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  • 操作Work、Excel、PDF


    namespace XBLRDiff.BLL.Excel
         public class ExcelImport:IDisposable
            public void Dispose()
            //private string fileName = null;//文件名
            //private IWorkbook workbook = null;
            //private FileStream fs = null;
            //private bool disposed;
            public string fileName = null;//文件名
            public IWorkbook workbook = null;
            private FileStream fs = null;
            private bool disposed;
            public string message = "";//返回错误信息
            public ExcelImport(string _fileName)
                message = "";
                this.fileName = _fileName;
                disposed = false;
                this.fs = new FileStream(this.fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read );           
                    if (fileName.ToLower().IndexOf(".xlsx") > 0)//2007版本
                        this.workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(this.fs);
                    else if (fileName.ToLower().IndexOf(".xls") > 0)//2003版本
                        this.workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(this.fs);
                catch(Exception ex)
                    //this.workbook = WorkbookFactory.Create(this.fs);
                    message = ex.Message;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message) && message.Contains("eg XSSF instead of HSSF"))
                        message = "文件的后缀名与内容版本不相符,请修改文件后缀为.xlsx";               
            /// <summary>
            /// 根据sheet名称,读内容到datatable
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="sheetName"></param>
            /// <param name="isAdjustData"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public DataTable GetAllBySheetName(string sheetName,bool isAdjustData)
                DataTable dtData = new DataTable();
                ISheet sheet = null;
                if (this.workbook == null || this.fs == null)
                    return null;
                if (sheetName != null)
                    sheet = this.workbook.GetSheet(sheetName);
                    if (sheet == null)//如果没有找到指定的sheetName对应的sheet,则尝试获取第一个 sheet
                        sheet = this.workbook.GetSheetAt(0);
                    sheet = this.workbook.GetSheetAt(0);
                if (sheet == null) return null;
                int startRow = 0, endRow = sheet.LastRowNum;
                IRow firstRow = sheet.GetRow(startRow);
                int cellCount = 9;//firstRow.LastCellNum;
                for (int c = 0; c < cellCount; c++)
                    dtData.Columns.Add("Col" + c.ToString());
                DataRow lastRow = null;
                for (int i = startRow; i <= endRow; i++)
                    IRow rowData = sheet.GetRow(i);
                    if (rowData == null) continue;
                    DataRow drData = dtData.NewRow();
                    for (int c = 0; c < cellCount; c++)
                        string strLastCellValue = lastRow == null ? "" : lastRow[c].ToString();
                        ICell cellData = rowData.GetCell(c);
                        string strData = "";
                        if (cellData != null)
                            string strCellValue = "";
                            switch (cellData.CellType)
                                case CellType.Boolean: strCellValue = cellData.BooleanCellValue.ToString(); break;
                                case CellType.Error: strCellValue = cellData.ErrorCellValue.ToString(); break;
                                case CellType.Numeric: strCellValue = cellData.NumericCellValue.ToString(); break;
                                case CellType.Formula:
                                        if (cellData.CachedFormulaResultType == CellType.Numeric)
                                            strCellValue = cellData.NumericCellValue.ToString();
                                        else if (cellData.CachedFormulaResultType == CellType.String)
                                            strCellValue = cellData.StringCellValue;
                                case CellType.String: strCellValue = cellData.StringCellValue.ToString(); break;
                                default: strCellValue = ""; break;
                            strData = isAdjustData && cellData.IsMergedCell && strCellValue.Trim() == "" ? strLastCellValue : strCellValue;
                        drData["Col" + c.ToString()] = strData;  
                    lastRow = drData;
                return dtData;
            /// <summary>
            /// 获取最大的dataTable
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="sheetName"></param>
            /// <param name="isAdjustData"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public DataTable GetMaxTableBySheetName(string sheetName,bool isAdjustData)
                DataTable dtData = new DataTable();
                ISheet sheet = null;
                int? cellCount = 0;
                if (this.workbook == null || this.fs == null)
                    return null;
                if (sheetName != null)
                    sheet = this.workbook.GetSheet(sheetName);
                    if (sheet == null)//如果没有找到指定的sheetName对应的sheet,则尝试获取第一个 sheet
                        sheet = this.workbook.GetSheetAt(0);
                    sheet = this.workbook.GetSheetAt(0);
                if (sheet == null) return null;
                int startRow = 0, endRow = sheet.LastRowNum;
                IRow firstRow = null;
                for (int i = 0; i < endRow; i++)
                    firstRow = sheet.GetRow(i);
                    if (firstRow == null)
                    cellCount = firstRow.LastCellNum > cellCount ? firstRow.LastCellNum : cellCount;
                for (int c = 0; c < cellCount; c++)
                    dtData.Columns.Add("Col" + c.ToString());
                DataRow lastRow = null;
                ICell cellData = null;
                for (int i = startRow; i <= endRow; i++)
                    IRow rowData = sheet.GetRow(i);
                    DataRow drData = dtData.NewRow();
                    if (rowData == null)
                    for (int c = 0; c < cellCount; c++)
                        string strLastCellValue = lastRow == null ? "" : lastRow[c].ToString();
                        if (rowData != null)
                            cellData = rowData.GetCell(c);
                        string strData = "";
                        if (cellData != null)
                            string strCellValue = "";
                            switch (cellData.CellType)
                                case CellType.Boolean: strCellValue = cellData.BooleanCellValue.ToString(); break;
                                case CellType.Error: strCellValue = cellData.ErrorCellValue.ToString(); break;
                                case CellType.Numeric: strCellValue = cellData.ToString().Contains("月")||cellData.ToString().Contains("/")?cellData.DateCellValue.ToString(): cellData.NumericCellValue.ToString(); break;
                                case CellType.Formula:
                                        if (cellData.CachedFormulaResultType == CellType.Numeric)
                                            strCellValue = cellData.NumericCellValue.ToString();
                                        else if (cellData.CachedFormulaResultType == CellType.String)
                                            strCellValue = cellData.StringCellValue;
                                case CellType.String: strCellValue = cellData.StringCellValue.ToString(); break;
                                default: strCellValue = ""; break;
                            strData = isAdjustData && cellData.IsMergedCell && strCellValue.Trim() == "" ? strLastCellValue : strCellValue;
                        drData["Col" + c.ToString()] = strData;
                    lastRow = drData;
                return dtData;
            /// <summary>
            /// 将DataTable数据导入到excel中
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="data">要导入的数据</param>
            /// <param name="isColumnWritten">DataTable的列名是否要导入</param>
            /// <param name="sheetName">要导入的excel的sheet的名称</param>
            /// <returns>导入数据行数(包含列名那一行)</returns>
            public int DataTableToExcelBySheet(object model, string sheetName, bool isColumnWritten,string writeFileName,string xbrlPath)
