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      1 1 # 整数部分十进制转二进制
      2  2 
      3  3 num = int(raw_input(">>>"))
      4  4 
      5  5 if num < 0:
      6  6     isNeg = True
      7  7     num = abs(num)
      8  8 else:
      9  9     isNeg = False
     10 10 result = ''
     11 11 if num == 0:
     12 12     result = '0'
     13 13 while num > 0:
     14 14     result = str(num%2) + result
     15 15     num = num/2
     16 16 if isNeg:
     17 17     result = '-' + result
     18 18 # 小数部分十进制转二进制
     19 19 
     20 20 x = float(raw_input('Enter a decimal number between 0 and 1: '))
     21 21 
     22 22 p = 0
     23 23 while ((2**p)*x)%1 != 0:
     24 24     print('Remainder = ' + str((2**p)*x - int((2**p)*x)))
     25 25     p += 1
     26 26 
     27 27 num = int(x*(2**p))
     28 28 
     29 29 result = ''
     30 30 if num == 0:
     31 31     result = '0'
     32 32 while num > 0:
     33 33     result = str(num%2) + result
     34 34     num = num/2
     35 35 
     36 36 for i in range(p - len(result)):
     37 37     result = '0' + result
     38 38 
     39 39 result = result[0:-p] + '.' + result[-p:]
     40 40 print('The binary representation of the decimal ' + str(x) + ' is ' + str(result))
     41 # 穷举法猜测检验平方根
     42 x = 25
     43 epsilon = 0.01
     44 step = epsilon**2
     45 numGuesses = 0
     46 ans = 0.0
     47 while (abs(ans**2 - x)) >= epsilon and ans <= x:
     48     ans += step
     49     numGuesses += 1
     50 print('numGuesses = ' + str(numGuesses))
     51 if abs(ans**2-x) >= epsilon:
     52     print('Failed on square root of ' + str(x))
     53 else:
     54     print(str(ans) + ' is close to the square root of ' + str(x))
     55 # 二分法猜测检验平方根
     56 # bisection search for square root
     58 x = 12345
     59 epsilon = 0.01
     60 numGuesses = 0
     61 low = 0.0
     62 high = x
     63 ans = (high + low)/2.0
     64 while abs(ans**2 - x) >= epsilon:
     65     print('low = ' + str(low) + ' high = ' + str(high) + ' ans = ' + str(ans))
     66     numGuesses += 1
     67     if ans**2 < x:
     68         low = ans
     69     else:
     70         high = ans
     71     ans = (high + low)/2.0
     72 print('numGuesses = ' + str(numGuesses))
     73 print(str(ans) + ' is close to square root of ' + str(x))
     74 # Lecture 3.7, slide 3
     76 # 牛顿-罗斐逊 算法搜寻平方根(g-(g**2-k)/2g)
     78 epsilon = 0.01
     79 y = 24.0
     80 guess = y/2.0
     82 while abs(guess*guess - y) >= epsilon:
     83     guess = guess - (((guess**2) - y)/(2*guess))
     84     print(guess)
     85 print('Square root of ' + str(y) + ' is about ' + str(guess))
     88 #第一个python程序
     89 import pickle as p
     91 linkmanfile = 'linkman.data'
     92 #the name of the file where we will store the object
     94 linkman = {           'zhangyunpeng' :   '434498027',
     95                             'xuleisen'            :   '405929608',
     96                             'yinrui'                :   '1650502423',
     97                             'yancangkuo'     :   '1046287430',
     98                             'lijizhou'              :   '641224214',
     99                             'liuyulong'           :   '1919734130'
    100 }
    101 #set up linkman data base
    103 print '%d lineman:' % len(linkman)
    104 for name, qq in linkman.items():
    105 print '%s : %s' % (name, qq)
    106 #list original listing
    108 print'(1-search 2-delete 3-add 0-revise)'
    109 #prompting of operation
    111 k = int(raw_input('please input:'))
    112 if k == 1:
    113 s = raw_input('Search the linkman name:')
    114 print '%s' % linkman[s]
    116 elif k == 2:
    117 d = raw_input('delete the linkman name:')
    118 del linkman[d]
    120 elif k == 3:
    121 a = raw_input('add the linkman name:')
    122 A = raw_input('add the linkman number:')
    123 linkman[a] = A
    125 elif k == 0:
    126 r = raw_input('which revise:')
    127 linkman[r] = raw_input('revised number:')
    128 #code of process
    130 for name, qq in linkman.items():
    131 print '%s : %s' % (name, qq)
    132 #print new listing
    134 f = file(linkmanfile, 'w')
    135 p.dump(linkman, f)
    136 #put data into a file for using next
  • 相关阅读:
    hdu1430 康托展开+bfs预处理
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Real-Ying/p/4393725.html
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