system: Windows 2012 R2
Redis: 5.0.10 64bit
原来只有一个节点进行读写,随着时间推移,时不时出现超时现象,于是改为1主(写)2从(读)方案。项目背景可以使 用 redis 只做缓存使用, 不需要持久化。
1,安装redis 后,再复制出两个文件夹。
redis: 6379 redis_slave1: 6380 redis_slave2: 6381
2,分别打开 Redis_Slave1, Redis_Slave2 下的配置文件, redis.windows.conf, 在“Replication" 部位添加配置:
slaveof 6379
################################# REPLICATION ################################# # Master-Slave replication. Use slaveof to make a Redis instance a copy of # another Redis server. A few things to understand ASAP about Redis replication. # # 1) Redis replication is asynchronous, but you can configure a master to # stop accepting writes if it appears to be not connected with at least # a given number of slaves. # 2) Redis slaves are able to perform a partial resynchronization with the # master if the replication link is lost for a relatively small amount of # time. You may want to configure the replication backlog size (see the next # sections of this file) with a sensible value depending on your needs. # 3) Replication is automatic and does not need user intervention. After a # network partition slaves automatically try to reconnect to masters # and resynchronize with them. # # slaveof <masterip> <masterport> slaveof 6379
3,注册为windows service
分别到Redis_Slave1, Redis_Slave2 文件夹下执行命令。注意: redis-server.exe 前面有"." , 如果不加"." 执行的是系统全局命令,将无法启动多个服务。
# 文件夹 Redis_Slave1 . edis-server.exe --service-install redis.windows.conf --service-name Redis6380 # 文件夹 Redis_Slave2 . edis-server.exe --service-install redis.windows.conf --service-name Redis6381
通过redis-cli 命令分别登录服务,并测试一个key,