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  • sql


    -- 双中划线+空格: 注释(单行注释),也可以使用#号
    -- 创建数据库
    create database mydatabase charset utf8;
    -- 创建关键字数据库
    create database database charset utf8;
    -- 使用反引号
    create database `database` charset utf8;
    -- 创建中文数据库
    create database 中国 charset utf8;
    create database `中国` charset utf8;
    -- 解决方案: 告诉服务器当前中文的字符集是什么
    set names gbk;
    create database 中国 charset utf8;
    -- 查看所有数据库
    show databases;
    -- 创建数据库
    create database informationtest charset utf8;
    -- 查看以information_开始的数据库: _需要被转义
    show databases like 'information\_%';
    show databases like 'information_%';    -- 相当于information%
    -- 查看数据库创建语句
    show create database mydatabase;
    show create database `database`;    -- 关键字需要使用反引号
    -- 修改数据库informationtest的字符集
    alter database informationtest charset GBK;
    -- 删除数据库
    drop database informationtest;
    -- 创建表
    create table if not exists mydatabase.student(    -- 显示的将student表放到mydatabase数据库下
    name varchar(10),
    gender varchar(10),
    number varchar(10),
    age int
    )charset utf8;
    -- 创建数据表
    -- 进入数据库
    use mydatabase;
    -- 创建表
    create table class(
    name varchar(10),
    room varchar(10)
    )charset utf8;
    -- 查看所有表
    show tables;
    -- 查看以s结尾的表
    show tables like '%s';
    -- 查看表创建语句
    show create table studentg    -- g ==== ;
    show create table studentG    -- 将查到的结构旋转90度变成纵向
    -- 查看表结构
    desc class;
    describe class;
    show columns from class;
    -- 重命名表: student表 -> my_student(取数据库名字前两个字母)
    rename table student to my_student;
    -- 修改表选项: 字符集
    alter table my_student charset = GBK;
    -- 给学生表增加ID放到第一个位置
    alter table my_student
    add column id int
    first;    -- mysql会自动寻找分号: 语句结束符
    -- 将学生表中的number学号字段变成固定长度,且放到第二位(id之后)
    alter table my_student
    modify number char(10) after id;
    -- 修改学生表中的gender字段为sex
    alter table my_student
    change gender sex varchar(10);
    -- 删除学生表中的年龄字段(age)
    alter table my_student drop age;
    -- 删除数据表
    drop table class;
    -- 插入数据
    insert into my_student values(1,'itcast0001','Jim','male'),
    -- 插入数据: 指定字段列表
    insert into my_student(number,sex,name,id) values
    -- 查看所有数据
    select * from my_student;
    -- 查看指定字段,指定条件数据
    select id,number,sex,name from my_student where id = 1;    -- 查看满足id为1的学生信息
    -- 更新数据
    update my_student set sex  = 'female' where name = 'jim';
    -- 删除数据
    delete from my_student where sex = 'male';
    -- 插入数据(中文)
    insert into my_student values(5,'itcast0005','张越','');
    -- 查看所有字符集
    show character set;
    -- 查看服务器默认的对外处理的字符集
    show variables like 'character_set%';
    -- 修改服务器认为的客户端数据的字符集为GBK
    set character_set_client = gbk;
    -- 修改服务器给定数据的字符集为GBK
    set character_set_results = gbk;
    -- 快捷设置字符集
    set names gbk;
    -- 查看所有校对集
    show collation;
    -- 创建表使用不同的校对集
    create table my_collate_bin(
    name char(1)
    )charset utf8 collate utf8_bin;
    create table my_collate_ci(
    name char(1)
    )charset utf8 collate utf8_general_ci;
    -- 插入数据
    insert into my_collate_bin values('a'),('A'),('B'),('b');
    insert into my_collate_ci values('a'),('A'),('B'),('b');
    -- 排序查找
    select * from my_collate_bin order by name;
    select * from my_collate_ci order by name;
    -- 有数据后修改校对集
    alter table my_collate_ci collate = utf8_bin;
    alter table my_collate_ci collate = utf8_general_ci;

