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  • Devexpress汉化资源


    The collection of localized DevExpress assemblies

    Article Details

    6.x, 7.x, 8.x, 9.x, 10.x, 11.x
    .NET (WinForms)
    DXperience Universal

    What is the best way to localize (translate) your .NET products for Windows Forms, the XtraGrid for instance?


    The best solution is to translate components' resources and build satellite assemblies. In brief, you should change the strings in the RESX files for all our products and send the modified files to the Support Team. We will then build satellite assemblies signed by our strongkey token for you. Review the How to: Localize DevExpress WinForms Controls Using Satellite Assemblies help topic to learn more.

    Where Do I Get RESX Files for Translation?
    If you purchase a component with source code, resource files are installed on your system in %ProgramFiles%\DevExpress 200X.Y\Components\Sources\. If you don't have component source files, find the resource files needed for translation in the attached ZIP archives. You should download the archive that matches your DXperience version.
    Instead of editing RESX files, you can use our MissingResourceFinder tool from the attachment. Refer to the ReadMe document supplied for instructions.

    Already Available Localizations
    The attached archives already contain assemblies translated into many languages. The translated resource files were kindly sent to us by our customers.
    The translation into Chinese was kindly provided by Chongqing Huidu Technology Co., Ltd, our official reseller in the East Asia region.

    The ZIP archive name includes the last updated date and the product version number for easier reference. You will need to extract the assemblies from the archive and copy them to your application's folder or add them to the Assembly Cache.

    The archives include translations for the following languages.

    Arabic [ar]: Grid
    Bulgarian [bg]: Data, Utils, Bars, Charts, Editors, Grid, Layout, NavBar, PivotGrid, Printing Library, Reports, RichEdit, Scheduler, SpellChecker, TreeList, VerticalGrid, Wizard, DXEditors, DXGrid
    Catalan [ca]: Data, Utils, Editors, Grid, Layout, PivotGrid, TreeList, VerticalGrid, Wizard
    Chinese (PRC) [zh-CN]: Data, Utils, XPO, Bars, Charts, Editors, Grid, Layout, NavBar, PivotGrid, Printing, Reports, RichEdit, Scheduler, SpellChecker, TreeList, VerticalGrid, Wizard
    Chinese (Simplified) [zh-CHS]: Data, Utils, XPO, Bars, Charts, Editors, Grid, Layout, NavBar, PivotGrid, Printing, Reports, RichEdit, Scheduler, SpellChecker, TreeList, VerticalGrid, Wizard
    Chinese (Taiwain) [zh-TW]: Fully Translated
    Croatian [hr]: Data, Utils, Bars, Editors, Grid, NavBar, Layout, RichEdit, Scheduler, SpellChecker, TreeList, Wizard
    Czech [cs]: Data, Utils, Xpo, Bars, Charts, Editors, Grid, Layout, NavBar, PivotGrid, Printing Library, Reports, RichEdit, Scheduler, SpellChecker, TreeList, VerticalGrid, Wizard
    Danish [da]: Bars, Editors, Grid, Layout, NavBar, PivotGrid, Printing Library, Reports, Scheduler, SpellChecker, TreeList, VerticalGrid
    Dutch [nl]: Fully Translated
    Farsi [fa]: Reports, WPF
    Finnish [fi-FI]: Data, Utils, Bars, Charts, Editors, Grid, Layout, NavBar, PivotGrid, Printing Library, Reports, RichEdit, Scheduler, SpellChecker, TreeList, VerticalGrid
    French [fr]: Data, Utils, Xpo, Bars, Charts, Editors, Grid, Layout, NavBar, PivotGrid, Printing, Reports, RichEdit, Scheduler, SpellChecker, TreeList, VerticalGrid, Wizard
    German [de]: Fully Translated
    Greek [el]: Utils, Bars, Editors, Grid, Layout, NavBar, PivotGrid, Printing, Reports, Scheduler, SpellChecker, TreeList, VerticalGrid, Wizard
    Hebrew [he-IL]: Data, Bars, Charts, Editors, Grid, PivotGrid, Printing, Reports, RichEdit, Scheduler, SpellChecker, TreeList, VerticalGrid, Wizard, DXGrid for WPF, DXPrinting for WPF
    Hungarian [hu]: Fully Translated
    Icelandic [is-IS]: Utils, Bars, Editors, Grid, NavBar, Printing Library, Reports, RichEdit, TreeList, VerticalGrid
    Italian [it]: Data, Utils, Bars, Editors, Grid, NavBar, PivotGrid, Printing Library, Reports, RichEdit, Scheduler, TreeList, VerticalGrid
    Italian (Italy) [it-IT]: Fully Translated
    Japanese [ja]: Fully Translated
    Korean [ko]: Bars, Editors, Printing Library
    Macedonian [mk]: Editors, Scheduler
    Norwegian (Bokmål) [no]: Data, Utils, Bars, Editors, Grid, Layout, NavBar, PivotGrid, Printing Library, Reports, RichEdit, Scheduler, SpellChecker, TreeList, VerticalGrid, Wizard
    Persian? [fa]: DXEditors, DXGrid, DXNavBar
    Polish [pl-PL]: Fully Translated
    Portuguese [pt]: Utils, Bars, Charts, Editors, Grid, Layout, NavBar, PivotGrid, Printing Library, Reports, Scheduler, TreeList, VerticalGrid
    Portuguese (Brazil) [pt-BR]: All WinForms
    Romanian [ro]: Fully Translated
    Russian [ru]: Data, Utils, Xpo, XAF, Bars, Charts, Editors, Grid, Layout, NavBar, PivotGrid, Printing, Reports, RichEdit, Scheduler, SpellChecker, TreeList, VerticalGrid, Wizard, DXRichEdit, DXCore, DXDocking, DXGrid, DXLayoutControl, DXNavBar, DXPrinting Library.
    Serbian (Serbia, Cyrillic) [sr-Cyrl-CS]: Data, Bars, Editors, Grid, Layout, NavBar, Printing, RichEdit, TreeList
    Serbian (Serbia, Latin) [sr-Latn-CS]: Data, Bars, Editors, Grid, Layout, NavBar, Printing, RichEdit, TreeList
    Slovak [sk]: Data, Utils, Xpo, Bars, Charts, Editors, Grid, Layout, NavBar, PivotGrid, Printing, Reports, RichEdit, Scheduler, SpellChecker, TreeList, VerticalGrid, Wizard
    Slovenian [sl]: Bars, Editors, Grid, NavBar, PivotGrid, Printing Library, Reports, TreeList, VerticalGrid, Wizard
    Spanish [es]: Fully Translated
    Swedish [sv]: Bars, Editors, Grid, NavBar, Printing Library, RichEdit, Scheduler, SpellChecker, Wizard
    Turkish [tr-TR]: Data, Utils, Bars, Charts, Editors, Grid, Layout, NavBar, PivotGrid, Printing, Reports, RichEdit, Scheduler, SpellChecker, TreeList, VerticalGrid, Wizard, XAF, DXNavBar
    Vietnamese [vi]: Editors, Grid

