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  • libubox














     * 初始化事件循环
     int uloop_init(void)
     * 事件循环主处理入口
     void uloop_run(void)
     * 销毁事件循环
     void uloop_done(void)
    struct uloop_fd {
        uloop_fd_handler cb;    /** 描述符事件处理函数 */
        int fd;                 /** 文件描述符,调用者初始化 */
        bool eof;                       
        bool error;                     
        bool registered;        /** 是否已注册到uloop中 */     
        uint8_t flags;  
    struct uloop_timeout {    
        struct list_head list;  
        bool pending;               
        uloop_timeout_handler cb; /** 定时事件处理函数 */
        struct timeval time;      /** 时间结构体 */
    struct uloop_process { 
     struct list_head list;              
        bool pending;                   
        uloop_process_handler cb;       /** 进程事件处理函数 */
        pid_t pid;                      /** 进程号*/
    typedef void (*uloop_fd_handler)(struct uloop_fd *u, unsigned int events)
    typedef void (*uloop_timeout_handler)(struct uloop_timeout *t)
    typedef void (*uloop_process_handler)(struct uloop_process *c, int ret)
    #define ULOOP_READ          (1 << 0)
    #define ULOOP_WRITE         (1 << 1)
    #define ULOOP_EDGE_TRIGGER  (1 << 2)
    #define ULOOP_BLOCKING      (1 << 3)
     * 注册一个新定时器
     int uloop_timeout_add(struct uloop_timeout *timeout)
     * 设置定时器超时时间(毫秒),并添加
     int uloop_timeout_set(struct uloop_timeout *timeout, int msecs)
     * 销毁指定定时器
     int uloop_timeout_cancel(struct uloop_timeout *timeout)
     * 获取定时器还剩多长时间超时
     int uloop_timeout_remaining(struct uloop_timeout *timeout)
     * 注册一个新描述符到事件处理循环
     int uloop_fd_add(struct uloop_fd *sock, unsigned int flags)
     * 从事件处理循环中销毁指定描述符
     int uloop_fd_delete(struct uloop_fd *sock)
     * 注册新进程到事件处理循环
     int uloop_process_add(struct uloop_process *p)
     * 从事件处理循环中销毁指定进程
     int uloop_process_delete(struct uloop_process *p)
    struct runqueue {
        struct safe_list tasks_active;      /** 活动任务队列 */
        struct safe_list tasks_inactive;    /** 不活动任务队列 */
        struct uloop_timeout timeout;    
        int running_tasks;      /** 当前活动任务数目 */
        int max_running_tasks;  /** 允许最大活动任务数目 */
        bool stopped;           /** 是否停止任务队列 */
        bool empty;             /** 任务队列(包括活动和不活动)是否为空 */
        /* called when the runqueue is emptied */
        void (*empty_cb)(struct runqueue *q);
    struct runqueue_task_type {    
        const char *name;    
         * called when a task is requested to run
         * The task is removed from the list before this callback is run. It
         * can re-arm itself using runqueue_task_add.
        void (*run)(struct runqueue *q, struct runqueue_task *t);   
         * called to request cancelling a task
         * int type is used as an optional hint for the method to be used when
         * cancelling the task, e.g. a signal number for processes. Calls
         * runqueue_task_complete when done.
        void (*cancel)(struct runqueue *q, struct runqueue_task *t, int type);    
         * called to kill a task. must not make any calls to runqueue_task_complete,
         * it has already been removed from the list.
        void (*kill)(struct runqueue *q, struct runqueue_task *t);
    struct runqueue_task {    
        struct safe_list list;    
        const struct runqueue_task_type *type;    
        struct runqueue *q;    
        void (*complete)(struct runqueue *q, struct runqueue_task *t);    
        struct uloop_timeout timeout;    
        int run_timeout;    /** >0表示规定此任务执行只有run_timeout毫秒 */
        int cancel_timeout; /** >0表示规则任务延取消操作执行只有run_timeout毫秒*/
        int cancel_type;    
        bool queued;        /** 此任务是否已加入任务队列中 */
        bool running;       /** 此任务是否活动,即已在活动队列中 */
        bool cancelled;     /** 此任务是否已被取消 */
    struct runqueue_process {
        struct runqueue_task task;
        struct uloop_process proc;
     * 初始化任务队列
     void runqueue_init(struct runqueue *q)
     * 取消所有任务队列
     void runqueue_cancel(struct runqueue *q);
     * 取消活动中的任务
     void runqueue_cancel_active(struct runqueue *q);
     * 取消不活动的任务 
     void runqueue_cancel_pending(struct runqueue *q);
     * 杀死所有任务
     void runqueue_kill(struct runqueue *q);
     * 停止所有任务
     void runqueue_stop(struct runqueue *q);
     * 重新开始任务
     void runqueue_resume(struct runqueue *q);
     * 添加新任务到队列尾
     * @running true-加入活动队列;false-加入不活动队列
     void runqueue_task_add(struct runqueue *q, struct runqueue_task *t, bool running);
     * 添加新任务到队列头
     * @running true-加入活动队列;false-加入不活动队列
     void runqueue_task_add_first(struct runqueue *q, struct runqueue_task *t, 
    bool running);
     * 完全任务
     void runqueue_task_complete(struct runqueue_task *t);
     * 取消任务
     void runqueue_task_cancel(struct runqueue_task *t, int type);
     * 杀死任务
     void runqueue_task_kill(struct runqueue_task *t);
    void runqueue_process_add(struct runqueue *q, struct runqueue_process *p, pid_t pid);
     * to be used only from runqueue_process callbacks 
     void runqueue_process_cancel_cb(struct runqueue *q, struct runqueue_task *t, int type);
     void runqueue_process_kill_cb(struct runqueue *q, struct runqueue_task *t);