    -- 创建整型表
    create table my_int(
    int_1 tinyint,
    int_2 smallint,
    int_3 int,
    int_4 bigint
    )charset utf8;
    -- 插入数据
    insert into my_int values(100,100,100,100);     -- 有效数据
    insert into my_int values('a','b','199','f');     -- 无效数据: 类型限定
    insert into my_int values(255,10000,100000,1000000);    -- 错误: 超出范围
    -- 给表增加一个无符号类型
    alter table my_int add int_5 tinyint unsigned; -- 无符号类型
    -- 插入数据
    insert into my_int values(127,1000,10000,1000000,255);
    alter table my_int add int_6 tinyint(1) unsigned;-- 指定显示宽度为1;
    insert into my_int values(127,0,0,0,255,255);
    alter table my_int add int_7 tinyint(2) zerofill; -- 显示宽度为2,0填充
    insert into my_int values(1,1,1,1,1,1,1);
    insert into my_int values(100,100,100,100,100,100,100);
    -- 浮点数表
    create table my_float(
    f1 float,
    f2 float(10,2),    -- 10位在精度范围之外
    f3 float(6,2)    -- 6位在精度范围之内
    )charset utf8;
    -- 插入数据
    insert into my_float values(1000.10,1000.10,1000.10); -- 符合条件
    insert into my_float values(1234567890,12345678.90,1234.56); -- 符合条件
    insert into my_float values(3e38,3.01e7,1234.56);
    insert into my_float values(9999999999,99999999.99,9999.99); -- 最大值
    -- 超出长度插入数据
    insert into my_float values(123456,1234.123456768,123.9876543);    -- 小数部分OK
    insert into my_float values(123456,1234.12,12345.56);    -- 整数部分超出
    -- 创建定点数表
    create table my_decimal(
    f1 float(10,2),
    d1 decimal(10,2)
    )charset utf8;
    -- 插入数据
    insert into my_decimal values(12345678.90,12345678.90); -- 有效数据
    insert into my_decimal values(1234.123456,1234.1234356); -- 小数部分超出:ok
    insert into my_decimal values(99999999.99,99999999.99); -- 没有问题
    insert into my_decimal values(99999999.99,99999999.999); -- 进位超出范围
    -- 创建时间日期表
    create table my_date(
    d1 datetime,
    d2 date,
    d3 time,
    d4 timestamp,
    d5 year
    )charset utf8;
    -- 插入数据
    insert into my_date values('2015-9-28 11:50:36','2015-9-28','11:50:54','2015-9-28 11:51:08',2015);
    -- 时间使用负数
    insert into my_date values('2015-9-28 11:50:36','2015-9-28','-11:50:54','2015-9-28 11:51:08',2015);
    insert into my_date values('2015-9-28 11:50:36','2015-9-28','-211:50:54','2015-9-28 11:51:08',2015);
    insert into my_date values('2015-9-28 11:50:36','2015-9-28','-2 11:50:54','2015-9-28 11:51:08',2015); -- -2过去2天:48
    -- year可以使用2位或者4位
    insert into my_date values('2015-9-28 11:50:36','2015-9-28','11:50:54','2015-9-28 11:51:08',69);
    insert into my_date values('2015-9-28 11:50:36','2015-9-28','11:50:54','2015-9-28 11:51:08',70);
    -- timestamp: 修改记录
    update my_date set d1 = '2015-9-28 11:55:45' where d5 = 2069;
    -- 创建枚举表
    create table my_enum(
    gender enum('','','保密')
    )charset utf8;
    -- 插入数据
    insert into my_enum values(''),('保密'); -- 有效数据
    -- 错误数据
    insert into my_enum values('male');    -- 错误: 没有该元素
    -- 将字段结果取出来进行+0运算
    select gender + 0, gender from my_enum;
    -- 数值插入枚举元素
    insert into my_enum values(1),(2);
    -- 创建集合表
    create table my_set(
    hobby set('篮球','足球','乒乓球','羽毛球','排球','台球','网球','棒球')
    --           足球                      台球    网球
    -- 集合中: 每一个元素都是对应一个二进制位,被选中为1,没有则为0: 最后反过来
    --          0      1       0         0      0       1       1     0
    -- 反过来    01100010 = 98
    )charset utf8;
    -- 插入数据
    insert into my_set values('足球,台球,网球');
    insert into my_set values(3); 
    -- 查看集合数据
    select hobby + 0, hobby from my_set;
    -- 98转成二进制 = 64 + 32 + 2 = 01100010
    -- 颠倒元素出现的顺序
    insert into my_set values('网球,台球,足球');
    -- 求出varchar在utf8和GBK下的实际最大值
    create table my_utf8(
    name varchar(21844) -- 21844 * 3 + 2 = 65532 + 2 = 65534
    )charset utf8;
    create table my_gbk(
    name varchar(32766) -- 32766 * 2 + 2 = 65532 + 2 = 65534
    )charset gbk;
    create table my_utf81(
    age tinyint,        -- 1
    name varchar(21844) -- 21844 * 3 + 2 = 65532 + 2 = 65534
    )charset utf8;
    create table my_gbk1(
    age tinyint,        -- 1    
    name varchar(32766) -- 32766 * 2 + 2 = 65532 + 2 = 65534
    )charset gbk;
    -- 释放NULL
    create table my_utf82(
    age tinyint not null,        -- 1
    name varchar(21844) not null -- 21844 * 3 + 2 = 65532 + 2 = 65534
    )charset utf8;
    create table my_gbk2(
    age tinyint not null,        -- 1    
    name varchar(32766) not null -- 32766 * 2 + 2 = 65532 + 2 = 65534
    )charset gbk;
    -- text占用十个字节长度
    create table my_text(
    name varchar(21841) not null, -- 21841 * 3 + 2 = 65523 + 2 = 65525
    content text not null          -- 10        
    )charset utf8;
    -- 创建班级表
    create table my_class(
    name varchar(20) not null,
    room varchar(20) null -- 代表允许为空: 不写默认就是允许为空
    )charset utf8;
    -- 创建表
    create table my_teacher(
    name varchar(20) not null comment '姓名',
    money decimal(10,2) not null comment '工资'
    )charset utf8;
    -- 默认值
    create table my_default(
    name varchar(20) not null,
    age tinyint unsigned default 0,
    gender enum('','','保密') default ''
    )charset utf8;
    -- 插入数据
    insert into my_default (name) values('高强');
    insert into my_default values('范立峰',18,default);