                int flag = 0;
                int count = 0;
                ISheet sheet = null;
                XbrlHelper xbrlHelper = new XbrlHelper();
                    if (workbook != null)
                        sheet = this.workbook.GetSheet(sheetName);
                        return -1;
                    if (isColumnWritten == true && sheet!=null) //写入DataTable的列名
                        int endRow = sheet.LastRowNum;
                        for (int r = 0; r <= endRow; r++)
                            IRow row = sheet.GetRow(r);
                            int cellCount = row.LastCellNum;
                            for (int c = 0; c <= cellCount; c++)
                                var itemColl = row.GetCell(c);
                                string strCellValue = "";
                                if (itemColl == null)
                                switch (itemColl.CellType)
                                    case CellType.Boolean: strCellValue = itemColl.BooleanCellValue.ToString(); break;
                                    case CellType.Error: strCellValue = itemColl.ErrorCellValue.ToString(); break;
                                    case CellType.Numeric: strCellValue = itemColl.NumericCellValue.ToString(); break;
                                    case CellType.Formula:
                                            if (itemColl.CachedFormulaResultType == CellType.Numeric)
                                                strCellValue = itemColl.NumericCellValue.ToString();
                                            else if (itemColl.CachedFormulaResultType == CellType.String)
                                                strCellValue = itemColl.StringCellValue;
                                    case CellType.String: strCellValue = itemColl.StringCellValue.ToString(); break;
                                    default: strCellValue = ""; continue;
                                if (strCellValue.Length > 0 && strCellValue.StartsWith("$"))
                                    var property = strCellValue.Substring(1, strCellValue.Length - 1);
                                    object result = ContainProperty(model, property);
                                else if(strCellValue.Length > 0 && strCellValue.StartsWith("#"))
                                    var str = "";
                                    var code = strCellValue.Substring(1, strCellValue.Length - 1);
                                    var list = xbrlHelper.GetValueByCode(xbrlPath, code,"");
                                    if (list.Count > 1)
                                        str = list[flag];
                                        str = list.First();
                                    double value = double.Parse(str);
                        count = 0;
                    using (fs = File.OpenWrite(writeFileName))
                    return count;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + ex.Message);
                    return -1;
            /// <summary>
            /// 获取所有的sheet页
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public string DataTableToExcel(object model, bool isColumnWritten, string xbrlPath,string outputPath)
                    ISheet sheet = null;
                    if (workbook == null)
                        return fileName+"excel工作薄打不开";
                    var gpmxList = new List<GpmxModel>();
                    var gzbKzzList = new List<GzbKzz>();
                    var mrfexxList = new List<Mrfexx>();
                    var mrfexxListA = new List<Mrfexx>();
                    var mrfexxListB = new List<Mrfexx>();
                    var mrfexxListC = new List<Mrfexx>();
                    var gzbZsList = new List<GpmxModel>();
                    var gzbJJList = new List<GpmxModel>();
                    var gzbDtList = new List<GpmxModel>();
                    var gpmxZsSgList = new List<GpmxModel>();
                    var gpmxJJTpList = new List<GpmxModel>();
                    var yebList = new List<YebModel>();
                    var yebSSJJList = new List<YebModel>();
                    var lrbList = new List<LrbModel>();
                    var gptzList = new List<GzbKzz>();
                    var GzbSSJJList = new List<GzbKzz>();
                    var bjbList = new List<BjbModel>();
                    var zqhgrzqkList = new List<ZqhgrzqkModel>();
                    var mrjzxxList = new List<MrjzxxModel>();
                    var syqxjsb_Yhck = new List<SyqxjsbModel>();
                    var syqxjsb_Qsbfj = new List<SyqxjsbModel>();
                    var syqxjsb_Ccbzj = new List<SyqxjsbModel>();
                    var syqxjsb_Mrfsjrzc = new List<SyqxjsbModel>();
                    var syqxjsb_Zqqsk = new List<SyqxjsbModel>();
                    var syqxjsb_Mchgjrzck = new List<SyqxjsbModel>();
                    var syqxjsb_Zqtz = new List<SyqxjsbModel>();
                    var gzbZqList = new List<GpmxModel>();
                    var gzbZqList_FJ = new List<GpmxModel>();
                    var QDgzb_JJSS_List = new List<GpmxModel>();
                    var QDgzb_JJSZ_List = new List<GpmxModel>();
                    var gzbszList = new List<GpmxModel>();
                    var gzbJRList = new List<GpmxModel>();
                    var febhlsList = new List<FebhlsModel>();
                    var ListDictionary = new Dictionary<string,int>() { { "GpmxList", 10 },{ "GzbKzzList",5 },{ "MrfexxList",10 } };
                    ICellStyle style = workbook.CreateCellStyle();
                    IDataFormat dataformat = workbook.CreateDataFormat();
                    int count = workbook.NumberOfSheets; //获取所有SheetName
                    double doubleValue = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        sheet = workbook.GetSheetAt(i);
                        sheet.ForceFormulaRecalculation = true;
                        if (isColumnWritten == true && sheet != null) //写入DataTable的列名
                            int endRow = sheet.LastRowNum;
                            for (int r = 0; r <= endRow; r++)
                                IRow row = sheet.GetRow(r);
                                if (row == null)
                                int cellCount = row.LastCellNum;
                                for (int c = 0; c <= cellCount; c++)
                                    var itemColl = row.GetCell(c);
                                    string strCellValue = "";
                                    if (itemColl == null)
                                    switch (itemColl.CellType)
                                        case CellType.Boolean: strCellValue = itemColl.BooleanCellValue.ToString(); break;
                                        case CellType.Error: strCellValue = itemColl.ErrorCellValue.ToString(); break;
                                        case CellType.Numeric: strCellValue = itemColl.NumericCellValue.ToString(); break;
                                        case CellType.Formula:
                                                if (itemColl.CachedFormulaResultType == CellType.Numeric)
                                                    strCellValue = itemColl.NumericCellValue.ToString();
                                                else if (itemColl.CachedFormulaResultType == CellType.String)
                                                    strCellValue = itemColl.StringCellValue;
                                        case CellType.String: strCellValue = itemColl.StringCellValue.ToString(); break;
                                        default: strCellValue = ""; continue;
                                    if (strCellValue.Length > 0 && strCellValue.StartsWith("$"))
                                        var property = strCellValue.Substring(1, strCellValue.Length - 1);
                                        if (strCellValue.Contains("GpmxList") && gpmxList.Count == 0)
                                            gpmxList = (List<GpmxModel>)ContainProperty(model, "GpmxList");
                                        if (!strCellValue.Contains("GpmxList") && gpmxList.Count > 0)
                                            gpmxList = new List<GpmxModel>();
                                        if (gpmxList.Count>0)
