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  • Aras前端的一些知识


    * uiShowItem
    * 打开物体视窗
    * parameters:
    * 1) itemTypeName - may be empty string if item is in client cache
    * 2) itemID       - obligatory
    * 3) viewMode     - 'tab view' or 'openFile'
    *                    if not specified aras.getVariable('viewMode') is used
    * 4) isTearOff    - true or false, if not specified aras.getVariable('TearOff') is used
    top.aras.uiShowItem("work order","ddddddddddddddddd");
    * uiReShowItem
    * parameters:
    * 1) oldItemId- old id of item to be shown
    * 2) itemId   - id of item to be shown //usually itemId==oldItemId
    * 2) editMode - 'view' or 'edit'
    * 3) viewMode - 'tab view', ' or 'openFile'
    * 4) isTearOff- true or false.
    Aras.prototype.uiReShowItem = function (oldItemId, itemId, editMode, viewMode)
    top.aras.uiReShowItem("xxxxxxxxxxxxx","xxxxxxxxxxxxx","view","tab view");
    * AlertError 錯誤訊息
    * params:  errorMessage = client-facing error message
    *      technicalErrorMessage = the technical error message
    *      stackTrace = the stack trace
    *      ardwin = the window to use
    Aras.prototype.AlertError = function Aras_AlertError(errorMessage, technicalErrorMessage, stackTrace, argwin) 
    Aras.prototype.AlertSuccess = function Aras_AlertSuccess(msg, argwin) {
        this.AlertInternal(msg, 'success', argwin, new AlertInternalCustomizationBase());
    Displays a confirmation dialog box which contains a message and OK and Cancel buttons.
    message - string. Message to display in a dialog.
    win - parent window for the dialog.
    true  - if a user clicked the OK button.
    false - if a user clicked Cancel button.
    Aras.prototype.confirm = function Aras_confirm(message, ownerWindow)
    var result=top.aras.confirm("choose");
    Aras.prototype.prompt = function Aras_prompt(msg, defValue, argwin)

    尋找相關的API可以利用除錯器尋找 include.aspx,這邊會載入各種的Script~

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/OraCursor/p/8716821.html
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