    -- 增加主键
    create table my_pri1(
    name varchar(20) not null comment '姓名',
    number char(10) primary key comment '学号: itcast + 0000, 不能重复'
    )charset utf8;
    -- 复合主键
    create table my_pri2(
    number char(10) comment '学号: itcast + 0000',
    course char(10) comment '课程代码: 3901 + 0000',
    score tinyint unsigned default 60 comment '成绩',
    -- 增加主键限制: 学号和课程号应该是个对应的,具有唯一性
    primary key(number,course)
    )charset utf8;
    -- 追加主键
    create table my_pri3(
    course char(10) not null comment '课程编号: 3901 + 0000',
    name varchar(10) not null comment '课程名字'
    alter table my_pri3 modify course char(10) primary key comment '课程编号: 3901 + 0000';
    alter table my_pri3 add primary key(course);
    -- 向pri1表插入数据
    insert into my_pri1 values('古学星','itcast0001'),('蔡仁湾','itcast0002');
    insert into my_pri2 values('itcast0001','39010001',90),('itcast0001','39010002',85),('itcast0002','39010001',92);
    -- 主键冲突(重复)
    insert into my_pri1 values('刘辉','itcast0002'); -- 不可以: 主键冲突
    insert into my_pri2 values('itcast0001','39010001',100); -- 不可以:冲突
    -- 删除主键
    alter table my_pri3 drop primary key;
    -- 自增长
    create table my_auto(
    id int primary key auto_increment comment '自动增长',
    name varchar(10) not null
    )charset utf8;
    -- 触发自增长
    insert into my_auto(name) values('邓立军');
    insert into my_auto values(null,'龚森');
    insert into my_auto values(default,'张滔');
    -- 指定数据
    insert into my_auto values(6,'何思华');
    insert into my_auto values(null,'陈少炼');
    -- 修改表选项的值
    alter table my_auto auto_increment = 4; -- 向下修改(小)
    alter table my_auto auto_increment = 10; -- 向上修改 
    -- 查看自增长变量
    show variables like 'auto_increment%';
    -- 修改自增长步长
    set auto_increment_increment = 5;
    -- 插入记录: 使用自增长
    insert into my_auto values(null,'刘阳');
    insert into my_auto values(null,'邓贤师');
    -- 删除自增长
    alter table my_auto modify id int primary key; -- 错误: 主键理论是单独存在
    alter table my_auto modify id int; -- 有主键的时候,千万不要再加主键
    -- 唯一键
    create table my_unique1(
    number char(10) unique comment '学号: 唯一,允许为空',
    name varchar(20) not null
    )charset utf8;
    create table my_unique2(
    number char(10) not null comment '学号',
    name varchar(20) not null,
    -- 增加唯一键
    unique key(number)
    )charset utf8;
    create table my_unique3(
    id int primary key auto_increment,
    number char(10) not null,
    name varchar(20) not null)charset utf8;
    -- 追加唯一键
    alter table my_unique3 add unique key(number);
    -- 插入数据
    insert into my_unique1 values(null,'曾光'),('itcast0001','晁松'),(null,'李帅');
    insert into my_unique1 values('itcast0001','周江');
    -- 删除唯一键
    alter table my_unique3 drop index number;
    -- 插入数据
    insert into my_class values('PHP0810','B203');
    insert into my_class values('PHP0810','B205');
    insert into my_class values('PHP0710','B203');
    -- 主键冲突: 更新
    insert into my_class values('PHP0810','B205')
    -- 冲突处理
    on duplicate key update
    -- 更新教室
    room = 'B205';
    -- 主键冲突:替换
    replace into my_class values('PHP0710','A203');
    replace into my_class values('PHP0910','B207');
    -- 复制创建表
    create table my_copy like my_gbk;
    -- 蠕虫复制
    insert into my_copy select * from my_collate_bin;
    insert into my_copy select * from my_copy;
    -- 更新部分a变成c
    update my_copy set name = 'c' where name = 'a' limit 3;
    -- 删除数据:限制记录数为10
    delete from my_copy where name = 'b' limit 10;
    -- 清空表: 重置自增长
    truncate my_student;
    -- select选项
    select * from my_copy;
    select all * from my_copy;
    -- 去重
    select distinct * from my_copy;
    insert into my_student values(null,'itcast0001','张三',''),
    -- 字段别名
    number as 学号,
    name as 姓名,
    sex 性别 from my_student;
    -- 多表数据源
    select * from my_student,my_class;
    -- 子查询
    select * from (select * from my_student) as s;
    -- 增加age和height字段
    alter table my_student add age tinyint unsigned;
    alter table my_student add height tinyint unsigned;
    -- 增加值: rand取得一个0到1之间的随机数, floor向下取整
    update my_student set age=floor(rand() * 20 + 20),height = floor(rand()*20 + 170);
    -- 找学生id为1,3,5的学生
    select * from my_student where id = 1 || id = 3 || id = 5; -- 逻辑判断
    select * from my_student where id in(1,3,5); -- 落在集合中
    -- 找身高在180到190之间的学生
    select * from my_student where height >= 180 and height <= 190;
    select * from my_student where height between 180 and 190;
    select * from my_student where height between 190 and 180;
    -- 根据性别分组
    select * from my_student group by sex;
    -- 分组统计: 身高高矮,年龄平均和总年龄
    select sex,count(*),max(height),min(height),avg(age),sum(age) from my_student group by sex;
    select sex,count(*),count(age),max(height),min(height),avg(age),sum(age) from my_student group by sex;
    select sex,count(*),count(age),max(height),min(height),avg(age),sum(age) from my_student group by sex desc;
    -- 多字段分组: 先班级,后男女
    select c_id,sex,count(*),group_concat(name) from my_student group by c_id,sex; -- 多字段排序
    -- 统计
    select c_id,count(*) from my_student group by c_id;
    -- 回溯统计
    select c_id,count(*) from my_student group by c_id with rollup;
    -- 多字段分组回溯统计
    select c_id,sex,count(*),group_concat(name) from my_student group by c_id,sex; -- 多字段排序
    select c_id,sex,count(*),group_concat(name) from my_student group by c_id,sex with rollup;
    -- 求出所有班级人数大于等于2的学生人数
    select c_id,count(*) from my_student group by c_id having count(*) >= 2;
    select c_id,count(*) from my_student where count(*) >= 2 group by c_id ;
    select c_id,count(*) as total from my_student group by c_id having total >= 2;
    select c_id,count(*) as total from my_student where total >= 2 group by c_id ;
    -- 排序
    select * from my_student group by c_id;
    select * from my_student order by c_id;
    -- 多字段排序: 先班级排序,后性别排序
    select * from my_student order by c_id, sex desc;
    -- 查询学生: 前两个
    select * from my_student limit 2;
    -- 查询学生: 前两个
    select * from my_student limit 0,2; -- 记录数是从0开始编号
    select * from my_student limit 2,2;
    select * from my_student limit 4,2;

