1.获取版本号 需要添加 插件
cordova plugin add https://github.com/whiteoctober/cordova-plugin-app-version.git
js 进行调用:
// 获取当前移动设备已经安装的版本 cordova.getAppVersion.getVersionNumber().then(function (version) { var versionCode = parseInt(version.toString().replace(/./g,'')); console.log(versionCode); // 1.获取当前版本号 // 2.获取服务器端的最新版本的数据源 // 3.进行版本比较,如果当前的版本号与服务器的版本号不一致时,下载并安装最新的应用程序安装包 Common.alert("温馨提示", "有新版本可供更新. 1.界面美化 2.性能优化 3.最新版本:"+versionCode); });
2. 使用ajax进行获取服务中最新的安装包的详细信息
var url = "http://ftp-apk.pconline.com.cn/5014afca744eddb3fc7fe2d25d60aa29/pub/download/201010/HiMarket.apk?crazycache=1"; //可以从服务端获取更新APP的路径 var targetPath = "HiMarket.apk"; //APP下载存放的路径,可以使用cordova file插件进行相关配置 var trustHosts = true; var options = {}; var ft = new FileTransfer(); ft.download(url, targetPath, successCallback, fileTransfer.downloadFailed, trustHosts, options);
Android 平台下打开安装包文件的方式与iOS的方式不一样
iOS需要进行跳转到app store 中进行下载更新
此时需要将FileOpener2.h中定义的方法添加到plugins.FileOpener2.js (iOS项目中的cordova-plugin-file-opener2目录下的www目录中)
cordova.define("cordova-plugin-file-opener2.FileOpener2", function(require, exports, module) { /*jslint browser: true, devel: true, node: true, sloppy: true, plusplus: true*/ /*global require, cordova */ var exec = require('cordova/exec'); function FileOpener2() {} FileOpener2.prototype.openURL = function (url, callbackContext) { callbackContext = callbackContext || {}; exec(callbackContext.success || null, callbackContext.error || null, 'FileOpener2', 'openURL', [url]); }; FileOpener2.prototype.open = function (fileName, contentType, callbackContext) { callbackContext = callbackContext || {}; exec(callbackContext.success || null, callbackContext.error || null, 'FileOpener2', 'open', [fileName, contentType]); }; FileOpener2.prototype.uninstall = function (packageId, callbackContext) { callbackContext = callbackContext || {}; exec(callbackContext.success || null, callbackContext.error || null, 'FileOpener2', 'uninstall', [packageId]); }; FileOpener2.prototype.appIsInstalled = function (packageId, callbackContext) { callbackContext = callbackContext || {}; exec(callbackContext.success || null, callbackContext.error || null, 'FileOpener2', 'appIsInstalled', [packageId]); }; module.exports = new FileOpener2(); });
/** * 使用方法: * fileOpener.open(url).then(function(){}); * 用到的原生api 有:cordova-plugin-dialogs,cordova-plugin-device,cordova-plugin-FileTransfer */ /**FileTransfer*/ var ft; Ext.define("util.FileOpen", { alternateClassName: "fileOpener", singleton: true, config: { isComplete: false, description: '高视医疗信息' }, constructor: function (config) { this.initConfig(config); }, // Returns a jQuery or AngularJS deferred object, or pass a success and fail callbacks if you don't want to use jQuery or AngularJS getPromisedExec: function (command, success, fail) { var toReturn, deferred, injector, $q; if (success === undefined) { if (window.jQuery) { deferred = jQuery.Deferred(); success = deferred.resolve; fail = deferred.reject; toReturn = deferred; } else if (window.angular) { injector = angular.injector(["ng"]); $q = injector.get("$q"); deferred = $q.defer(); success = deferred.resolve; fail = deferred.reject; toReturn = deferred.promise; } else if (window.Promise) { toReturn = new Promise(function (c, e) { success = c; fail = e; }); } else if (window.WinJS && window.WinJS.Promise) { toReturn = new WinJS.Promise(function (c, e) { success = c; fail = e; }); } else { return console.error('AppVersion either needs a success callback, or jQuery/AngularJS/Promise/WinJS.Promise defined for using promises'); } } if (device.platform == "Android") { cordova.plugins.fileOpener2.open(command, 'application/vnd.android.package-archive', success, fail); } else if (device.platform == "iOS") { // 加载其他应用,应用在升级的时候,iOS使用openURL打开、Android使用open打开 'tel://10086' cordova.plugins.fileOpener2.openURL(command, { success: success, error: fail }); } return toReturn; }, open: function (filePath, success, fail) { return this.getPromisedExec(filePath, success, fail); } });
cordova.getAppVersion.getVersionNumber().then(function (version) { var versionCode = parseInt(version.toString().replace(/./g,'')); // 此处写比较版本号逻辑,需要获取服务器上应用程序的最新版本号 });
Progress.start("正在下载,请稍后..."); // 下载安装包 fileTransfer.download(function(entry){ Progress.close(); // 打开已经下载的安装包 fileOpener.open(entry.fullPath).then(function(message){ console.log(message); },function(message){ console.log(message); }); console.log('download complete: ' + entry.fullPath); console.log('download name: ' + entry.name); });