
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 import pyperclip 3 information = { 4 "wifi密码":"1", 5 "博客园登录名": "2", 6 } 7 8 information01 = { 9 "1":"wifi密码", 10 "2":"博客园登录名", 11 } 12 13 PASSWORDS = { 14 "1":"39322438", 15 "2": "NeverCtrl_C", 16 } 17 18 PASSWORDS01 = { 19 "wifi密码":"39322438", 20 "博客园登录名": "NeverCtrl_C", 21 } 22 23 while True: 24 print("NOTICE: The word of name will represent all of account name.") 25 print("Please input the account name("" : quit ):") 26 account = input() 27 if "" == account: 28 break 29 if "name" == account: 30 for k, v in information.items(): 31 print(k.ljust(20, ".") + v.rjust(5, ".")) 32 if "password" == account: 33 for k, v in PASSWORDS01.items(): 34 print(k.ljust(10, ".") + v.rjust(20, ".")) 35 if account in PASSWORDS: 36 pyperclip.copy(PASSWORDS[account]) 37 print("The content of " + information01.get(account, "哈哈") + " has been copied to clipboard") 38 else: 39 print("There is no content about " + account) 40 print("GO ON".center(60,"="))
熟练掌握字典的相关方法的使用:keys() values() items()
熟练掌握字符串相关方法的使用:ljust() rjust() center()
熟练掌握pyperclip.copy() pyperclip.paste()
》》新建一个文本文档,将后缀改为 .bat ; 在里面书写如下内容
@python3.exe E:PythonProgrammingMyPythonScripts est.py %*
》》再新建一个文本文档,将后缀改为 .py ; 在里面书写程序
》》》注意:编写程序是的 .py 文档最好用 utf-8 格式进行编码
怎么实现在DOS中直接输入 .bat 文件名就能执行相应的 .bat文件
只需要将包含 .bat文件和相应的 .py 文件夹的路径加到系统默认路径即可