                                            int itemRow =int.Parse( strCellValue.Split('.')[1].ToString());
                                            var itemName = strCellValue.Split('.')[2];
                                            var itemValue = ExpendMethodCommon.ContainProperty(gpmxList[itemRow], itemName);
                                            var gpxmValue = "";
                                            if (itemValue == null)
                                            gpxmValue = itemValue.ToString();
                                            if (double.TryParse(gpxmValue, out doubleValue))
                                        if (strCellValue.Contains("GzbKzzList") && gzbKzzList.Count == 0)
                                            gzbKzzList = (List<GzbKzz>)ContainProperty(model, "GzbKzzList");
                                        if (!strCellValue.Contains("GzbKzzList") && gzbKzzList.Count > 0)
                                            gzbKzzList = new List<GzbKzz>();
                                        if (gzbKzzList.Count > 0)
                                            int itemRow = int.Parse(strCellValue.Split('.')[1].ToString());
                                            if(itemRow< gzbKzzList.Count)
                                                var itemName = strCellValue.Split('.')[2];
                                                var itemValue = ExpendMethodCommon.ContainProperty(gzbKzzList[itemRow], itemName);
                                                var gzbKzzValue = "";
                                                if (itemValue == null)
                                                gzbKzzValue = itemValue.ToString();
                                                if (double.TryParse(gzbKzzValue, out doubleValue))
                                        if (strCellValue.Contains("GzbGptzList") && gptzList.Count == 0)
                                            gptzList = (List<GzbKzz>)ContainProperty(model, "GzbGptzList");
                                        if (!strCellValue.Contains("GzbGptzList") && gptzList.Count > 0)
                                            gptzList = new List<GzbKzz>();
                                        if (gptzList.Count > 0)
                                            int itemRow = int.Parse(strCellValue.Split('.')[1].ToString());
                                            if (itemRow < gptzList.Count)
                                                var itemName = strCellValue.Split('.')[2];
                                                var itemValue = ExpendMethodCommon.ContainProperty(gptzList[itemRow], itemName);
                                                var gptzValue = "";
                                                if (itemValue == null)
                                                gptzValue = itemValue.ToString();
                                                if (double.TryParse(gptzValue, out doubleValue))
                                        if (strCellValue.Contains("GzbSSJJList") && GzbSSJJList.Count == 0)
                                            GzbSSJJList = (List<GzbKzz>)ContainProperty(model, "GzbSSJJList");
                                        if (!strCellValue.Contains("GzbSSJJList") && GzbSSJJList.Count > 0)
                                            GzbSSJJList = new List<GzbKzz>();
                                        if (GzbSSJJList.Count > 0)
                                            int itemRow = int.Parse(strCellValue.Split('.')[1].ToString());
                                            if (itemRow < GzbSSJJList.Count)
                                                var itemName = strCellValue.Split('.')[2];
                                                var itemValue = ExpendMethodCommon.ContainProperty(GzbSSJJList[itemRow], itemName);
                                                var gptzValue = "";
                                                if (itemValue == null)
                                                gptzValue = itemValue.ToString();
                                                if (double.TryParse(gptzValue, out doubleValue))
                                        if (strCellValue.Contains("MrfexxList") && !strCellValue.Contains("MrfexxListA") && !strCellValue.Contains("MrfexxListB") && !strCellValue.Contains("MrfexxListC") && mrfexxList.Count == 0)
                                            mrfexxList = (List<Mrfexx>)ContainProperty(model, "MrfexxList");
                                        if (!strCellValue.Contains("MrfexxList") && !strCellValue.Contains("MrfexxListA") && !strCellValue.Contains("MrfexxListB") && !strCellValue.Contains("MrfexxListC") && mrfexxList.Count > 0)
                                            mrfexxList = new List<Mrfexx>();
                                        if (mrfexxList.Count > 0)
                                            int itemRow = int.Parse(strCellValue.Split('.')[1].ToString());
                                            var itemName = strCellValue.Split('.')[2];
                                            if (itemRow >= mrfexxList.Count)
                                            var itemValue = ExpendMethodCommon.ContainProperty(mrfexxList[itemRow], itemName);
                                            var mrfexxValue = "";
                                            if (itemValue == null)
                                            mrfexxValue = itemValue.ToString();
                                            if (double.TryParse(mrfexxValue, out doubleValue))
                                        //if (strCellValue.Contains("MrfexxListC") && !strCellValue.Contains("MrfexxListC") && !strCellValue.Contains("MrfexxListC") && mrfexxList.Count == 0)
                                        //if (!strCellValue.Contains("MrfexxListC") && !strCellValue.Contains("MrfexxListC") && !strCellValue.Contains("MrfexxListC") && mrfexxList.Count > 0)
                                        if (strCellValue.Contains("MrfexxListC") && mrfexxListC.Count == 0)
                                            mrfexxListC = (List<Mrfexx>)ContainProperty(model, "MrfexxListC");
                                        if(!strCellValue.Contains("MrfexxListC") && mrfexxListC.Count > 0)
                                            mrfexxListC = new List<Mrfexx>();
                                        if (mrfexxListC.Count > 0)
                                            int itemRow = int.Parse(strCellValue.Split('.')[1].ToString());
                                            var itemName = strCellValue.Split('.')[2];
                                            if (itemRow >= mrfexxListC.Count)
                                            var itemValue = ExpendMethodCommon.ContainProperty(mrfexxListC[itemRow], itemName);
                                            var mrfexxValue = "";
                                            if (itemValue == null)
                                            mrfexxValue = itemValue.ToString();
                                            if (double.TryParse(mrfexxValue, out doubleValue))
                                        if (strCellValue.Contains("MrfexxListA") && mrfexxListA.Count == 0)
                                            mrfexxListA = (List<Mrfexx>)ContainProperty(model, "MrfexxListA");
                                        if (!strCellValue.Contains("MrfexxListA") && mrfexxListA.Count > 0)
                                            mrfexxListA = new List<Mrfexx>();
                                        if (mrfexxListA.Count > 0)
                                            int itemRow = int.Parse(strCellValue.Split('.')[1].ToString());
                                            var itemName = strCellValue.Split('.')[2];
                                            if (itemRow >= mrfexxListA.Count)
                                            var itemValue = ExpendMethodCommon.ContainProperty(mrfexxListA[itemRow], itemName);
                                            var mrfexxValue = "";
                                            if (itemValue == null)
                                            mrfexxValue = itemValue.ToString();
                                            if (double.TryParse(mrfexxValue, out doubleValue))