    -- 交叉连接
    select * from my_student cross join my_class;
    -- my_student cross join my_class是数据源
    -- 内连接
    select * from my_student inner join my_class on my_student.c_id = my_class.id;
    select * from my_student inner join my_class on c_id = my_class.id;
    select * from my_student inner join my_class on c_id = id; -- 两张表都有id字段
    -- 字段和表别名
    select s.*,c.name as c_name,c.room from -- 字段别名
    my_student as s inner join my_class as c -- 表别名
    on s.c_id = c.id;
    -- where代替on
    select s.*,c.name as c_name,c.room from -- 字段别名
    my_student as s inner join my_class as c -- 表别名
    where s.c_id = c.id;
    -- 左连接
    select s.*,c.name as c_name,c.room from
    my_student as s left join my_class as c -- 左表为主表: 最终记录数至少不少于左表已有的记录数
    on s.c_id = c.id;
    -- 右连接
    select s.*,c.name as c_name,c.room from
    my_student as s right join my_class as c -- 右表为主表: 最终记录数至少不少于右表已有的记录数
    on s.c_id = c.id;
    select s.*,c.name as c_name,c.room from
    my_class as c right join my_student as s -- 左表为主表: 最终记录数至少不少于左表已有的记录数
    on s.c_id = c.id;
    -- 自然内连接
    select * from my_student natural join my_class;
    -- 自然左外连接
    select * from my_student natural left join my_class;
    -- 外连接模拟自然外连接: using
    select * from my_student left join my_class using(id);

