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  • 【小白写论文】技术性论文结构剖析





    1 introduction


    1.1 Aims and Objectives

    1. The problems and project objectives should be stated comprehensively.
    2. The motivationsof the project should be presented. 应该提出项目的动机 ,项目的动机我个人理解为项目的意义。因为我的论文是改进一个任务的解决方案,所以“动机”的话,我会读第一个提出这个“任务”的那个论文,在其中寻找这个“任务”的意义 , 然后再阅读其他解决这个“任务”的论文,找出他们解决方案的缺点,然后引出自己方法的贡献点。因此这个部分,我会引用一些文献。(这里引用的文献并不多,因为我的方法并不能解决其他所有方法的缺点,所以只说明专门针对的那个论文,更多的文献引用会在1.2章节)
    3. The techniques and approaches used to deal withthe problem should be stated with justifications, and the contributions and main resultsachieved should be stated clearly. 处理该问题的技术和方法应说明,并且说出理由,并应明确说明实验的贡献和主要结果。这里我会引用一些关于技术的文献,然后介绍这些技术,以及为什么用这个技术去解决这个“任务”。 然后再介绍实验的贡献和结果

    1.2 Background and Literature Survey

    1. It gives an overall picture about the work with a clear review of the relevant literature.The background of the project should be given. 先说有关工作的总体情况(目前关于“任务”,总体的解决方案的情况),并清晰地回顾了相关文献,明确说明为解决该问题其他学者所做的工作,还应说明各种现有算法和方法的优缺点。(这里我会多引用一些相关解决方案)。

    2. Differences between your proposed method andthe existing ones should be briefly described.简要介绍您建议的方法与现有方法之间的差异。在上述的介绍其他相关文献的时候,要说明自己的工作和他们之间的区别

    3. It is important to make sure that thediscussion is structured and coherent; the key issues are summarised; key and relevantreferences are used critically analysed and the literature is covered comprehensively.对关键和相关参考文献进行严格分析,并对文献进行全面介绍。对于专门针对的一些论文、一些对你帮助大的论文,一定要用一定篇幅对该论文做一个全面的介绍并且结合个人实验结果进行一些分析。

    4. The structure of the report can be described brieflyat the end .在结尾主要介绍文章结构

    2 Background Theories

    1. The background theories supporting the work should be given in this section. Provide references when someone's work is recalled.支持该工作的背景理论应在本节中给出。当某人的工作被召回时提供参考。(这里我理解是当某人的工作需要被复现的时候,这一章节提供实验所需要的背景知识)

    3 Methodology and Implementation

    It presents and justifies the methodology used to deal with the problem and describes in detail the implementation procedures. The background theory presented in the previous chapter can be recalled to support the proposed implementation. The originality, novelty and contribution are to be demonstrated with the discussion of the strengths and limitations.

    它提出并证明了用于解决该问题的方法,并详细描述了实施程序。 可以回顾上一章中介绍的背景理论以支持所提出的实现。然后提出方法的新颖性和贡献将,通过对优点和局限性的讨论加以证明。

    4 Results, Analysis and Evaluation

    It summarises the results obtained from the proposed design and methodology. The way to obtain the results should be described in detail. Analysis and evaluation have to be performed. Comparisons should be made. It should justifies if the project aims, objectives, requirements and specifications have been achieved.

    它总结了从建议的设计和方法中获得的结果。获得结果的方式应详细说明 。必须进行分析和评估 。应该进行比较 。它应该证明该项目的目的,目标,要求,(规格)是否已经实现。

    5 Conclusion

    It is a chapter to sum up the main points and findings of the work; how you achieve the project aims and address the research questions; the contributions and results you have achieved. Future plan and development can be mentioned in this section as well. It is normally in one or two pages.

    本章总结了本论文的主要观点和发现。您如何实现项目目标并解决研究问题您的贡献和成果 。在本节中也可以提及未来的计划和发展 。通常在一页或两页中。

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