    struct ustream_buf {
        struct ustream_buf *next;    
        char *data;     /** 指向上次操作buff开始地址 */
        char *tail;     /** 指向未使用buff开始地址 */
        char *end;      /** 指向buf结束地址 */
        char head[];    /** 指向buf开始地址 */
    struct ustream_buf_list {
        struct ustream_buf *head;       /** 指向第1块ustream_buf */
        struct ustream_buf *data_tail;  /** 指向未使用的ustream_buf */
        struct ustream_buf *tail;       /** 指向最后的ustream_buf */
        int (*alloc)(struct ustream *s, struct ustream_buf_list *l);    
        int data_bytes;    /** 已用存储空间大小 */
        int min_buffers;   /** 可存储最小的ustream_buf块个数 */
        int max_buffers;   /** 可存储最大的ustream_buf块个数 */
        int buffer_len;    /** 每块ustream_buf块存储空间大小 */
        int buffers;       /** ustream_buf块个数 */
    struct ustream { 
       struct ustream_buf_list r, w;    
       struct uloop_timeout state_change;    
       struct ustream *next;   
         * notify_read: (optional)
         * called by the ustream core to notify that new data is available
         * for reading.
         * must not free the ustream from this callback
        void (*notify_read)(struct ustream *s, int bytes_new);    
         * notify_write: (optional)
         * called by the ustream core to notify that some buffered data has
         * been written to the stream.
         * must not free the ustream from this callback
        void (*notify_write)(struct ustream *s, int bytes);   
         * notify_state: (optional)
         * called by the ustream implementation to notify that the read
         * side of the stream is closed (eof is set) or there was a write
         * error (write_error is set).
         * will be called again after the write buffer has been emptied when
         * the read side has hit EOF.
        void (*notify_state)(struct ustream *s);    
         * write:
         * must be defined by ustream implementation, accepts new write data.
         * 'more' is used to indicate that a subsequent call will provide more
         * data (useful for aggregating writes)
         * returns the number of bytes accepted, or -1 if no more writes can
         * be accepted (link error)
        int (*write)(struct ustream *s, const char *buf, int len, bool more);    
         * free: (optional)
         * defined by ustream implementation, tears down the ustream and frees data
        void (*free)(struct ustream *s);   
         * set_read_blocked: (optional)
         * defined by ustream implementation, called when the read_blocked flag
         * changes
        void (*set_read_blocked)(struct ustream *s);    
         * poll: (optional)
         * defined by the upstream implementation, called to request polling for
         * available data.
         * returns true if data was fetched.
        bool (*poll)(struct ustream *s);    
         * ustream user should set this if the input stream is expected
         * to contain string data. the core will keep all data 0-terminated.
        bool string_data;     /** 此ustream是否为字符串,true-是;false-否 */
        bool write_error;     /** 写出错,true-是;false-否 */
        bool eof, eof_write_done;    
        enum read_blocked_reason read_blocked;
    struct ustream_fd {
        struct ustream stream;    
        struct uloop_fd fd;
     * ustream_fd_init: create a file descriptor ustream (uses uloop) 
     void ustream_fd_init(struct ustream_fd *s, int fd)
     * ustream_init_defaults: fill default callbacks and options 
     void ustream_init_defaults(struct ustream *s)
     * ustream_free: free all buffers and data associated with a ustream 
     void ustream_free(struct ustream *s)
    char *ustream_reserve(struct ustream *s, int len, int *maxlen) 
    void ustream_consume(struct ustream *s, int len)



    struct list_head {
        struct list_head *next;    
        struct list_head *prev;
    #define LIST_HEAD_INIT(name) { &(name), &(name) }
    #define (name) struct list_head name = LIST_HEAD_INIT(name)
    static inline void INIT_LIST_HEAD(struct list_head *list)
     * 加入链表头部
     list_add(struct list_head *_new, struct list_head *head)
     * 加入链表尾部
     list_add_tail(struct list_head *_new, struct list_head *head)
     * 把指定节点从链表中删除
     list_del(struct list_head *entry)
     * 把指定节点从链表中删除,并初始此节点
     list_del_init(struct list_head *entry)
     * 获取当前节点元素
     list_entry(ptr, type, field)
     * 获取后一个节点元素
     list_first_entry(ptr, type, field)
     * 获取前一个节点元素
     list_last_entry(ptr, type, field)
     * 向后遍历链表,遍历过程不能操作链表,p为节点元素结构体
     list_for_each_entry(p, h, field)
     * 向前遍历链表,遍历过程不能操作链表,p为链表结构体
     list_for_each_prev(p, h)
  • 相关阅读:
    DVDRAM 格式化失败及视频文件分割软件
    黑马程序员 ObjectC 类 (一)
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/LiuYanYGZ/p/14201453.html
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