                                        if (strCellValue.Contains("MrfexxListB") && mrfexxListB.Count == 0)
                                            mrfexxListB = (List<Mrfexx>)ContainProperty(model, "MrfexxListB");
                                        if (!strCellValue.Contains("MrfexxListB") && mrfexxListB.Count > 0)
                                            mrfexxListB = new List<Mrfexx>();
                                        if (mrfexxListB.Count > 0)
                                            int itemRow = int.Parse(strCellValue.Split('.')[1].ToString());
                                            var itemName = strCellValue.Split('.')[2];
                                            if (itemRow >= mrfexxListB.Count)
                                            var itemValue = ExpendMethodCommon.ContainProperty(mrfexxListB[itemRow], itemName);
                                            var mrfexxValue = "";
                                            if (itemValue == null)
                                            mrfexxValue = itemValue.ToString();
                                            if (double.TryParse(mrfexxValue, out doubleValue))
                                        if (strCellValue.Contains("GpmxZsList") && gzbZsList.Count == 0)
                                            gzbZsList = (List<GpmxModel>)ContainProperty(model, "GpmxZsList");
                                        if (!strCellValue.Contains("GpmxZsList") && gzbZsList.Count > 0)
                                            gzbZsList = new List<GpmxModel>();
                                        if (gzbZsList.Count > 0)
                                            int itemRow = int.Parse(strCellValue.Split('.')[1].ToString());
                                            var itemName = strCellValue.Split('.')[2];
                                            var itemValue = ExpendMethodCommon.ContainProperty(gzbZsList[itemRow], itemName);
                                            var gzbZsValue = "";
                                            if (itemValue == null)
                                            gzbZsValue = itemValue.ToString();
                                            if (double.TryParse(gzbZsValue, out doubleValue))
                                        if (strCellValue.Contains("QDLrbList") && lrbList.Count == 0)
                                            lrbList = (List<LrbModel>)ContainProperty(model, "QDLrbList");
                                        if (!strCellValue.Contains("QDLrbList") && lrbList.Count > 0)
                                            lrbList = new List<LrbModel>();
                                        if (lrbList.Count > 0)
                                            int itemRow = int.Parse(strCellValue.Split('.')[1].ToString());
                                            var itemName = strCellValue.Split('.')[2];
                                            var itemValue = ExpendMethodCommon.ContainProperty(lrbList[itemRow], itemName);
                                            var lrbValue = "";
                                            if (itemValue == null)
                                            lrbValue = itemValue.ToString();
                                            if (double.TryParse(lrbValue, out doubleValue))
                                        if (strCellValue.Contains("GpmxJJList") && gzbJJList.Count == 0)
                                            gzbJJList = (List<GpmxModel>)ContainProperty(model, "GpmxJJList");
                                        if (!strCellValue.Contains("GpmxJJList") && gzbJJList.Count > 0)
                                            gzbJJList = new List<GpmxModel>();
                                        if (gzbJJList.Count > 0)
                                            int itemRow = int.Parse(strCellValue.Split('.')[1].ToString());
                                            if (itemRow < gzbJJList.Count)
                                                var itemName = strCellValue.Split('.')[2];
                                                var itemValue = ExpendMethodCommon.ContainProperty(gzbJJList[itemRow], itemName);
                                                var gzbJJValue = "";
                                                if (itemValue == null)
                                                gzbJJValue = itemValue.ToString();
                                                if (double.TryParse(gzbJJValue, out doubleValue))
                                        if (strCellValue.Contains("GpmxDtList") && gzbDtList.Count == 0)
                                            gzbDtList = (List<GpmxModel>)ContainProperty(model, "GpmxDtList");
                                        if (!strCellValue.Contains("GpmxDtList") && gzbDtList.Count > 0)
                                            gzbDtList = new List<GpmxModel>();
                                        if (gzbDtList.Count > 0)
                                            int itemRow = int.Parse(strCellValue.Split('.')[1].ToString());
                                            if (itemRow < gzbDtList.Count)
                                                var itemName = strCellValue.Split('.')[2];
                                                var itemValue = ExpendMethodCommon.ContainProperty(gzbDtList[itemRow], itemName);
                                                var gzbDtValue = "0";
                                                if (itemValue != null)
                                                    gzbDtValue = itemValue.ToString();
                                                if (double.TryParse(gzbDtValue, out doubleValue))
                                        if (strCellValue.Contains("YebGzqhList") && yebList.Count == 0)
                                            yebList = (List<YebModel>)ContainProperty(model, "YebGzqhList");
                                        if (!strCellValue.Contains("YebGzqhList") && yebList.Count > 0)
                                            yebList = new List<YebModel>();
                                        if (yebList.Count > 0)
                                            int itemRow = int.Parse(strCellValue.Split('.')[1].ToString());
                                            if (itemRow < yebList.Count)
                                                var itemName = strCellValue.Split('.')[2];
                                                var itemValue = ExpendMethodCommon.ContainProperty(yebList[itemRow], itemName);
                                                var yebValue = "-";
                                                if (itemValue != null)
                                                    yebValue = itemValue.ToString();
                                                if (double.TryParse(yebValue, out doubleValue))
                                        if (strCellValue.Contains("YebSSJJList") && yebSSJJList.Count == 0)
                                            yebSSJJList = (List<YebModel>)ContainProperty(model, "YebSSJJList");
                                        if (!strCellValue.Contains("YebSSJJList") && yebSSJJList.Count > 0)
                                            yebSSJJList = new List<YebModel>();
                                        if (yebSSJJList.Count > 0)
                                            int itemRow = int.Parse(strCellValue.Split('.')[1].ToString());
                                            if (itemRow < yebSSJJList.Count)
                                                var itemName = strCellValue.Split('.')[2];
                                                var itemValue = ExpendMethodCommon.ContainProperty(yebSSJJList[itemRow], itemName);
                                                var yebValue = "-";
                                                if (itemValue != null)
                                                    yebValue = itemValue.ToString();
                                                if (double.TryParse(yebValue, out doubleValue))
                                        if (strCellValue.Contains("GpmxZsSgList") && gpmxZsSgList.Count == 0)
                                            gpmxZsSgList = (List<GpmxModel>)ContainProperty(model, "GpmxZsSgList");
                                        if (!strCellValue.Contains("GpmxZsSgList") && gpmxZsSgList.Count > 0)