    -- 创建外键
    create table my_foreign1(
    id int primary key auto_increment,
    name varchar(20) not null comment '学生姓名',
    c_id int comment '班级id',    -- 普通字段
    -- 增加外键
    foreign key(c_id) references my_class(id)
    )charset utf8;
    -- 创建表
    create table my_foreign2(
    id int primary key auto_increment,
    name varchar(20) not null comment '学生姓名',
    c_id int comment '班级id'    -- 普通字段
    )charset utf8;
    -- 增加外键
    alter table my_foreign2 add
    -- 指定外键名
    constraint student_class_1
    -- 指定外键字段
    foreign key(c_id)
    -- 引用父表主键
    references my_class(id);
    -- 删除外键
    alter table my_foreign1 drop  foreign key my_foreign1_ibfk_1;
    -- 插入数据:外键字段在父表中不存在
    insert into my_foreign2 values(null,'张自忠',4); -- 没有4班级
    insert into my_foreign2 values(null,'项羽',1); 
    insert into my_foreign2 values(null,'刘邦',2); 
    insert into my_foreign2 values(null,'韩信',2); 
    -- 更新父表记录
    update my_class set id = 4 where id = 1; -- 失败: id=1记录已经被学生引用
    update my_class set id = 4 where id = 3; -- 可以: 没有引用
    -- 插入数据
    insert into my_foreign1 values(null,'马超',3);
    -- 增加外键
    alter table my_foreign1 add foreign key(c_id) references my_class(id);
    -- 创建外键: 指定模式: 删除置空,更新级联
    create table my_foreign3(
    id int primary key auto_increment,
    name varchar(20) not null,
    c_id int,
    -- 增加外键
    foreign key(c_id)
    -- 引用表
    references my_class(id)
    -- 指定删除模式
    on delete set null
    -- 指定更新默认
    on update cascade)charset utf8;
    -- 插入数据
    insert into my_foreign3 values(null,'刘备',1),
    -- 更新父表主键
    update my_class set id = 3 where id = 1;
    -- 删除父表主键
    delete from my_class where id = 2;
    -- 联合查询
    select * from my_class
    union -- 默认去重
    select * from my_class;
    select * from my_class
    union all -- 不去重
    select * from my_class;
    select id,c_name,room from my_class
    union all -- 不去重
    select name,number,id from my_student;
    -- 需求: 男生升序,女生降序(年龄)
    (select * from my_student where sex = '' order by age asc limit 9999999)
    (select * from my_student where sex = '' order by age desc limit 9999999);
    -- 标量子查询
    select * from my_student where c_id = (select id from my_class where c_name = 'PHP0710');
    select * from my_student having c_id = (select id from my_class where c_name = 'PHP0710');
    -- 列子查询
    select * from my_student where c_id in(select id from my_class);
    -- any,some,all
    select * from my_student where c_id =any(select id from my_class);
    select * from my_student where c_id =some(select id from my_class);
    select * from my_student where c_id =all(select id from my_class);
    select * from my_student where c_id !=any(select id from my_class); -- 所有结果(null除外)
    select * from my_student where c_id !=some(select id from my_class); -- 所有结果(null除外)
    select * from my_student where c_id !=all(select id from my_class); -- 2(null除外)
    select * from my_student where
    age = (select max(age) from my_student)
    height  = (select max(height) from my_student);
    -- 行子查询
    select * from my_student where 
    -- (age,height)称之为行元素
    (age,height) = (select max(age),max(height) from my_student);
    -- 表子查询
    select * from my_student group by c_id order by height desc;
    select * from (select * from my_student order by height desc) as student group by c_id;
    -- exists子查询
    select * from my_student where 
    exists(select * from my_class where id = 1);
    select * from my_student where 
    exists(select * from my_class where id = 2);
    -- 视图: 单表+多表
    create view my_v1 as 
    select * from my_student;
    create view my_v2 as 
    select * from my_class;
    create view my_v3 as 
    select * from my_student as s left join my_class c on s.c_id = c.id; -- id重复
    -- 多表视图
    create view my_v3 as 
    select s.*,c.c_name,c.room from my_student as s 
    left join my_class c 
    on s.c_id = c.id;
    -- 查看视图创建语句
    show create view my_v3G
    -- 视图使用
    select * from my_v1;
    select * from my_v2;
    select * from my_v3;
    -- 修改视图
    alter view my_v1 as
    select id,name,age,sex,height,c_id from my_student;
    -- 删除视图
    drop view my_v4;
    -- 多表视图插入数据
    insert into my_v3 values(null,'itcast0008','张三丰','',150,180,1,'PHP0326','D306');
    -- 单表视图插入数据: 视图不包含所有不允许为空字段(学号)
    insert into my_v1 values(null,'张无忌',68,'',174,2);
    -- 单表视图插入数据
    insert into my_v2 values(2,'PHP0326','D306');
    -- 多表视图删除数据
    delete from my_v3 where id = 1;
    -- 单表视图删除数据
    delete from my_v2 where id = 4;
    -- 多表视图更新数据
    update my_v3 set c_id = 3 where id = 5;
    -- 视图: age字段限制更新
    create view my_v4 as 
    select * from my_student where age > 30 with check option;
    -- 表示视图的数据来源都是年龄大于30岁:where age > 30决定
    -- with check option: 决定通过视图更新的时候,不能将已经得到的数据age > 30的改成小于30的
    -- 将视图可以查到的数据改成小于30
    update my_v4 set age = 29 where id = 1;
    -- 可以修改数据让视图可以查到: 可以改,但是无效果
    update my_v4 set age = 32 where id = 6;
    -- 获取所有班级中最高的一个学生
    create view my_v5 as 
    select * from my_student order by height desc;
    select * from my_v5 group by c_id;
    -- 指定算法为临时表
    create algorithm=temptable view my_v6 as 
    select * from my_student order by height desc;
    select * from my_v6 group by c_id;
    -- 创建myisam表
    create table my_myisam(
    id int)charset utf8 engine = myisam;
    -- 单表数据备份
    select * into outfile 'D:/server/temp/student.txt' from my_student;
    select * into outfile 'D:/server/temp/class.txt' from my_class;
    -- 指定备份处理方式
    select * into outfile 'D:/server/temp/class1.txt'
    -- 字段处理
    enclosed by '"' -- 数据使用双引号包裹
    terminated by '|' -- 使用竖线分隔字段数据
    -- 行处理
    starting by 'START:'
    from my_class;
    -- 还原数据
    load data infile 'D:/server/temp/class1.txt'
    into table my_class
    -- 字段处理
    enclosed by '"' -- 数据使用双引号包裹
    terminated by '|' -- 使用竖线分隔字段数据
    -- 行处理
    starting by 'START:';
    -- SQL 备份
    mysqldump -uroot -proot mydatabase my_student > D:/server/temp/student.sql
    -- 整库备份
    mysqldump -uroot -proot mydatabase > D:/server/temp/mydatabase.sql
    -- 还原数据:mysql客户端还原
    mysql -uroot -proot mydatabase < D:/server/temp/student.sql
    -- SQL 指令还原SQL备份
    source D:/server/temp/student.sql;


    联合查询: 将多次查询(多条select语句), 在记录上进行拼接(字段不会增加)



    多条select语句构成: 每一条select语句获取的字段数必须严格一致(但是字段类型无关)


    Select 语句1

    Union [union选项]



    Union选项: select选项一样有两个

    All: 保留所有(不管重复)

    Distinct: 去重(整个重复): 默认的


    联合查询只要求字段一样, 跟数据类型无关






    1.查询同一张表,但是需求不同: 如查询学生信息, 男生身高升序, 女生身高降序.

