training.DependencyInjection.Scenario; 
    using VisionLogic.Training.DependencyInjection.Scenario.Raw; 
    namespace VisionLogic.Training.DependencyInjection.Scenario.UnitTest.Raw 

    public class WeatherReaderTest 

    public void Test() 

    Client client = new Client(); 
    Assert.AreEqual<string>("unknown", client.Weather); 





     首先要完成自己的职责:可以找到合适的实现类实例,不管是重新构造一个还是找个现成的。 
     既要根据需要加工接口IWeatherReader,又要让自己尽量不与大量的实体类纠缠在一起,最好的办法就是从.Net Framework中再找到一个“第三方”,这里选中了System.Activator。 

     还有就是当客户程序调用Assembler的时候,它需要知道需要通过哪个实现类的实例返回,该项工作一方面可以通过一个字典完成,也可以通过配置解决,两者应用都很普遍,怎么选择呢——抽象,提取一个接口,然后都实现。 

        C# 新增一个用于管理抽象类型——实体类型映射关系的类型ITypeMap 

    using System; 
    using System.Collections.Generic; 
    namespace VisionLogic.Training.DependencyInjection.Scenario 

    /// <summary> 
    /// 考虑到某些类型没有无参的构造函数,增加了描述构造信息的专门结构 
    /// </summary> 
    public class TypeConstructor 

    private Type type; 
    private object[] constructorParameters; 
    public TypeConstructor(Type type, params object[] constructorParameters) 

    this.type = type; 
    this.constructorParameters = constructorParameters; 

    public TypeConstructor(Type type) : this(type, null) { } 

    public Type Type { get { return type; } } 
    public object[] ConstructorParameters { get { return constructorParameters; } } 

    /// <summary> 
    /// 管理抽象类型与实体类型的字典类型 
    /// </summary> 
    public interface ITypeMap 

    TypeConstructor this[Type target]{get;} 

    C# 实现一个Assembler类型,为了示例方便,同时实现了一个ITypeMap和IWeatherReader 
    using System; 
    using System.Collections.Generic; 
    namespace VisionLogic.Training.DependencyInjection.Scenario 

    /// <summary> 
    /// 测试用的实体类 
    /// </summary> 
    public class WeatherReaderImpl : IWeatherReader 

    private string weather; 
    public WeatherReaderImpl(string weather) 

    this.weather = weather; 

    public string Current 

    get { return weather; } 

    /// <summary> 
    /// 管理抽象类型与实际实体类型映射关系,实际工程中应该从配置系统、参数系统获得。 
    /// 这里为了示例方便,采用了一个纯内存字典的方式。 
    /// </summary> 
    public class MemoryTypeMap : ITypeMap 

    private Dictionary<Type, TypeConstructor> dictionary = 
    new Dictionary<Type, TypeConstructor>(); 
    public static readonly ITypeMap Instance; 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Singleton 
    /// </summary> 
    private MemoryTypeMap(){} 
    static MemoryTypeMap() 

    MemoryTypeMap singleton = new MemoryTypeMap(); 
    // 注册抽象类型需要使用的实体类型 
    // 该类型实体具有构造参数,实际的配置信息可以从外层机制获得。 
    singleton.dictionary.Add(typeof(IWeatherReader), new TypeConstructor( 
    typeof(WeatherReaderImpl), "s")); 
    Instance = singleton; 

    /// <summary> 
    /// 根据注册的目标抽象类型,返回一个实体类型及其构造参数数组 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <param name="type"></param> 
    /// <returns></returns> 
    public TypeConstructor this[Type type] 


    TypeConstructor result; 
    if (!dictionary.TryGetValue(type, out result)) 
    return null; 
    return result; 

    public class Assembler<T> 
    where T : class 

    /// <summary> 
    /// 其实TypeMap工程上本身就是个需要注入的类型,可以通过访问配置系统获得, 
    /// 这里为了示例的方便,手工配置了一些类型映射信息。 
    /// </summary> 
    private static ITypeMap map = MemoryTypeMap.Instance; 

    public T Create() 

