projecteuler.net #164
How many 20 digit numbers n (without any leading zero) exist such that no three consecutive digits of n have a sum greater than 9?
List<int> number = new List<int>();
int count = 0;
public object Run()
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Run2(1, i, 0);
return count;
void Run2(int level, int last, int lastlast)
for (int i = 0, length = 9 - last - lastlast; i <= length; i++)
if (level == 2)
Console.WriteLine("" + lastlast + last + i);
//if (level > 1 && last + lastlast + i > 9)
// return;
if (level == 6)
count += 1;
Run2(level + 1, i, last);
int count = 0;
public object Run()
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Run2(1, i, 0);
return count;
void Run2(int level, int last, int lastlast)
for (int i = 0, length = 9 - last - lastlast; i <= length; i++)
if (level == 2)
Console.WriteLine("" + lastlast + last + i);
//if (level > 1 && last + lastlast + i > 9)
// return;
if (level == 6)
count += 1;
Run2(level + 1, i, last);
class Problem164 : IProblem
Dictionary<int, C> last = new Dictionary<int, C>();
Dictionary<int, C> current = new Dictionary<int, C>();
public object Run()
int l, ll;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
l = i / 10;
ll = i % 10;
if (l + ll < 10)
last.Add(i, new C(l, ll, 1));
return Run2(2);
public long Run2(int level)
int thisLevelBegin = (level == 19 ? 1 : 0);
current = new Dictionary<int, C>();
int l, ll, sum, newNum;
long count;
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, C> p in last)
l = p.Value.L;
ll = p.Value.LL;
count = p.Value.count;
sum = p.Value.sum;
for (int i = thisLevelBegin, length = 10 - sum; i < length; i++)
newNum = i * 10 + l;
if (!current.ContainsKey(newNum))
current.Add(newNum, new C(i, l, count));
current[newNum].count += count;
if (level == 19)
count = 0;
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, C> p in current)
count += p.Value.count;
return count;
last = current;
return Run2(level + 1);
class C
public int LL;
public int L;
public int sum;
public long count;
public C(int l, int ll, long c)
LL = ll;
L = l;
count = c;
sum = l + ll;
Dictionary<int, C> last = new Dictionary<int, C>();
Dictionary<int, C> current = new Dictionary<int, C>();
public object Run()
int l, ll;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
l = i / 10;
ll = i % 10;
if (l + ll < 10)
last.Add(i, new C(l, ll, 1));
return Run2(2);
public long Run2(int level)
int thisLevelBegin = (level == 19 ? 1 : 0);
current = new Dictionary<int, C>();
int l, ll, sum, newNum;
long count;
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, C> p in last)
l = p.Value.L;
ll = p.Value.LL;
count = p.Value.count;
sum = p.Value.sum;
for (int i = thisLevelBegin, length = 10 - sum; i < length; i++)
newNum = i * 10 + l;
if (!current.ContainsKey(newNum))
current.Add(newNum, new C(i, l, count));
current[newNum].count += count;
if (level == 19)
count = 0;
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, C> p in current)
count += p.Value.count;
return count;
last = current;
return Run2(level + 1);
class C
public int LL;
public int L;
public int sum;
public long count;
public C(int l, int ll, long c)
LL = ll;
L = l;
count = c;
sum = l + ll;