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  • 【Udacity】线性回归方程 Regression

    • Concept in English
    • Coding Portion
    • 评估回归的性能指标——R平方指标
    • 比较分类和回归

    Continuous supervised learning 连续变量监督学习

    Regression 回归


    一、Concept in English

    Slope: 斜率

    Intercept: 截距


    二、Coding Portion

    Google: sklearn regression

    import numpy
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from ages_net_worths import ageNetWorthData
    ages_train, ages_test, net_worths_train, net_worths_test = ageNetWorthData()
    from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
    reg = LinearRegression()
    reg.fit(ages_train, net_worths_train)
    ### get Katie's net worth (she's 27)
    ### sklearn predictions are returned in an array, so you'll want to index into
    ### the output to get what you want, e.g. net_worth = predict([[27]])[0][0] (not
    ### exact syntax, the point is the [0] at the end). In addition, make sure the
    ### argument to your prediction function is in the expected format - if you get
    ### a warning about needing a 2d array for your data, a list of lists will be
    ### interpreted by sklearn as such (e.g. [[27]]).
    km_net_worth = 1.0 ### fill in the line of code to get the right value
    km_net_worth = reg.predict([[27]])[0][0]
    ### get the slope
    ### again, you'll get a 2-D array, so stick the [0][0] at the end
    slope = 0. ### fill in the line of code to get the right value
    slope = reg.coef_[0][0]
    #print reg.coef_
    ### get the intercept
    ### here you get a 1-D array, so stick [0] on the end to access
    ### the info we want
    intercept = 0. ### fill in the line of code to get the right value
    intercept = reg.intercept_[0]
    ### get the score on test data
    test_score = 0. ### fill in the line of code to get the right value
    test_score = reg.score(ages_test,net_worths_test)
    ### get the score on the training data
    training_score = 0. ### fill in the line of code to get the right value
    training_score = reg.score(ages_train,net_worths_train)
    ### print all the value
    def submitFit():
        # all of the values in the returned dictionary are expected to be
        # numbers for the purpose of the grader.
        return {"networth":km_net_worth,
                "stats on test":test_score,
                "stats on training": training_score}



    3.1 最小化误差平方和

    SSE sum of Squared Errors

    • 相关算法实现

    1.Ordinary Least Squares(OLS,普通最小二乘法)

    2.Gradient Descent (梯度下降算法)

    不足: 添加的数据越多,误差平方的和必然增加,但并不代表拟合程度不好

    解决方案: R平方指标

    3.2 R平方指标

    r平方越高,性能越好(MAX = 1)

    定义: 有多少输出的改变能用输入的改变解释

    优点: 与训练点的数量无关

    • Sklearn中的R平方
    print "r-squared score:",reg.score(x,y)

    The coefficient R^2 is defined as (1 - u/v), where u is the regression sum of squares ((y_true - y_pred) ** 2).sum() and v is the residual sum of squares ((y_true - y_true.mean()) ** 2).sum(). Best possible score is 1.0 and it can be negative (because the model can be arbitrarily worse). A constant model that always predicts the expected value of y, disregarding the input features, would get a R^2 score of 0.0.


    特性 监督分类 回归
    输出类型 标签(离散) 值(连续)
    寻找的结果(可视化) 决策边界 最佳拟合曲线
    评判模型的标准 准确度 误差平方和or R平方指标
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Neo007/p/7652498.html
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