OEM 13C禁用"Global Cache Blocks Lost Metric"报警信息
EM Event: Critical:szceb_szceb1 - Metrics Global Cache Blocks Lost is at 264
Host=xxxxx1 Target type=Database Instance Target name=xxxxx_xxxxx1 Categories=Error Message=Metrics Global Cache Blocks Lost is at 264 Severity=Critical Event reported time=Aug 6, 2020 5:17:56 PM CST Operating System=Linux Platform=x86_64 Associated Incident Id=86 Associated Incident Status=New Associated Incident Owner= Associated Incident Acknowledged By Owner=No Associated Incident Priority=None Associated Incident Escalation Level=0 Event Type=Metric Alert Event name=rac_global_cache:lost Metric Group=Global Cache Statistics Metric=Global Cache Blocks Lost Metric value=264 Key Value= Rule Name=Incident management rule set for all targets,Create incident for critical metric alerts Rule Owner=System Generated Update Details: Metrics Global Cache Blocks Lost is at 264
EM 13c: How to disable "Global Cache Blocks Lost Metric" Using EMCLI (Doc ID 2543134.1)
EM 13c, 12c: 'emcli modify_collection_schedule' Command Shows Collection Name Is Not Valid (Doc ID 2521116.1)
[oracle@oem13c ~]$ cd $OMS_HOME/bin [oracle@oem13c bin]$ ./emcli login -username=sysman Enter password : Login successful [oracle@oem13c bin]$ ./emcli sync Synchronized successfully [oracle@oem13c bin]$ $OMS_HOME/bin/emcli modify_collection_schedule -targetType="oracle_database" -targetNames="xxxxx1" -collectionName="rac_global_cache_10i" -collectionStatus=Disabled -preview="N" oracle_database : Collection Name not valid.
哦豁,直接报错oracle_database : Collection Name not valid了。
网上搜不到啥信息,搞了半个多钟发现邮件内容中有包含有Target name的名字,可能是命令中的-targetNames="xxxxx1"是有问题的?
由于Doc ID 2543134.1中给的示例为
因此我是直接将<DBInstanceName>换成实例名了,结果貌似不对。用邮件中Target name对应的名字再试试看,
[oracle@oem13c bin]$ ./emcli modify_collection_schedule -targetType="oracle_database" -targetNames="xxxxx_xxxxx1" -collectionName="rac_global_cache_10i" -collectionStatus=Disabled -preview="N" Collection Name : rac_global_cache_10i szceb_szceb1 : Collection Schedule updated successfully. The collection schedule of the following metrics might be affected : rac_global_cache
由于不止target name报出来,那么先只禁用这个,看看还会不会报,在禁用其他的。