                                            gpmxZsSgList = new List<GpmxModel>();
                                        if (gpmxZsSgList.Count > 0)
                                            int itemRow = int.Parse(strCellValue.Split('.')[1].ToString());
                                            if (itemRow < gpmxZsSgList.Count)
                                                var itemName = strCellValue.Split('.')[2];
                                                var itemValue = ExpendMethodCommon.ContainProperty(gpmxZsSgList[itemRow], itemName);
                                                var gpmxZsSgValue = "-";
                                                if (itemValue != null)
                                                    gpmxZsSgValue = itemValue.ToString();
                                                if (double.TryParse(gpmxZsSgValue, out doubleValue))
                                        if (strCellValue.Contains("GpmxJJTpList") && gpmxJJTpList.Count == 0)
                                            gpmxJJTpList = (List<GpmxModel>)ContainProperty(model, "GpmxJJTpList");
                                        if (!strCellValue.Contains("GpmxJJTpList") && gpmxJJTpList.Count > 0)
                                            gpmxJJTpList = new List<GpmxModel>();
                                        if (gpmxJJTpList.Count > 0)
                                            int itemRow = int.Parse(strCellValue.Split('.')[1].ToString());
                                            if (itemRow < gpmxJJTpList.Count)
                                                var itemName = strCellValue.Split('.')[2];
                                                var itemValue = ExpendMethodCommon.ContainProperty(gpmxJJTpList[itemRow], itemName);
                                                var gpmxJJTpValue = "";
                                                if (itemValue == null)
                                                gpmxJJTpValue = itemValue.ToString();
                                                if (double.TryParse(gpmxJJTpValue, out doubleValue))
                                        if (strCellValue.Contains("GzbZqList") && gzbZqList.Count == 0)
                                            gzbZqList = (List<GpmxModel>)ContainProperty(model, "GzbZqList");
                                        if (!strCellValue.Contains("GzbZqList") && gzbZqList.Count > 0)
                                            gzbZqList = new List<GpmxModel>();
                                        if (gzbZqList.Count > 0)
                                            int itemRow = int.Parse(strCellValue.Split('.')[1].ToString());
                                            if (itemRow < gzbZqList.Count)
                                                var itemName = strCellValue.Split('.')[2];
                                                var itemValue = ExpendMethodCommon.ContainProperty(gzbZqList[itemRow], itemName);
                                                var gpmxJJTpValue = "";
                                                if (itemValue == null)
                                                gpmxJJTpValue = itemValue.ToString();
                                                if (double.TryParse(gpmxJJTpValue, out doubleValue))
                                        if (strCellValue.Contains("GzbZqList_FJ") && gzbZqList_FJ.Count == 0)
                                            gzbZqList_FJ = (List<GpmxModel>)ContainProperty(model, "GzbZqList_FJ");
                                        if (!strCellValue.Contains("GzbZqList_FJ") && gzbZqList_FJ.Count > 0)
                                            gzbZqList_FJ = new List<GpmxModel>();
                                        if (gzbZqList_FJ.Count > 0)
                                            int itemRow = int.Parse(strCellValue.Split('.')[1].ToString());
                                            if (itemRow < gzbZqList_FJ.Count)
                                                var itemName = strCellValue.Split('.')[2];
                                                var itemValue = ExpendMethodCommon.ContainProperty(gzbZqList_FJ[itemRow], itemName);
                                                var gpmxJJTpValue = "";
                                                if (itemValue == null)
                                                gpmxJJTpValue = itemValue.ToString();
                                                if (double.TryParse(gpmxJJTpValue, out doubleValue))
                                        if (strCellValue.Contains("QDGzb_JJSZ_List") && QDgzb_JJSZ_List.Count == 0)
                                            QDgzb_JJSZ_List = (List<GpmxModel>)ContainProperty(model, "QDGzb_JJSZ_List");
                                        if (!strCellValue.Contains("QDGzb_JJSZ_List") && QDgzb_JJSZ_List.Count > 0)
                                            QDgzb_JJSZ_List = new List<GpmxModel>();
                                        if (QDgzb_JJSZ_List.Count > 0)
                                            int itemRow = int.Parse(strCellValue.Split('.')[1].ToString());
                                            if (itemRow < QDgzb_JJSZ_List.Count)
                                                var itemName = strCellValue.Split('.')[2];
                                                var itemValue = ExpendMethodCommon.ContainProperty(QDgzb_JJSZ_List[itemRow], itemName);
                                                var gpmxJJTpValue = "";
                                                if (itemValue == null)
                                                gpmxJJTpValue = itemValue.ToString();
                                                if (double.TryParse(gpmxJJTpValue, out doubleValue))
                                        if (strCellValue.Contains("QDGzb_JJSS_List") && QDgzb_JJSS_List.Count == 0)
                                            QDgzb_JJSS_List = (List<GpmxModel>)ContainProperty(model, "QDGzb_JJSS_List");
                                        if (!strCellValue.Contains("QDGzb_JJSS_List") && QDgzb_JJSS_List.Count > 0)
                                            QDgzb_JJSS_List = new List<GpmxModel>();
                                        if (QDgzb_JJSS_List.Count > 0)
                                            int itemRow = int.Parse(strCellValue.Split('.')[1].ToString());
                                            if (itemRow < QDgzb_JJSS_List.Count)
                                                var itemName = strCellValue.Split('.')[2];
                                                var itemValue = ExpendMethodCommon.ContainProperty(QDgzb_JJSS_List[itemRow], itemName);
                                                var gpmxJJTpValue = "";
                                                if (itemValue == null)
                                                gpmxJJTpValue = itemValue.ToString();
                                                if (double.TryParse(gpmxJJTpValue, out doubleValue))
                                        if (strCellValue.Contains("GzbszList") && gzbszList.Count == 0)
                                            gzbszList = (List<GpmxModel>)ContainProperty(model, "GzbszList");
                                        if (!strCellValue.Contains("GzbszList") && gzbszList.Count > 0)
                                            gzbszList = new List<GpmxModel>();
                                        if (gzbszList.Count > 0)
                                            int itemRow = int.Parse(strCellValue.Split('.')[1].ToString());
                                            var itemName = strCellValue.Split('.')[2];
                                            var itemValue = ExpendMethodCommon.ContainProperty(gzbszList[itemRow], itemName);
                                            var gpmxJJTpValue = "";
                                            if (itemValue == null)
                                            gpmxJJTpValue = itemValue.ToString();
                                            if (double.TryParse(gpmxJJTpValue, out doubleValue))
                                        if (strCellValue.Contains("GzbJRList") && gzbJRList.Count == 0)
                                            gzbJRList = (List<GpmxModel>)ContainProperty(model, "GzbJRList");
