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  • [枚举] HDU 2019 Multi-University Training Contest 8

    Calabash and Landlord

    Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 131072/131072 K (Java/Others)
    Total Submission(s): 3228    Accepted Submission(s): 613

    Problem Description
    Calabash is the servant of a landlord. The landlord owns a piece of land, which can be regarded as an infinite 2D plane.

    One day the landlord set up two orthogonal rectangular-shaped fences on his land. He asked Calabash a simple problem: how many nonempty connected components is my land divided into by these two fences, both finite and infinite? Calabash couldn't answer this simple question. Please help him!

    Recall that a connected component is a maximal set of points not occupied by the fences, and every two points in the set are reachable without crossing the fence.
    The first line of input consists of a single integer T (1T10000), the number of test cases.

    Each test case contains two lines, specifying the two rectangles. Each line contains four integers x1,y1,x2,y2 (0x1,y1,x2,y2109,x1<x2,y1<y2), where (x1,y1),(x2,y2) are the Cartesian coordinates of two opposite vertices of the rectangular fence. The edges of the rectangles are parallel to the coordinate axes. The edges of the two rectangles may intersect, overlap, or even coincide.
    For each test case, print the answer as an integer in one line.
    Sample Input
    3 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 4 1 0 3 2 0 1 2 3 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
    Sample Output
    3 4 2




      1 #include<bits/stdc++.h>
      2 using namespace std;
      3 int x_1[5],y_1[5],x_2[5],y_2[5];
      4 int main(){
      5     int t,a,b;
      6     ios::sync_with_stdio(0);
      7     cin>>t;
      8     while(t--){
      9         for(int i=0;i<=1;i++)cin>>x_1[i]>>y_1[i]>>x_2[i]>>y_2[i];
     10         a=0,b=1;
     11         if(x_1[0]>x_1[1])a^=1,b^=1;
     12         if(x_1[0]==x_1[1]){
     13             if(x_2[b]>x_2[a]||y_2[b]>y_2[a]||y_1[b]<y_1[a])a^=1,b^=1;
     14         }
     15         if(x_1[a]==x_1[b]&&x_2[a]==x_2[b]&&y_1[a]==y_1[b]&&y_2[a]==y_2[b]){
     16             cout<<2<<endl;
     17         }
     18         else{
     19             if(x_2[a]<=x_1[b]){
     20                 cout<<3<<endl;
     21             }
     22             else{
     23                 if(y_2[a]<=y_1[b]||y_1[a]>=y_2[b]){
     24                     cout<<3<<endl;
     25                 }
     26                 else{
     27                         if(x_1[a]==x_1[b]){     ///l1
     28                             if(x_2[a]==x_2[b]){ ///r1
     29                                 if(y_1[a]==y_1[b]){ ///d1
     30                                     if(y_2[a]==y_2[b])  ///u1
     31                                         cout<<2<<endl;
     32                                     else
     33                                         cout<<3<<endl;
     34                                 }
     35                                 else{               ///d0
     36                                     if(y_2[a]==y_2[b])  ///u1
     37                                         cout<<3<<endl;
     38                                     else            ///u0
     39                                         cout<<4<<endl;
     40                                 }
     41                             }
     42                             else if(x_2[b]>x_2[a]){ ///l1 r0
     43                                 if(y_1[a]==y_1[b]){ ///d1
     44                                     if(y_2[a]==y_2[b]||y_2[a]<y_2[b])
     45                                         cout<<3<<endl;
     46                                     else if(y_2[a]>y_2[b])
     47                                         cout<<4<<endl;
     48                                 }
     49                                 else{   ///d0
     50                                         if(y_1[a]<y_1[b]){
     51                                             if(y_2[a]==y_2[b])cout<<4<<endl;
     52                                             else if(y_2[a]>y_2[b]) cout<<5<<endl;
     53                                             else cout<<4<<endl;
     54                                         }
     55                                         else{
     56                                             if(y_2[a]==y_2[b])cout<<3<<endl;
     57                                             else if(y_2[a]>y_2[b]) cout<<4<<endl;
     58                                             else cout<<3<<endl;
     59                                         }
     60                                 }
     61                             }
     62                             else{
     63                                 if(y_1[a]==y_1[b]){ ///d1
     64                                     if(y_2[a]==y_2[b]||y_2[a]>y_2[b])
     65                                         cout<<3<<endl;
     66                                     else if(y_2[a]<y_2[b])
     67                                         cout<<4<<endl;
     68                                 }
     69                                 else{   ///d0
     70                                         if(y_1[a]>y_1[b]){
     71                                             if(y_2[a]==y_2[b])cout<<4<<endl;
     72                                             else if(y_2[a]>y_2[b]) cout<<4<<endl;
     73                                             else cout<<5<<endl;
     74                                         }
     75                                         else{
     76                                             if(y_2[a]==y_2[b])cout<<3<<endl;
     77                                             else if(y_2[a]>y_2[b]) cout<<3<<endl;
     78                                             else cout<<4<<endl;
     79                                         }
     80                                 }
     81                             }
     82                         }
     83                         else{
     84                             if(x_2[a]==x_2[b]){    ///l0 r1
     85                                 if(y_1[a]==y_1[b]){
     86                                     if(y_2[a]==y_2[b])
     87                                         cout<<3<<endl;
     88                                     else if(y_2[a]>y_2[b])cout<<3<<endl;
     89                                     else cout<<4<<endl;
     90                                 }
     91                                 else{
     92                                     if(y_1[a]<y_1[b]){
     93                                         if(y_2[a]==y_2[b]||y_2[a]>y_2[b])cout<<3<<endl;
     94                                         else cout<<4<<endl;
     95                                     }
     96                                     else{
     97                                         if(y_2[a]==y_2[b]||y_2[a]>y_2[b])cout<<4<<endl;
     98                                         else cout<<5<<endl;
     99                                     }
    100                                 }
    101                             }
    102                             else{
    103                                 if(x_2[a]>x_2[b]){
    104                                     if(y_1[a]==y_1[b]){
    105                                         if(y_2[a]==y_2[b])cout<<4<<endl;
    106                                         else if(y_2[a]>y_2[b])cout<<3<<endl;
    107                                         else cout<<5<<endl;
    108                                     }
    109                                     else{
    110                                         if(y_1[a]<y_1[b]){
    111                                             if(y_2[a]==y_2[b]||y_2[a]>y_2[b])cout<<3<<endl;
    112                                             else cout<<4<<endl;
    113                                         }
    114                                         else{
    115                                             if(y_2[a]==y_2[b])cout<<5<<endl;
    116                                             else if(y_2[a]>y_2[b])cout<<4<<endl;
    117                                             else cout<<6<<endl;
    118                                         }
    119                                     }
    120                                 }
    121                                 else{
    122                                     if(y_1[a]==y_1[b]){
    123                                         cout<<4<<endl;
    124                                     }
    125                                     else{
    126                                         if(y_1[a]<y_1[b]){
    127                                             cout<<4<<endl;
    128                                         }
    129                                         else{
    130                                             if(y_2[a]==y_2[b]||y_2[a]>y_2[b])cout<<4<<endl;
    131                                             else cout<<4<<endl;
    132                                         }
    133                                     }
    134                                 }
    135                             }
    136                         }
    137                     }
    138                 }
    139             }
    140         }
    142     }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Railgun000/p/11360917.html
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