1: 接口定义
修饰符 interface 接口名
修饰符 interface 接口名 extends 父接口表
-> 修饰符可以是public 也可以省略具体情况根据编程实际来决定;‘
-> 接口只能继承接口
接口定义的常量属性由于是接口相关的, 接口属性默认为public static final;
3:接口的使用 接口的实现
修饰符 class 类名 extends implements 接口表

1 package six; 2 interface Product 3 { 4 int getProduceTime(); 5 } 6 interface Output 7 { 8 int MAX_CACHE_LINE=50; 9 void out(); 10 void getData(String msg); 11 } 12 public class Printer implements Output,Product { 13 private String[] printData=new String[MAX_CACHE_LINE]; 14 private int dataNum=0; 15 public void out() 16 { 17 while(dataNum>0) 18 { 19 System.out.println("正在打印"+printData[0]); 20 System.arraycopy(printData, 1, printData, 0, --dataNum); 21 } 22 } 23 public void getData(String msg) 24 { 25 if(dataNum>=MAX_CACHE_LINE) 26 { 27 System.out.println("输入队列已满"); 28 } 29 else 30 { 31 printData[dataNum++]=msg; 32 } 33 } 34 public int getProduceTime() 35 { 36 return 45; 37 } 38 public static void main(String [] args) 39 { 40 Output os=new Printer(); 41 os.getData("this is data"); 42 os.getData("this is the second data"); 43 os.out(); 44 os.getData("this is the 3rd data"); 45 os.getData("this is the 4th data"); 46 os.out(); 47 Product p =new Printer(); 48 System.out.println(p.getProduceTime()); 49 } 50 } 51 output: 52 正在打印this is data 53 正在打印this is the second data 54 正在打印this is the 3rd data 55 正在打印this is the 4th data 56 45
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