If we use ValidationSummary control to show error or invalid message on page, but the page will jump to top when click button.
If you find build code in webResource file, will find the rease is that the code is window.scrollTo(0,0), so the page jump to top.
How to solve the issue?
We will see on the position of control with (X,Y) point or don't reset the point it is.
1. If you are not using window.scrollTo() in your page, you can redefine the function to be a no-op. Just
add "window.scrollTo = function() { }" to the JavaScript code on your page.
2. Alternatively, you can just redefine window.scrollTo for the duration of the ASP.NET Validators javaScript execution, like so:

2 var ValidationSummaryOnSubmit = function() {
3 var scrollToOrig = window.scrollTo;
4 window.scrollTo = function() { };
5 ValidationSummaryOnSubmitOrig();
6 window.scrollTo = scrollToOrig;
7 }
3. Instead of overriding window.scrollTo(), you can instead call focus() on an element (like the invalid control or the validation summary) after the call to window.scrollTo() has occured.
2 var Page_ClientValidate = function() {
3 var v = Page_ClientValidateOrig();
4 Page_InvalidControlToBeFocused.focus();
5 return v;
6 }