    TypeConstructor constructor = map[typeof(T)]; 
    if (constructor != null) 

    if (constructor.ConstructorParameters == null) 
    return (T)Activator.CreateInstance(constructor.Type); 
    return (T)Activator.CreateInstance( 
    constructor.Type, constructor.ConstructorParameters); 

    return null; 

    Unit Test 
    using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; 
    using VisionLogic.Training.DependencyInjection.Scenario; 
    namespace VisionLogic.Training.DependencyInjection.Scenario.UnitTest 

    public class AssemblerTest 

    public void Test() 

    IWeatherReader reader = new Assembler<IWeatherReader>().Create(); 
    Assert.AreEqual<System.Type>(typeof(WeatherReaderImpl), reader.GetType()); 



        3.1 Constructor Injection方式 

    Unit Test - Constructor 
    using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; 
    using VisionLogic.Training.DependencyInjection.Scenario; 
    namespace VisionLogic.Training.DependencyInjection.Scenario.UnitTest 

    public class ConstructorInjectionTest 

    class Client 

    private IWeatherReader reader; 
    public Client(IWeatherReader reader) 

    this.reader = reader; 

    public void Test() 

    IWeatherReader reader = new Assembler<IWeatherReader>().Create(); 
    Client client = new Client(reader); 

        3.2 Setter Injection方式 

    Unit Test - Setter 
    using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; 
    using VisionLogic.Training.DependencyInjection.Scenario; 
    namespace VisionLogic.Training.DependencyInjection.Scenario.UnitTest 

    public class SetterInjectionTest 

    class Client 

    private IWeatherReader reader; 
    public IWeatherReader Reader 

    get { return reader; } 
    set { reader = value; } 

    public void Test() 

    IWeatherReader reader = new Assembler<IWeatherReader>().Create(); 
    Client client = new Client(); 
    client.Reader = reader; 

        3.3 Interface Injection方式

    Unit Test - Interface 
    using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; 
    using VisionLogic.Training.DependencyInjection.Scenario; 
    namespace VisionLogic.Training.DependencyInjection.Scenario.UnitTest 

    public class InterfaceInjectionTest 

    interface IClientWithWeatherReader 

    IWeatherReader Reader { get; set;} 

    class Client : IClientWithWeatherReader 

    private IWeatherReader reader; 

    #region IClientWithWeatherReader Members 
    public IWeatherReader Reader 

    get { return reader; } 
    set { reader = value; } 


    public void Test() 

    IWeatherReader reader = new Assembler<IWeatherReader>().Create(); 
    Client client = new Client(); 
    IClientWithWeatherReader clientWithReader = client; 
    clientWithReader.Reader = reader; 

     4. 用属性(Attribute)注入 

        C#还可以通过Attribute注入,Enterprise Library中大量使用这种方式将各种第三方机制加入到类系统中。例如: 

     •运行监控需要的Performance Counter。 
     •用于构造过程的指标信息。 
     •用于日志、密码处理。 
     •等等 

        注:Java语言虽然发展比较慢,但在Java 5种也提供了类似的Annotation的机制,换了个名字省去被评估为“抄袭”的嫌疑。) 

        1、 应用需要一个集中的机制了解系统中实际创建过多少个特定类型对象的实例,用于评估系统的Capacity要求。 
        2、 为了防止系统资源被用尽,需要控制每类对象实例数量。 


     •增加一个内存的注册器,登记每个类已经创建过的实例实例数量。 
     •然后给每个类贴个标签——Attribute,让Assembler在生成的对象的时候根据标签的内容把把登记到注册器。 


    using System; 
    namespace VisionLogic.Training.DependencyInjection.Scenario.Attributer 

    /// <summary> 
    /// 抽象的处理对象 
    /// </summary> 
    public interface IObjectWithGuid 

    string Guid { get; set;} 

    using System; 
    namespace VisionLogic.Training.DependencyInjection.Scenario.Attributer 

    /// <summary> 
    /// 需要注入的用以限制最大数量的接口 
    /// </summary> 
    public interface ICapacityConstraint 

    int Max { get;} 

    public class CapacityConstraint : ICapacityConstraint 

    private int max;

    public CapacityConstraint(){this.max = 0;} // 默认情况下不限制 
    public CapacityConstraint(int max) { this.max = max; } 
    public int Max { get { return max; } } 