    2.多表查询: 多张表的结构是完全一样的,保存的数据(结构)也是一样的.


    Order by使用

    在联合查询中: order by不能直接使用,需要对查询语句使用括号才行





     若要orderby生效: 必须搭配limit: limit使用限定的最大数即可.


    子查询: sub query, 查询是在某个查询结果之上进行的.(一条select语句内部包含了另外一条select语句).




    子查询有两种分类方式: 按位置分类; 按结果分类


    按位置分类: 子查询(select语句)在外部查询(select语句)中出现的位置

    From子查询: 子查询跟在from之后

    Where子查询: 子查询出现where条件中

    Exists子查询: 子查询出现在exists里面



    按结果分类: 根据子查询得到的数据进行分类(理论上讲任何一个查询得到的结果都可以理解为二维表)

    标量子查询: 子查询得到的结果是一行一列

    列子查询: 子查询得到的结果是一列多行

    行子查询: 子查询得到的结果是多列一行(多行多列)


    表子查询: 子查询得到的结果是多行多列(出现的位置是在from之后)




    需求: 知道班级名字为PHP0710,想获取该班的所有学生.


    1. 确定数据源: 获取所有的学生

    Select * from my_student where c_id = ?;

    2. 获取班级ID: 可以通过班级名字确定

    Select id from my_class where c_name = PHP0710;-- id一定只有一个值(一行一列)





    需求: 查询所有在读班级的学生(班级表中存在的班级)


    1. 确定数据源: 学生

    Select * from my_student where c_id in (?);

    2. 确定有效班级的id: 所有班级id

    Select id from my_class;




     列子查询返回的结果会比较: 一列多行, 需要使用in作为条件匹配: 其实在mysql中有还有几个类似的条件: all, some, any


    =Any  ====  in; -- 其中一个即可

    Any ====== some;-- anysome是一样

    =all    ==== 为全部








    行子查询: 返回的结果可以是多行多列(一行多列)


    需求: 要求查询整个学生中,年龄最大且身高是最高的学生.

    1. 确定数据源

    Select * from my_student where age = ? And height = ?;

    2. 确定最大的年龄和最高的身高;

    Select max(age),max(height) from my_student;


    行子查询: 需要构造行元素: 行元素由多个字段构成




    表子查询: 子查询返回的结果是多行多列的二维表: 子查询返回的结果是当做二维表来使用


    需求: 找出每一个班最高的一个学生.


    1. 确定数据源: 先将学生按照身高进行降序排序

    Select * from my_student order by height desc;

    2. 从每个班选出第一个学生

    Select * from my_student group by c_id; -- 每个班选出第一个学生


    表子查询: from子查询: 得到的结果作为from的数据源



    Exists: 是否存在的意思, exists子查询就是用来判断某些条件是否满足(跨表), exists是接在where之后: exists返回的结果只有01.


    需求: 查询所有的学生: 前提条件是班级存在

    1. 确定数据源

    Select * from my_student where ?;