                                        if (!strCellValue.Contains("GzbJRList") && gzbJRList.Count > 0)
                                            gzbJRList = new List<GpmxModel>();
                                        if (gzbJRList.Count > 0)
                                            int itemRow = int.Parse(strCellValue.Split('.')[1].ToString());
                                            var itemName = strCellValue.Split('.')[2];
                                            var itemValue = ExpendMethodCommon.ContainProperty(gzbJRList[itemRow], itemName);
                                            var gpmxJJTpValue = "";
                                            if (itemValue == null)
                                            gpmxJJTpValue = itemValue.ToString();
                                            if (double.TryParse(gpmxJJTpValue, out doubleValue))
                                        if (strCellValue.Contains("BjbList") && bjbList.Count == 0)
                                            bjbList = (List<BjbModel>)ContainProperty(model, "BjbList");
                                        if (!strCellValue.Contains("BjbList") && bjbList.Count > 0)
                                            bjbList = new List<BjbModel>();
                                        if (bjbList.Count > 0)
                                            int itemRow = int.Parse(strCellValue.Split('.')[1].ToString());
                                            if (itemRow < bjbList.Count)
                                                var itemName = strCellValue.Split('.')[2];
                                                var itemValue = ExpendMethodCommon.ContainProperty(bjbList[itemRow], itemName);
                                                if (itemValue == null)
                                                    itemValue = "-";
                                                style.DataFormat = dataformat.GetFormat("#,##0");
                                                itemColl.CellStyle = style;
                                        if (strCellValue.Contains("FebhlsList") && febhlsList.Count == 0)
                                            febhlsList = (List<FebhlsModel>)ContainProperty(model, "FebhlsList");
                                        if (!strCellValue.Contains("FebhlsList") && febhlsList.Count > 0)
                                            febhlsList = new List<FebhlsModel>();
                                        if (febhlsList.Count > 0)
                                            int itemRow = int.Parse(strCellValue.Split('.')[1].ToString());
                                            if (itemRow < febhlsList.Count)
                                                var itemName = strCellValue.Split('.')[2];
                                                var itemValue = ExpendMethodCommon.ContainProperty(febhlsList[itemRow], itemName);
                                                if (itemValue == null)
                                                    itemValue = "-";
                                                style.DataFormat = dataformat.GetFormat("#,##0");
                                                itemColl.CellStyle = style;
                                        if (strCellValue.Contains("ZqhgrzqkList") && zqhgrzqkList.Count == 0)
                                            zqhgrzqkList = (List<ZqhgrzqkModel>)ContainProperty(model, "ZqhgrzqkList");
                                        if (!strCellValue.Contains("ZqhgrzqkList") && zqhgrzqkList.Count > 0)
                                            zqhgrzqkList = new List<ZqhgrzqkModel>();
                                        if (zqhgrzqkList.Count > 0)
                                            int itemRow = int.Parse(strCellValue.Split('.')[1].ToString());
                                            if (itemRow < zqhgrzqkList.Count)
                                                var itemName = strCellValue.Split('.')[2];
                                                var itemValue = ExpendMethodCommon.ContainProperty(zqhgrzqkList[itemRow], itemName);
                                                if (itemValue == null)
                                                    itemValue = "-";
                                                style.DataFormat = dataformat.GetFormat("#,##0");
                                                itemColl.CellStyle = style;
                                        if (strCellValue.Contains("MrjzxxList") && mrjzxxList.Count == 0)
                                            mrjzxxList = (List<MrjzxxModel>)ContainProperty(model, "MrjzxxList");
                                        if (!strCellValue.Contains("MrjzxxList") && mrjzxxList.Count > 0)
                                            mrjzxxList = new List<MrjzxxModel>();
                                        if (mrjzxxList.Count > 0)
                                            int itemRow = int.Parse(strCellValue.Split('.')[1].ToString());
                                            if (itemRow < mrjzxxList.Count)
                                                var itemName = strCellValue.Split('.')[2];
                                                var itemValue = ExpendMethodCommon.ContainProperty(mrjzxxList[itemRow], itemName);
                                                if (itemValue == null)
                                                    itemValue = "-";
                                                style.DataFormat = dataformat.GetFormat("#,##0");
                                                itemColl.CellStyle = style;
                                        if (strCellValue.Contains("Syqxjsb_Yhck") && syqxjsb_Yhck.Count == 0)
                                            syqxjsb_Yhck = (List<SyqxjsbModel>)ContainProperty(model, "Syqxjsb_Yhck");
                                        if (!strCellValue.Contains("Syqxjsb_Yhck") && syqxjsb_Yhck.Count > 0)
                                            syqxjsb_Yhck = new List<SyqxjsbModel>();
                                        if (syqxjsb_Yhck.Count > 0)
                                            int itemRow = int.Parse(strCellValue.Split('.')[1].ToString());
                                            if (itemRow < syqxjsb_Yhck.Count)
                                                var itemName = strCellValue.Split('.')[2];
                                                var itemValue = ExpendMethodCommon.ContainProperty(syqxjsb_Yhck[itemRow], itemName);
                                                if (itemValue == null)
                                                    itemValue = "-";
                                                style.DataFormat = dataformat.GetFormat("#,##0");
                                                itemColl.CellStyle = style;
                                        if (strCellValue.Contains("Syqxjsb_Qsbfj") && syqxjsb_Qsbfj.Count == 0)
                                            syqxjsb_Qsbfj = (List<SyqxjsbModel>)ContainProperty(model, "Syqxjsb_Qsbfj");
                                        if (!strCellValue.Contains("Syqxjsb_Qsbfj") && syqxjsb_Qsbfj.Count > 0)
                                            syqxjsb_Qsbfj = new List<SyqxjsbModel>();
                                        if (syqxjsb_Qsbfj.Count > 0)
                                            int itemRow = int.Parse(strCellValue.Split('.')[1].ToString());
                                            if (itemRow < syqxjsb_Qsbfj.Count)
                                                var itemName = strCellValue.Split('.')[2];
                                                var itemValue = ExpendMethodCommon.ContainProperty(syqxjsb_Qsbfj[itemRow], itemName);
                                                if (itemValue == null)
                                                    itemValue = "-";
                                                style.DataFormat = dataformat.GetFormat("#,##0");
                                                itemColl.CellStyle = style;
                                        if (strCellValue.Contains("Syqxjsb_Ccbzj") && syqxjsb_Ccbzj.Count == 0)
                                            syqxjsb_Ccbzj = (List<SyqxjsbModel>)ContainProperty(model, "Syqxjsb_Ccbzj");
