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  • apidoc 工具的使用

    使用rest framerok时,需要写API接口文档,此时就需要用到 apidoc(个人觉得这个用的比较顺手)


    windows 下

      1 然后验证是否安装成功  node -v

      2 安装完nodejs环境后,会自带npm,npm为nodejs包管理工具,安装apidoc :npm install apidoc -g,

         安装完成后,使用apidoc -h,查看是否安装成功

      3  C: odejsex>apidoc -i c://nodejs/ex/ -o apidoc/   [使用,apidoc.json一定要放在同级目录]



      "name": "apidoc-example",
      "version": "0.3.0",
      "description": "apiDoc example project",
      "title": "Custom apiDoc browser title",
      "url" : "https://api.github.com/v1"
    View Code---apidoc.json内容
     * @api {post} ([v1|v2]+)/reply/(d+)$ [post]回复单篇文章
     * @apiName post_id_reply
     * @apiGroup Get_reply
     * @apiSuccessExample Response (example):
     *     HTTP/1.1 200 
            "r_content": "回复内容",
            "grop": "如果没有to_u_id的话就需要拿到上一层的grop_id+1",
            "m_id": "文章id",
            "u_id": "用户id"
      * @apiSuccessExample Response (example):
     *     HTTP/1.1 200 
            "r_content": "回复内容44454",
            "grop": 2,
            "m_id": 2,
            "u_id": 2,
     * @api {get} ([v1|v2]+)/reply/(d+)$ [get]得到单篇文章的评论
     * @apiName get_id_reply
     * @apiGroup Get_reply
     * @apiSuccessExample Response (example):
     *     HTTP/1.1 200 
            "id": "评论纪录ID",
            "to_u_id": "默认null,即为回复谁的id",
                "to_u_id": {
                    "id": 2,
                    "u_user": "liu1"
            "r_content": "回复内容3",
            "r_c_time": "回复时间,默认null",
            "grop": "评论楼id",
            "m_id": "评论文id",
            "u_id": "评论人id"
     * @api {delete} ([v1|v2]+)/get/(d+) [put]删除单篇文章
     * @apiName delete_fun
     * @apiGroup Show One
     * @api {put} ([v1|v2]+)/get/(d+) [put]更新单篇文章
     * @apiName update_fun
     * @apiGroup Show One
     * @apiSuccessExample Response (example):
     *     HTTP/1.1 200 
        "id": 1,
        "t_type": "文章分类的id",
        "u_id": "用户名",
        "m_head": "标题",
        "m_content": "内容"
     * @api {post} ([v1|v2]+)/get/(d+) [post]推荐单篇文章
     * @apiName post_fun
     * @apiGroup Show One
     * @apiSuccessExample Response (example):
     *     HTTP/1.1 200 
        "msg": "推荐成功",
        "code": 10003
     * @api {get} ([v1|v2]+)/get/(d+) [get]单篇文章
     * @apiName get_fun
     * @apiGroup Show One
     * @apiSuccess {Int} id 文章 ID.
     * @apiSuccess {Int} u_id 作者名.
     * @apiSuccess {Int} t_type 文章类型.
     * @apiSuccess {String} m_head 文章标题.
     * @apiSuccess {String} m_content 文章内容.
     * @apiSuccess {Time} m_time 文章发表时间.
     * @apiSuccess {String} m_image 附带图片.
     * @apiSuccess {Int} y_dl 阅读量.
     * @apiSuccess {Int} t_jl 推荐量.
     * @apiSuccessExample Response (example):
     *     HTTP/1.1 200 
        "id": 2,
        "t_type": "伤感文",
        "u_id": "liu1",
        "m_head": "这是标题2",
        "m_content": "内容",
        "m_time": null,
        "m_image": null,
        "y_dl": 1,
        "t_jl": 1
     * @api {post} ([v1|v2]+)/get/ [post]提交文章
     * @apiName post_fun
     * @apiGroup Show
     * @apiSuccess {Int} id 文章 ID.
     * @apiSuccess {Int} u_id 作者ID.
     * @apiSuccess {Int} t_type 文章类型ID.
     * @apiSuccess {String} m_head 文章标题.
     * @apiSuccess {String} m_content 文章内容.
     * @apiSuccessExample Request (example):
     *     HTTP/1.1 200 Not Authenticated
        "t_type": "1",
        "u_id": "1",
        "m_head": "这是标题1147",
        "m_content": "内容147",
     * @api {get} ([v1|v2]+)/get/ [get]获取一页的列表
     * @apiName Get_list
     * @apiGroup Show
     * @apiSuccess {String} id 文章 ID.
     * @apiSuccess {String} u_id 作者名.
     * @apiSuccess {String} t_type 文章类型.
     * @apiSuccess {String} m_head 文章标题.
     * @apiSuccess {String} m_content 文章内容.
     * @api {post} ([v1|v2]+)/auth/ 登录 and 注册
     * @apiName Login&Regist
     * @apiGroup User
     * @apiParam {Number}  username 唯一用户 ID.
     * @apiParam {Number}  password    用户密码.
     * @apiParam {Number}  regist    注册用户时使用,有传参数即代表注册用户.
     * @apiSuccess {String} code 成功状态码.
     * @apiSuccess {String} msg 成功信息.
     * @apiSuccess {String} u_id 登录用户.
     * @apiSuccess {String} token 登录token_24小时有效.
     * @apiError code 错误状态码.
     * @apiError msg  错误信息.
     * @apiSuccessExample Request (example):
     *     HTTP/1.1 200 Not Authenticated
     *   登录示例——#协议form-data {username=liu&password=xxx;}  
     *   注册示例——#协议form-data {username=liu&password=xxx&regist=1;}  
    View Code---demo.java内容
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Skyda/p/10135154.html
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