什么是 MAP 文件?
简单地讲, MAP 文件是程序的全局符号、源文件和代码行号信息的唯一的文本表示方法,它可以在任何地方、任何时候使用,不需要有额外的程序进行支持。而且,这是唯一能找出程序崩溃的地方的救星。
使用IDA导出map文件时,在不需要Label信息的情况下,不要选中"dummy names"选项,否则在Ollydbg中使用LoadMapEx(by forever)加载时,会将OD的注释替换掉
对于 dummy names,IDA帮助中的解释是这样:
Dummy names are automatically generated by IDA. They are used to denote subroutines, program locations and data.
Dummy names have various prefixes depending on the item type and value:
sub_ instruction, subroutine start
locret_ 'return' instruction
loc_ instruction
off_ data, contains offset value
seg_ data, contains segment address value
asc_ data, ascii string
byte_ data, byte (or array of bytes)
word_ data, 16-bit (or array of words)
dword_ data, 32-bit (or array of dwords)
qword_ data, 64-bit (or array of qwords)
flt_ floating point data, 32-bit (or array of floats)
dbl_ floating point data, 64-bit (or array of doubles)
tbyte_ floating point data, 80-bit (or array of tbytes)
stru_ structure (or array of structures)
algn_ alignment directive
unk_ unexplored byte