目前QtQuick (2014/3/6) 已经发展了有一段时间了,很多人在用因此我也想看看是否适合我目前的项目。
1,the fact is that using QML and QT-Quick to develop the User Interface you can work with a descriptive language and separate the interface from logic. —— QtQuick 是为了解耦:控件 和 逻辑应用的。
2,That performance penalty may nor may not apply. —— 效率是个问题。
3,while QML is currently build on the GraphicsView framework, it is perfectly possible to make it work on a different graphical backend. —— (大致是说:)QML目前是基于GraphicsView架构的,它可以绘制在其它的后备缓冲区。
4,You will not be able to get the kind of speedups you get then with GraphicsView or anywhere else in the QWidget world. —— (大致是说:)它比不上 GraphicsView 和 QWidget 的效率。
另:感谢Qt QQ 群内朋友的帮助。