    2. 确定条件是否满足

    Exists(Select * from my_class); -- 是否成立




    select name,address,age from user order by address,age ; --按多个列排序
     select name,address,age from user order by 2,3 ; --按位置排序排序
     select name,address,age from user order by address desc,age ; --先按价格降序,在按年龄升序
     where 子句操作符
     = <> != < <= !<  >  >= !> BETWEEN IS NULL
     圆括号()>  AND  >OR  
     select name,address,age from user where (address = '广州' or address = '北京') and age >20;
    IN完成了OR 相同的功能,最大优点可以包含其他select语句
    select name,address,age from user where NOT address = '广州'
    通配符like,     _,    ([])
    select name,address,age from user where  address like'%海';--以海结尾
    select name,address,age from user where  address like'广%';--以广开头
    select name,address,age from user where  address like'%徽合%'; --中间包含的
    select name,address,age from user where  address like'广%州%';--保证数据中间存在空格也可以匹配到
    select name,address,age from user WHERE name like '张__'
    select name,address,age from user WHERE name like '张_'
    SELECT CONCAT(name,age) FROM `user`
    SELECT CONCAT(name,'(',age,')') FROM user
    SELECT name + '(',address,')'FROM user 
    SELECT name || '(',address,')'FROM user
    SELECT RTRIM(name) + '('+RTRIM(address)+')'FROM user 
    SELECT RTRIM(name) || '('|| RTRIM(address) ||')'FROM user
    算术计算 (+,-,*,/),可用圆括号区分优先顺序
    SELECT age*dept FROM user
    AVG() 返回某列平均值
    COUNT() 返回某列的行数
    MAX() 返回某列的最大值
    MIN() 返回某列最小值
    SUM() 返回某列值之和
    select AVG(age) from employee 
    select AVG(age) from employee WHERE post = 'teacher'
    select AVG(age),AVG(salary) from employee WHERE post = 'teacher'
    2.count(列名) 对特定列中具有的值进行计数,忽略NUll值
    select COUNT(*) from employee
    select COUNT(age) from employee
    MAX和MIN 最大值和最小值
    select MAX(age) from employee
    select MIN(age) from employee
    select SUM(age) from user
    select SUM(age*dept) from user
    ALL(默认) 和 DISTINCT(去重)
    select SUM(DISTINCT age) from employee --求和只参考不同年龄
    select AVG(DISTINCT age) from employee --平均值只参考不同年龄
    select COUNT(*)AS num, AVG(DISTINCT age)AS a,MAX(age)AS b,MIN(age)AS C from employee
    select COUNT(*)AS num,age from employee group by age ; --根据年龄分组,统计数量
    select COUNT(*)AS num,age AS A ,sex from employee group by A,sex --先按年龄分组,在按性别分组,统计数量
    select COUNT(*)AS num,age AS A ,sex from employee group by 2,3 --通过相对位置分组
    GROUP BY 重要规定
    1. GROUP BY 子句可用包含任意数目的列,因而可以对分组进行嵌套,更细致的进行分组
    2. 如果GROUP BY子句中嵌套了分组,数据将在最后指定的分组上进行汇总.换句话说,在建立分组时,
    3. GROUP BY子句中列出的每一列都必须是检索列或有效表达式(但不能是聚集函数).
    如果在SELECT中使用表达式,必须在GROUP BY子句中指定相同的表达式.不能使用别名
    4.大多数SQL实现不允许GROUP BY 列带有长度可变的数据类型(如文本或备注型字段)
    5.除聚集计算语句外,SELECT语句中的每一列都必须在GROUP BY 子句中给出
    7.GROUP BY 必须在 where 之后 ,order by 之前
    HAVING和where非常类似,如果不指定GROUP BY,则大多数DBMS会同等对待它们,不过我们要区分这一点,使用having时应该
    结合GROUP BY子句
    select COUNT(*),age from employee group by age HAVING COUNT(*)>=2
    select *FROM employee1 WHERE dep_id in(SELECT id FROM department WHERE id = 200)
    select cust_name ,cust_status,(select count(*) from orders where Orders.cust_id = Customers.cust_id) AS orders from Customers;
    select prod_name,vend_name,quantity from Orders,Products,Vendors where Products.vend_id = Vendors.vend_id AND
    Orders.prod_id = Products.prod_id AND order_num = 20211103
    关键字 OUTER JOIN ,在使用OUTER JOIN语法时,必须使用right 或 left
    left outer join ;   right outer join 
    组合查询 -  创建组合查询使用UNION操作符
    1.UNION 必须由两条或两条以上的SELECT语句组成,语句之间用关键字UNION(如果组合了4条select语句,将使用3个UNION关键字)
    4.UNION 默认重复行会被字段取消,如果想返回所有匹配的行,课使用UNION ALL
    5.UNION组合查询时,只能使用一条order by 语句而且必须位于最后一条select 语句之后
    select name,contact,email from Customers where state in ('IL','IN','IM') 
    select  name,contact,email from Customers where name = '张三';
    insert into test values(1,'22')
    insert into test(id,name) values(1,'22')
    插入检索出的数据(insert select检索出多少行就插入多少行)
    insert into test(id,name) select id,name from test2 ;
    update 表名 set 列名=xxx where 条件
    update (不要省略where),省略了就会更新表中所有的行
    update 表名 set name = 'wind',age = 18 where id = 1
    UPDATE employee1 set employee1.name = (SELECT name FROM department WHERE id = 200) WHERE id = 1
    UPDATE employee1 set employee1.name = '哈哈124' WHERE dep_id = (SELECT id FROM department WHERE id = 200)
    1 .从表中删除特定的行
    DELETE FROM employee1 WHERE id =1
    2 .从表中删除所有的行
    DELETE FROM employee1 --(!!!非常危险!!!)
    DELETE FROM employee1 WHERE dep_id = (SELECT name FROM department WHERE id = 200) 


    select name,address,age from user order by address,age ; --按多个列排序
    select name,address,age from user order by 2,3 ; --按位置排序排序
    select name,address,age from user order by address desc,age ; --先按价格降序,在按年龄升序

    where 子句操作符
    = <> != < <= !< > >= !> BETWEEN IS NULL



    圆括号()> AND >OR

    select name,address,age from user where (address = '广州' or address = '北京') and age >20;

    IN完成了OR 相同的功能,最大优点可以包含其他select语句

    select name,address,age from user where NOT address = '广州'

    通配符like, _, ([])

    select name,address,age from user where address like'%海';--以海结尾
    select name,address,age from user where address like'广%';--以广开头
    select name,address,age from user where address like'%徽合%'; --中间包含的
    select name,address,age from user where address like'广%州%';--保证数据中间存在空格也可以匹配到

    select name,address,age from user WHERE name like '张__'
    select name,address,age from user WHERE name like '张_'