                                        if (!strCellValue.Contains("Syqxjsb_Ccbzj") && syqxjsb_Ccbzj.Count > 0)
                                            syqxjsb_Ccbzj = new List<SyqxjsbModel>();
                                        if (syqxjsb_Ccbzj.Count > 0)
                                            int itemRow = int.Parse(strCellValue.Split('.')[1].ToString());
                                            if (itemRow < syqxjsb_Ccbzj.Count)
                                                var itemName = strCellValue.Split('.')[2];
                                                var itemValue = ExpendMethodCommon.ContainProperty(syqxjsb_Ccbzj[itemRow], itemName);
                                                if (itemValue == null)
                                                    itemValue = "-";
                                                style.DataFormat = dataformat.GetFormat("#,##0");
                                                itemColl.CellStyle = style;
                                        if (strCellValue.Contains("Syqxjsb_Mrfsjrzc") && syqxjsb_Mrfsjrzc.Count == 0)
                                            syqxjsb_Mrfsjrzc = (List<SyqxjsbModel>)ContainProperty(model, "Syqxjsb_Mrfsjrzc");
                                        if (!strCellValue.Contains("Syqxjsb_Mrfsjrzc") && syqxjsb_Mrfsjrzc.Count > 0)
                                            syqxjsb_Mrfsjrzc = new List<SyqxjsbModel>();
                                        if (syqxjsb_Mrfsjrzc.Count > 0)
                                            int itemRow = int.Parse(strCellValue.Split('.')[1].ToString());
                                            if (itemRow < syqxjsb_Mrfsjrzc.Count)
                                                var itemName = strCellValue.Split('.')[2];
                                                var itemValue = ExpendMethodCommon.ContainProperty(syqxjsb_Mrfsjrzc[itemRow], itemName);
                                                if (itemValue == null)
                                                    itemValue = "-";
                                                style.DataFormat = dataformat.GetFormat("#,##0");
                                                itemColl.CellStyle = style;
                                        if (strCellValue.Contains("Syqxjsb_Zqqsk") && syqxjsb_Zqqsk.Count == 0)
                                            syqxjsb_Zqqsk = (List<SyqxjsbModel>)ContainProperty(model, "Syqxjsb_Zqqsk");
                                        if (!strCellValue.Contains("Syqxjsb_Zqqsk") && syqxjsb_Zqqsk.Count > 0)
                                            syqxjsb_Zqqsk = new List<SyqxjsbModel>();
                                        if (syqxjsb_Zqqsk.Count > 0)
                                            int itemRow = int.Parse(strCellValue.Split('.')[1].ToString());
                                            if (itemRow < syqxjsb_Zqqsk.Count)
                                                var itemName = strCellValue.Split('.')[2];
                                                var itemValue = ExpendMethodCommon.ContainProperty(syqxjsb_Zqqsk[itemRow], itemName);
                                                if (itemValue == null)
                                                    itemValue = "-";
                                                style.DataFormat = dataformat.GetFormat("#,##0");
                                                itemColl.CellStyle = style;
                                        if (strCellValue.Contains("Syqxjsb_Mchgjrzck") && syqxjsb_Mchgjrzck.Count == 0)
                                            syqxjsb_Mchgjrzck = (List<SyqxjsbModel>)ContainProperty(model, "Syqxjsb_Mchgjrzck");
                                        if (!strCellValue.Contains("Syqxjsb_Mchgjrzck") && syqxjsb_Mchgjrzck.Count > 0)
                                            syqxjsb_Mchgjrzck = new List<SyqxjsbModel>();
                                        if (syqxjsb_Mchgjrzck.Count > 0)
                                            int itemRow = int.Parse(strCellValue.Split('.')[1].ToString());
                                            if (itemRow < syqxjsb_Mchgjrzck.Count)
                                                var itemName = strCellValue.Split('.')[2];
                                                var itemValue = ExpendMethodCommon.ContainProperty(syqxjsb_Mchgjrzck[itemRow], itemName);
                                                if (itemValue == null)
                                                    itemValue = "-";
                                                style.DataFormat = dataformat.GetFormat("#,##0");
                                                itemColl.CellStyle = style;
                                        if (strCellValue.Contains("Syqxjsb_Zqtz") && syqxjsb_Zqtz.Count == 0)
                                            syqxjsb_Zqtz = (List<SyqxjsbModel>)ContainProperty(model, "Syqxjsb_Zqtz");
                                        if (!strCellValue.Contains("Syqxjsb_Zqtz") && syqxjsb_Zqtz.Count > 0)
                                            syqxjsb_Zqtz = new List<SyqxjsbModel>();
                                        if (syqxjsb_Zqtz.Count > 0)
                                            int itemRow = int.Parse(strCellValue.Split('.')[1].ToString());
                                            if (itemRow < syqxjsb_Zqtz.Count)
                                                var itemName = strCellValue.Split('.')[2];
                                                var itemValue = ExpendMethodCommon.ContainProperty(syqxjsb_Zqtz[itemRow], itemName);
                                                if (itemValue == null)
                                                    itemValue = "-";
                                                style.DataFormat = dataformat.GetFormat("#,##0");
                                                itemColl.CellStyle = style;
                                        object result = ContainProperty(model, property);
                                        if (result == null)
                                        else if(double.TryParse(result.ToString(),out doubleValue))
                                    else if (strCellValue.Length > 0 && strCellValue.StartsWith("#"))
                                        var value = "";
                                        decimal percentage = 0;
                                        var line = -1;
                                        var str = "";
                                        var note = "";
                                        var type = "";
                                        string code = strCellValue.Substring(1, strCellValue.Length - 1);
                                        if (code.Length >4 && code.Length<=6)
                                            str = code.Substring(5, 1);
                                            code = code.Substring(0, 4);
                                        else if (code.Length > 6 && code.Length <=8)
                                            str = code.Substring(5, 1);
                                            type = code.Substring(7,1);
                                            code = code.Substring(0, 4);
                                        else if (code.Length == 9)
                                            str = code.Substring(5, 1);
                                            type = code.Substring(7, 2);
                                            code = code.Substring(0, 4);
                                        else if (code.Length > 8)
                                            str = code.Substring(5, 1);
                                            type = code.Substring(7, 1);
                                            note = code.Substring(9, 2);
                                            code = code.Substring(0, 4);
                                        if (str != "" &&str!=null)
                                            line = Int32.Parse(str);
                                        XbrlHelper xbrlHelper = new XbrlHelper();
                                        var list = new List<string>();
                                        if(type=="A"|| type == "B"|| type == "C")
                                            list = xbrlHelper.GetValueByCode(xbrlPath, code, note,type);