    About a Test Project
    The attached dxKB0421_DXperience_*.zip files include a test project for DXperience. The test project utilizes almost all the controls of the DXperience component set. The UI language is set programmatically in the Main procedure, so you don't have to change your system regional settings to test given translations. Please follow the instructions in the comment to the Main procedure. When the project is launched you'll see that some or all the component strings are translated to the language you've specified in the CurrentUICulture. Please note that this is true for the component internal strings, such as the XtraGrid's column context menu, the Print Preview menus, etc. Captions of the controls on test forms, e.g. buttons, NavBar groups, toolbar items, etc., are not localized, because the form is not localized in this test project. Of course you can localize all components in your real project. Please see the Localizing Windows Forms article in the MSDN Library for details.

    If You Decide to Recompile Satellite Assemblies Yourself
    Satellite assemblies must be signed with the same strong key token as the main DevExpress.~ assemblies. We don't distribute our key file - it's our signature. Therefore, you will also need to rebuild the main DevExpress.~ assemblies as well if you want to compile resource files yourself. For compilation instructions, please refer to the readme.txt document from the attachment (download the ZIP file appropriate for your component version).

    If you find mistakes or complete the existing translations, we'd appreciate it if you'd send your corrections to us for publishing here.

    Please use the following links to download the required version of satellites assemblies and the Missing Resource Finder utility:

    See Also:
    How to: Localize DevExpress WinForms Controls Using Satellite Assemblies
    Localizing Applications in the MSDN Library
    Packaging and Deploying Resources
    ClickOnce Deployment and Localization
    How to translate components via their Localizer objects
    Localized resources for ASPx controls
    Language resources for the standard XAF modules and DevExpress controls

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