1. 你每天自己做晚饭吗?
Do you cook dinner every night
cook 表示做饭,做名词时表示做饭的人, cooker表示做事的工具(锅瓦瓢盆)
2. 要开饭了
dinner is ready
3. 摆桌子
Could you set the table please?
Where do you keep your plates?
5. 到朋友家,如果你想帮点忙,可以说
Can I help?
Is there something i can do?
could you pass me the salt please?
You should try this.
It's really delicious.
It's so yummy.
Could I have some hot water please?
I'll clean the table
10. 你在家里做家务吗?
Do you help with the housework in your home?
I take out the garbage
I Sweep the floors/ I vacuum the floors
I do the yard work
I do the laundry
11. 去买东西,拿出你的优惠券
I have this coupon
I go furniture shopping
13. 你的房间太乱了,把你房间整理干净
Your room is in a mess, go clean your room
14. 你需要帮忙吗?
Do you need a hand?
15. 你们要去哪啊?
where are you going?
we haven't decide yet
16. 朋友见面,看他很开心
Why are you so happy?
I just bought a new house.
tell me about your new house.
It's very spacious
18. 你可以搭我的车
I can give you a ride.
It's not out of my way.
19. 我今晚要加班
I have to work overtime tonight
20. 我刚涨了工资
I just got a raise
21. 我星期一和星期二休息
I'm off on Mondays and Tuesdays
22. 辞职不干了
I am fired.
I laid off
I resigned
23. 早退
I hope to get off early