                                            list = xbrlHelper.GetValueByCode(xbrlPath, code, note);
                                        if (list.Count() == 0)
                                            value = null;
                                            if (type == "p")
                                                if (line > -1 && line < list.Count())
                                                    if (list[line] != "")
                                                        percentage = decimal.Parse(list[line]) * 100;
                                                        value = percentage.ToString() +"%";
                                                else if (line < list.Count())
                                                    percentage = decimal.Parse(list.First()) * 100;
                                                    value = percentage.ToString() + "%";
                                                    value = null;
                                            else if (type == "h")
                                                if (line > -1 && line < list.Count())
                                                    if (list[line] != "")
                                                        percentage = decimal.Parse(list[line]) * 100;
                                                        value = percentage.ToString();
                                                else if (line < list.Count())
                                                    percentage = decimal.Parse(list.First()) * 100;
                                                    value = percentage.ToString();
                                                    value = null;
                                                if (line > -1 && line < list.Count())
                                                    value = list[line];
                                                else if (line < list.Count())
                                                    value = list.First();
                                                    value = null;
                                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                                        if (double.TryParse(value, out doubleValue))
                            count = 0;
                    using (fs = File.OpenWrite(outputPath))
                    return "";
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + ex.Message);
                    return ex.Message;
            /// <summary>
            /// 通过反射,取model里的属性值
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="instance"></param>
            /// <param name="propertyName"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public object ContainProperty(object instance, string propertyName)
                    if (instance != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName))
                        PropertyInfo _findedPropertyInfo = instance.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName);
                        if (_findedPropertyInfo != null)
                            return _findedPropertyInfo.GetValue(instance, null);
                    return 0;
                catch(Exception ex)
                    return 0;
            protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
                if (!this.disposed)
                    if (disposing)
                        if (fs != null)
                    disposed = true;
                    fs = null;               
            /// <summary>
            /// 查找execl中所有的sheet
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public Dictionary<int, string> ReturnSheetList()
                ISheet sheet = null;
                Dictionary<int, string> t = new Dictionary<int, string>();
                if (workbook == null)
                    return t;
                int count = workbook.NumberOfSheets; //获取所有SheetName
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    sheet = workbook.GetSheetAt(i);
                    if (sheet.LastRowNum > 0)
                        t.Add(i, workbook.GetSheetAt(i).SheetName);
                return t;




     /// <summary>
            /// 导出EXCEL
            /// </summary>
            /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
            /// <param name="list">导出的内容</param>
            /// <param name="fileName">文件名称</param>
            /// <param name="titles">标题列</param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public IActionResult ExportEXCEL<T>(IList<T> list, string fileName, Dictionary<string, string> fields)
                _logger.LogInformation(string.Format("后台 管理员{0}将试用版销售业绩汇总导出EXCEL。", User.GetModel().Id));
                logHelper.AddLevelLog(2, string.Format("后台 管理员{0}将试用版销售业绩汇总导出EXCEL。", User.GetModel().Id), User.GetModel(), Setting.AppId);
                string sWebRootFolder = _hostingEnvironment.WebRootPath;
                string sFileName = $"{Guid.NewGuid()}.xlsx";
                FileInfo file = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(sWebRootFolder + "\file\Export", sFileName));
                if (list.Count <= 0 || fields.Count <= 0)
                    return null;
                using (ExcelPackage package = new ExcelPackage(file))
                    // 添加worksheet
                    ExcelWorksheet worksheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("aspnetcore");
                    int num = 0;
                    foreach (var item in fields)
                        worksheet.Cells[1, ++num].Value = item.Value;
                    DataTable dt = ConvertDataTable(list, fields.Keys.ToArray());
                    for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                        int j = 0;
                        foreach (var item in fields)
                            worksheet.Cells[((char)(65 + j++)).ToString() + (2 + i).ToString()].Value = dt.Rows[i]["" + item.Key + ""].ToString();
                return File("\file\Export\" + sFileName, "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet");
      /// <summary>
            /// list转Datatable
            /// </summary>
            /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
            /// <param name="list"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public static DataTable ConvertDataTable<T>(IList<T> list, params string[] propertyName)
                List<string> propertyNameList = new List<string>();
                if (propertyName != null)
                DataTable result = new DataTable();
                if (list.Count > 0)
                    PropertyInfo[] propertys = list[0].GetType().GetProperties();
                    foreach (PropertyInfo pi in propertys)
                        if (propertyNameList.Count == 0)
                            result.Columns.Add(pi.Name, pi.PropertyType);
                            if (propertyNameList.Contains(pi.Name))
                    for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                        ArrayList tempList = new ArrayList();
                        foreach (PropertyInfo pi in propertys)
                            if (propertyNameList.Count == 0)
                                object obj = pi.GetValue(list[i], null);
                                if (propertyNameList.Contains(pi.Name))
                                    object obj = pi.GetValue(list[i], null);
                        object[] array = tempList.ToArray();
                        result.LoadDataRow(array, true);
                return result;

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            var v = $('#verify-banner');
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            $('[data-close-verify]').click(function () {
            function redirectToVerify() {
                location.href = '@Url.Action("Index","UserVerify")';
            function ExportPdf() {
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  • 相关阅读:
    解决 minwidth 在 IE6 中无效的方法
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    css li中a的高端与li的高端不一致,解决方案
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    20100420 18:17 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\aspnet_state\Parameters
    VMware中Shared Folders(共享文件夹)的配置
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Little-Sky/p/10530656.html
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