    SELECT CONCAT(name,age) FROM `user`
    SELECT CONCAT(name,'(',age,')') FROM user
    SELECT name + '(',address,')'FROM user
    SELECT name || '(',address,')'FROM user


    SELECT RTRIM(name) + '('+RTRIM(address)+')'FROM user
    SELECT RTRIM(name) || '('|| RTRIM(address) ||')'FROM user

    算术计算 (+,-,*,/),可用圆括号区分优先顺序
    SELECT age*dept FROM user

    AVG() 返回某列平均值
    COUNT() 返回某列的行数
    MAX() 返回某列的最大值
    MIN() 返回某列最小值
    SUM() 返回某列值之和

    select AVG(age) from employee
    select AVG(age) from employee WHERE post = 'teacher'
    select AVG(age),AVG(salary) from employee WHERE post = 'teacher'

    2.count(列名) 对特定列中具有的值进行计数,忽略NUll值
    select COUNT(*) from employee
    select COUNT(age) from employee

    MAX和MIN 最大值和最小值
    select MAX(age) from employee
    select MIN(age) from employee

    select SUM(age) from user
    select SUM(age*dept) from user

    ALL(默认) 和 DISTINCT(去重)

    select SUM(DISTINCT age) from employee --求和只参考不同年龄
    select AVG(DISTINCT age) from employee --平均值只参考不同年龄


    select COUNT(*)AS num, AVG(DISTINCT age)AS a,MAX(age)AS b,MIN(age)AS C from employee

    select COUNT(*)AS num,age from employee group by age ; --根据年龄分组,统计数量

    select COUNT(*)AS num,age AS A ,sex from employee group by A,sex --先按年龄分组,在按性别分组,统计数量

    select COUNT(*)AS num,age AS A ,sex from employee group by 2,3 --通过相对位置分组

    GROUP BY 重要规定
    1. GROUP BY 子句可用包含任意数目的列,因而可以对分组进行嵌套,更细致的进行分组
    2. 如果GROUP BY子句中嵌套了分组,数据将在最后指定的分组上进行汇总.换句话说,在建立分组时,
    3. GROUP BY子句中列出的每一列都必须是检索列或有效表达式(但不能是聚集函数).
    如果在SELECT中使用表达式,必须在GROUP BY子句中指定相同的表达式.不能使用别名
    4.大多数SQL实现不允许GROUP BY 列带有长度可变的数据类型(如文本或备注型字段)
    5.除聚集计算语句外,SELECT语句中的每一列都必须在GROUP BY 子句中给出
    7.GROUP BY 必须在 where 之后 ,order by 之前

    HAVING和where非常类似,如果不指定GROUP BY,则大多数DBMS会同等对待它们,不过我们要区分这一点,使用having时应该
    结合GROUP BY子句

    select COUNT(*),age from employee group by age HAVING COUNT(*)>=2

    select *FROM employee1 WHERE dep_id in(SELECT id FROM department WHERE id = 200)
    select cust_name ,cust_status,(select count(*) from orders where Orders.cust_id = Customers.cust_id) AS orders from Customers;

    select prod_name,vend_name,quantity from Orders,Products,Vendors where Products.vend_id = Vendors.vend_id AND
    Orders.prod_id = Products.prod_id AND order_num = 20211103


    关键字 OUTER JOIN ,在使用OUTER JOIN语法时,必须使用right 或 left
    left outer join ; right outer join

    组合查询 - 创建组合查询使用UNION操作符
    1.UNION 必须由两条或两条以上的SELECT语句组成,语句之间用关键字UNION(如果组合了4条select语句,将使用3个UNION关键字)
    4.UNION 默认重复行会被字段取消,如果想返回所有匹配的行,课使用UNION ALL
    5.UNION组合查询时,只能使用一条order by 语句而且必须位于最后一条select 语句之后

    select name,contact,email from Customers where state in ('IL','IN','IM')
    select name,contact,email from Customers where name = '张三';

    insert into test values(1,'22')
    insert into test(id,name) values(1,'22')
    插入检索出的数据(insert select检索出多少行就插入多少行)
    insert into test(id,name) select id,name from test2 ;

    update 表名 set 列名=xxx where 条件
    update (不要省略where),省略了就会更新表中所有的行

    update 表名 set name = 'wind',age = 18 where id = 1

    UPDATE employee1 set employee1.name = (SELECT name FROM department WHERE id = 200) WHERE id = 1
    UPDATE employee1 set employee1.name = '哈哈124' WHERE dep_id = (SELECT id FROM department WHERE id = 200)


    1 .从表中删除特定的行
    DELETE FROM employee1 WHERE id =1
    2 .从表中删除所有的行
    DELETE FROM employee1 --(!!!非常危险!!!)


    DELETE FROM employee1 WHERE dep_id = (SELECT name FROM department WHERE id = 200)





  • 相关阅读:
    oracle 用户密码过期
    oracle 行列装置
    SQL Server 2005参考:PIVOT
    SOAP 入门
    SQL Server 2005参考:数据汇总
    Silverlight 参考: 几何图形 MSDN
    Silverlight 项目开发准则参考
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/TodayWind/p/14199673.html
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