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  • Flink 实现 Mysql Table Lookup Source

    之前在 Lookup join mysql 的时候,因为只能使用 rowke 做关联键,所以一直想写个带缓存的 udtf,通过 udtf 的方式关联非主键的字段,同时由于 udf 里面加了缓存,所以用起来和 lookup join 差不多(关于 udf 的内容之前的博客已经写过了)。

    最近实现了几个自定义的 TableSource,想着也实现一个 Lookup 的 Table Source,最近这段时间,花了点时间,自己写 + 从 Flink 源码里面抄,实现了一套自定义的 mysq Table Source 和 Lookup Source(随后可能还会有 Hbase 的 Lookup Source,或许也会写个 kudu 的)。

    “参考” Flink 的 JdbcRowDataLookupFunction(大部分内容都是抄过来的,少造轮子,构造了和 Flink 源码里面一样的参数,主要 eval 方法就直接抄 Flink 源码了)

    DynamicTableSource 有两种实现: ScanTableSource 和 LookupTableSource,需要先实现 ScanTableSource, LookupTableSource, 分别实现对应的的方法。

    说明: LookupTableSource 也是一种 Table Source,不是 ScanTableSouce 的一部分。ScanTableSource 和 LookupTableSource 的选择,是在优化 SQL 的时候确定的。


    override def translate(
      modifyOperations: util.List[ModifyOperation]): util.List[Transformation[_]] = {
    if (modifyOperations.isEmpty) {
      return List.empty[Transformation[_]]
    val relNodes = modifyOperations.map(translateToRel)
    // 优化 SQL
    val optimizedRelNodes = optimize(relNodes)
    val execGraph = translateToExecNodeGraph(optimizedRelNodes)
    // 后续解析流程和 Stream Api 一样,用 transformations 生成 StreamGraph,再生成 JobGraph
    val transformations = translateToPlan(execGraph)

    执行 optimize 之前:

    执行 optimize 之后:


    MysqlDynamicTableSource 实现 LookupTableSource 接口,实现对应的 getLookupRuntimeProvider 方法

    public LookupRuntimeProvider getLookupRuntimeProvider(LookupContext context) {
        if (lookupOption == null) {
            lookupOption = new MysqlLookupOption.Builder()
        // 凑 MysqlRowDataLookUpFunction 需要的参数
        final RowTypeInfo rowTypeInfo = (RowTypeInfo) fromDataTypeToLegacyInfo(producedDataType);
        String[] fieldNames = rowTypeInfo.getFieldNames();
        TypeInformation[] fieldTypes = rowTypeInfo.getFieldTypes();
        int[] lookupKeysIndex = context.getKeys()[0];
        int keyCount = lookupKeysIndex.length;
        String[] keyNames = new String[keyCount];
        for (int i = 0; i < keyCount; i++) {
            keyNames[i] = fieldNames[lookupKeysIndex[i]];
        final RowType rowType = (RowType) physicalSchema.toRowDataType().getLogicalType();
        // new MysqlRowDataLookUpFunction
        MysqlRowDataLookUpFunction lookUpFunction
                = new MysqlRowDataLookUpFunction(url, username, password, table, fieldNames, keyNames, fieldTypes, lookupOption, rowType);
        return TableFunctionProvider.of(lookUpFunction);

    MysqlRowDataLookUpFunction 实现 TableFunction,核心代码如下

    public void open(FunctionContext context) {
        try {
            // cache, if not set "mysql.lookup.cache.max.size" and "mysql.lookup.cache.expire.ms", do not use cache
            this.cache =
                    cacheMaxSize == -1 || cacheExpireMs == -1
                            ? null
                            : CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
                            .expireAfterWrite(cacheExpireMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
        } catch (SQLException sqe) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("open() failed.", sqe);
     * method eval lookup key,
     * search cache first
     * if cache not exit, query third system
     * @param keys query parameter
    public void eval(Object... keys) {
        RowData keyRow = GenericRowData.of(keys);
        // get row from cache
        if (cache != null) {
            List<RowData> cachedRows = cache.getIfPresent(keyRow);
            if (cachedRows != null) {
                for (RowData cachedRow : cachedRows) {
        // query mysql, retry maxRetryTimes count
        for (int retry = 0; retry <= maxRetryTimes; retry++) {
            try {
                statement = lookupKeyRowConverter.toExternal(keyRow, statement);
                try (ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery()) {
                    if (cache == null) {
                        // if cache is null, loop to collect result
                        while (resultSet.next()) {
                    } else {
                        // cache is not null, loop to collect result, and save result to cache
                        ArrayList<RowData> rows = new ArrayList<>();
                        while (resultSet.next()) {
                            RowData row = jdbcRowConverter.toInternal(resultSet);
                        cache.put(keyRow, rows);
    • 构造方法获取传入的参数
    • open 方法初始化 mysql 连接,创建缓存对象
    • eval 方法是执行查询的地方,先查缓存,再查 mysql

    从整体来看,自定义Source,需要三个类: MysqlDynamicTableFactory -> MysqlDynamicTableSource -> MysqlRowDataLookUpFunction,Flink 通过 SPI 从 META-INF.services/org.apache.flink.table.factories.Factory 中注册 TableFactory

    代码比较类似就不贴全部代码了,完整代码参考: GitHub



    create temporary table mysql_behavior_conf(
       id int
      ,code STRING
      ,`value` STRING
      ,update_time TIMESTAMP(3)
     'connector' = 'cust-mysql'
     ,'mysql.url' = 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/venn?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8&useSSL=false&allowPublicKeyRetrieval=true'
     ,'mysql.username' = 'root'
     ,'mysql.password' = '123456'
     ,'mysql.database' = 'venn'
     ,'mysql.table' = 'lookup_join_config'
     ,'mysql.lookup.cache.max.size' = '1'
     ,'mysql.lookup.cache.expire.ms' = '600000'
     ,'mysql.lookup.max.retry.times' = '3'
     ,'mysql.timeout' = '10'


    INSERT INTO kakfa_join_mysql_demo(user_id, item_id, category_id, behavior, behavior_map, ts)
    SELECT a.user_id, a.item_id, a.category_id, a.behavior, c.`value`, a.ts
    FROM user_log a
      left join mysql_behavior_conf FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF a.process_time AS c
      ON a.behavior = c.code
    where a.behavior is not null;


    mysql 表数据:


    +I[user_id_1, abc, category_id_1, 1, 1_value, 2021-10-18T14:59:04.111]
    +I[user_id_2, abc, category_id_2, 2, 2_value, 2021-10-18T14:59:04.112]
    +I[user_id_3, abc, category_id_3, 3, null, 2021-10-18T14:59:05.113]
    +I[user_id_4, abc, category_id_4, 4, null, 2021-10-18T14:59:05.113]
    +I[user_id_5, abc, category_id_5, 5, null, 2021-10-18T14:59:06.115]
    +I[user_id_6, abc, category_id_6, 6, null, 2021-10-18T14:59:06.116]
    +I[user_id_7, abc, category_id_7, 7, null, 2021-10-18T14:59:07.118]



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Springmoon-venn/p/15420696.html
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