Takahashi and Aoki are playing a stone-taking game. Initially, there are NN piles of stones, and the i-th pile contains Aistones and has an associated integer KiKi.
Starting from Takahashi, Takahashi and Aoki take alternate turns to perform the following operation:
- Choose a pile. If the i-th pile is selected and there are X stones left in the pile, remove some number of stones between 1 and floor(X/Ki) (inclusive) from the pile.
The player who first becomes unable to perform the operation loses the game. Assuming that both players play optimally, determine the winner of the game. Here,floor(x) represents the largest integer not greater than x
#include<cstdio> #include<algorithm> #include<cstring> #define N 300 using namespace std; int n,i,a[N],k[N],sg[N],ans,sum; int get(int x,int k){ if (x%k==0) return x/k; if (x<k) return 0; if ((x-x/k-1)/k!=x/k) return get(x-x/k-1,k); int p=x/k,h=(x-p*k)/(p+1); return get(x-h*(1+(x/k)),k); } int main(){ scanf("%d",&n); for (i=1;i<=n;i++) scanf("%d%d",&a[i],&k[i]),sg[i]=get(a[i],k[i]),sum=sg[i]^sum; if (sum==0) printf("Aoki "); else printf("Takahashi "); return 0; }