学习Sass中 @if...@else @for @while @each
一、条件判断 - @if @else
1 @mixin blockOrHidden($boolean:true){ 2 @if $boolean { 3 @debug "$boolean is #{$boolean}"; 4 display: block; 5 } 6 @else { 7 @debug "$boolean is #{$boolean}"; 8 display: none; 9 } 10 } 11 12 .block { 13 @include blockOrHidden;//默认 14 } 15 16 .hidden { 17 @include blockOrHidden(false);//为假 18 }
1 .block { 2 display: block; } 3 4 .hidden { 5 display: none; }
二、 @for 循环
@for $i from <start> through <end>
@for $i from <start> to <end>
$i 表示变量; start 表示起始值; end 表示结束值;
这两个的区别是关键字 through 表示包括 end 这个数,而 to 则不包括 end 这个数。
1 //使用 through 关键字的示例: 2 @for $i from 1 through 3 { 3 .item-#{$i} { 4 2em * $i; 5 } 6 }
1 .item-1 { 2 width: 2em; } 3 4 .item-2 { 5 width: 4em; } 6 7 .item-3 { 8 width: 6em; }
1 //使用 to 关键字的示例: 2 @for $i from 1 to 3 { 3 .item-#{$i}#{1} { 4 2em * $i; 5 } 6 }
1 .item-11 { 2 width: 2em; } 3 4 .item-21 { 5 width: 4em; }
1 /* 2 for循环应用示例: 3 */ 4 $grid-prefix: span !default; 5 $grid- 60px !default; 6 $grid-gutter: 20px !default; 7 8 %grid { 9 float: left; 10 margin-left: $grid-gutter / 2; 11 margin-right: $grid-gutter /2; 12 } 13 @for $i from 1 through 6 { 14 .#{$grid-prefix}#{$i} { 15 $grid-width * $i + $grid-gutter * ($i - 1); 16 @extend %grid; 17 } 18 }
1 /* 2 for循环应用示例: 3 */ 4 .span1, .span2, .span3, .span4, .span5, .span6 { 5 float: left; 6 margin-left: 10px; 7 margin-right: 10px; } 8 9 .span1 { 10 width: 60px; } 11 12 .span2 { 13 width: 140px; } 14 15 .span3 { 16 width: 220px; } 17 18 .span4 { 19 width: 300px; } 20 21 .span5 { 22 width: 380px; } 23 24 .span6 { 25 width: 460px; }
三、@while 循环
1 $types: 4; 2 $type- 20px; 3 4 @while $types > 0 { 5 .while-#{$types} { 6 $type-width + $types; 7 } 8 $types: $types - 1; 9 }
1 /* 2 while 循环 3 */ 4 .while-4 { 5 width: 24px; } 6 7 .while-3 { 8 width: 23px; } 9 10 .while-2 { 11 width: 22px; } 12 13 .while-1 { 14 width: 21px; }
四、@each 循环
@each 循环就是去遍历一个列表,然后从列表中取出对应的值。
@each 循环指令的形式: @each $var in <list>
1 $list: adam john wynn mason kuroir;//$list 是一个列表 2 @mixin author-images { 3 @each $author in $list { 4 .photo-#{$author} { 5 background: url("/images/avatars/#{$author}.png"); 6 } 7 } 8 } 9 10 .author-bio { 11 @include author-images; 12 }
1 .author-bio .photo-adam { 2 background: url("/images/avatars/adam.png"); } 3 .author-bio .photo-john { 4 background: url("/images/avatars/john.png"); } 5 .author-bio .photo-wynn { 6 background: url("/images/avatars/wynn.png"); } 7 .author-bio .photo-mason { 8 background: url("/images/avatars/mason.png"); } 9 .author-bio .photo-kuroir { 10 background: url("/images/avatars/kuroir.png"); }
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