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  • echarts 饼状图调节 label和labelLine的位置



    然后通过调节这个透明的饼状图 以达到修改labelLine的位置




    option = {
        backgroundColor: "#03141c",
        title: {
            text: "84%",
            subtext: '完成部门占比',
            x: 'center',
            y: 'center',
            textStyle: {
                color: "#fff",
                fontSize: 30,
                fontWeight: 'normal'
            subtextStyle: {
                color: "rgba(255,255,255,.45)",
                fontSize: 14,
                fontWeight: 'normal'
        tooltip: {
            trigger: 'item',
            formatter: "{a} <br/>{b} : {c} ({d}%)"
        legend: {
            x: 'center',
            y: 'bottom',
            data: ['rose3', 'rose5', 'rose6', 'rose7', 'rose8']
        calculable: true,
        series: [
                type: 'pie',
                radius: [80, 120],
                center: ['50%', '50%'],
                data: [
                        value: 10,
                        name: '吴际帅
                        itemStyle: {
                            color: "transparent"
                        value: 90,
                        name: 'rose2',
                        itemStyle: {
                            color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 1, 0, 0, [{
                                offset: 0,
                                color: '#0ce4da'
                            }, {
                                offset: 1,
                                color: '#f6fb08'
                        labelLine: {
                          show: false,
                          length: 200,
                          length2: 100
                        label: {
                            color: "rgba(255,255,255,.45)",
                            fontSize: 14,
                            show: false,
                            position: 'outside',
                            formatter: '客户满意度
                            rich: {
                                a: {
                                    color: "#fff",
                                    fontSize: 20,
                                    lineHeight: 30
            { // 指示线
                // 通过value 的值 调节lableLine的位置
                type: 'pie',
                radius: [80, 100],
                data: [
                        value: 100,
                        itemStyle: {
                            color: 'transparent'
                        value: 50,
                        itemStyle: {
                            color: "transparent"
                        labelLine: {
                          show: true,
                          length: 2,
                          length2: 240,
                          color: 'orange',
                          lineStyle: {
                              color: 'orange'
                        label: {
                            color: "rgba(255,255,255,.45)",
                            fontSize: 14,
                            position: 'outside',
                            formatter: '客户满意度
                            rich: {
                                a: {
                                    color: "#fff",
                                    fontSize: 20,
                                    lineHeight: 30
                type: 'pie',
                radius: [80, 100],
                center: ['50%', '50%'],
                data: [{
                        value: 10,
                        itemStyle: {
                            color: '#06d3cd'
                        labelLine: {
                            show: false
                        value: 90,
                        itemStyle: {
                            color: "transparent"


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