    [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = false)] 
    public class ConstraintAttribute : Attribute 

    private ICapacityConstraint capacity; 

    public ConstraintAttribute(int max) { this.capacity = new CapacityConstraint(max); } 
    public ConstraintAttribute() { this.capacity = null; } 

    public ICapacityConstraint Capacity { get { return capacity; } } 

    using System; 
    using System.Collections.Generic; 
    namespace VisionLogic.Training.DependencyInjection.Scenario.Attributer 

    public class Assembler 

    /// <summary> 
    /// 登记相关类型对“最大容量”属性的使用情况 
    /// </summary> 
    private IDictionary<Type, ConstraintAttribute> attributeRegistry = 
    new Dictionary<Type, ConstraintAttribute>(); 
    /// <summary> 
    /// 登记每个类型(如须受到“最大容量”属性限制的话),实际已经创建的对象数量 
    /// </summary> 
    private IDictionary<Type, int> usageRegistry = new Dictionary<Type, int>(); 

    public T Create<T>() 
    where T : IObjectWithGuid, new() 

    ICapacityConstraint constraint = GetAttributeDefinedMax(typeof(T)); 
    if ((constraint == null) || (constraint.Max <= 0)) // max <= 0 代表是不需要限制数量的。 
    return InternalCreate<T>(); 

    if (usageRegistry[typeof(T)] < constraint.Max) // 检查是否超出容量限制 

    usageRegistry[typeof(T)]++; // 更新使用情况注册信息 
    return InternalCreate<T>(); 

    return default(T); 

    // helper method 
    // 直接生成特定实例,并setter 方式注入其guid。 
    private T InternalCreate<T>() 
    where T : IObjectWithGuid, new() 

    T result = new T(); 
    result.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); 
    return result; 

    /// helper method. 
    // 获取特定类型所定义的最大数量, 同时视情况维护attributeRegistry 和usageRegistry 的注册信息。 
    private ICapacityConstraint GetAttributeDefinedMax(Type type) 

    ConstraintAttribute attribute = null; 
    if (!attributeRegistry.TryGetValue(type, out attribute)) //新的待创建的类型 

    // 填充相关类型的“最大容量”属性注册信息 
    object[] attributes = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ConstraintAttribute), false); 
    if ((attributes == null) || (attributes.Length <= 0)) 
    attributeRegistry.Add(type, null); 

    attribute = (ConstraintAttribute)attributes[0]; 
    attributeRegistry.Add(type, attribute); 
    usageRegistry.Add(type, 0); // 同时补充该类型的使用情况注册信息 

    if (attribute == null) 
    return null; 
    return attribute.Capacity; 


    using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; 
    using VisionLogic.Training.DependencyInjection.Scenario.Attributer; 
    namespace VisionLogic.Training.DependencyInjection.Scenario.UnitTest.Attributer 

    public class AssemblerTest 

    public abstract class ObjectWithGuidBase : IObjectWithGuid 

    protected string guid; 
    public virtual string Guid 

    get { return guid; } 
    set { guid = value; } 

    [Constraint(2)] // 通过属性注入限制 
    public class ObjectWithGuidImplA : ObjectWithGuidBase { } 

    [Constraint(0)] // 通过属性注入限制 
    public class ObjectWithGuidImplB : ObjectWithGuidBase { } 

    [Constraint(-5)] // 通过属性注入限制 
    public class ObjectWithGuidImplC : ObjectWithGuidBase { } 

    public class ObjectWithGuidImplD : ObjectWithGuidBase { } 

    public void Test() 

    Assembler assembler = new Assembler(); 
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) 
    Assert.IsNull(assembler.Create<ObjectWithGuidImplA>()); // 最多两个 
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) 
    Assert.IsNotNull(assembler.Create<ObjectWithGuidImplB>()); // 不限制 
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) 
    Assert.IsNotNull(assembler.Create<ObjectWithGuidImplC>()); // 不限制 
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) 
    Assert.IsNotNull(assembler.Create<ObjectWithGuidImplD>()); // 不限制 

        5. 进一步讨论 





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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Leo_wl/p/3489521.html
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